Critical Essay on the Positive Effects of Social Media

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The use of social media has been a ubiquitous act that is occurring among almost everyone around the world. This has led to the main reason why most kids, teenagers and adults can’t do without pressing their gadgets (phones and laptops) just because they want to make use of a social media network. Some people even walk and press their mobile devices without caring if they will fall down while in motion due to the intense concentration on social media network. I am also a social media network addict; my mum complains about the consistence use of my smartphone because I am always online and active on my social media networks. Apart from being addicted to social media networks, I can confidently tell that I have gained lots of things and benefits just with the use of social media networks. That is why, in this essay, I want to talk about the impact of social media, which I believe is positive.

The first positive effect is that social media help to learn. Despite the fact that it may seem strange at first glance, but in my experience, I have found that it is really so. With social media, we can search for groups, pages, or platforms that engage in the activities we want to learn. There are several groups on Facebook and Twitter that we can learn from. As for me, I have been able to improve my math skills through various Facebook groups.

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In addition, we can earn money on social networks by promoting skills to friends, followers and other people. And this is the second positive effect. I know some marketers who use this strategy to get more profit in their wallet.

One of the main positive effects of social media is that it facilitates communication. Social media network is the most used tools used in communication as it helps in easy and convenient communication irrespective of the distance. We can use video call or voice call online even at long distances, regardless of our location.

Also, social media is one of the best places for news and information. People are able to share what is happening around their environment with the help of social media. Most of the gist and gossips we hear about are mostly posted by people on social media platforms.

And of course, social media helps kill boredom when we’re bored. As for me, I use social media as my ‘anti-boredom cleanser’ because I no longer get bored when I use of social media networks.

In conclusion, I believe that contrary to popular belief about the negative impact of social media, I still believe that its impact on us is more positive than negative.

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Critical Essay on the Positive Effects of Social Media. (2023, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from
“Critical Essay on the Positive Effects of Social Media.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2023,
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Critical Essay on the Positive Effects of Social Media [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Sept 15 [cited 2025 Jan 11]. Available from:

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