Cyber Crimes and Its Effects on Youth

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Cybercrime is a crime in which criminal activities are carried out by means of computer or Internet. There are many types of cybercrime. Computer is used as the tool of crime and sometimes, computer is the object of the crime. It includes harassing cyber users. Cybercrime is the most powerful crime that is growing fastly.

Cybercrimes has been defined as, “Any illegal act fostered or facilitated by a computer, whether the computer is an object is an object of a crime, an instrument used to commit a crime, or a repository of evidence related to a crime”(Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 2000). The most popular and innovative creation in the world of technology is Internet. The main advantage of Internet is fastest communication but security is the crucial issue on the internet. Cybercrimes are increasing day by day throughout the world and are becoming more costly for the organizations.

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Becoming the victim of cyber can have long lasting effects on any one’s life. There are many effects of cybercrimes on finance and investment activities with in digital organization. One of the common technique the criminals employ is that they attract cyber users by making beautiful websites and sending false emails pretending to come from a bank or an organization requesting personal information. It helps criminals to access one’s bank account and personal information .It also allows them to access once credit accounts; they damage their accounts and make new accounts .This type of loss takes months or sometimes years to restore one’s personal information. People faced cybercrimes due to unnecessary friend requests and messages. Due to software piracy, account hacking, cheat by mail and due to viruses attacks. They also faces trouble due to unauthorized access mailing, threatening by E-mail pornography and transmitting videos. So, these cybercrimes are very painful towards people. But youth is one of the main target of these crimes.

Mostly our young generation is involved in cybercrimes. According to research 63.8% of cyber criminals are using Internet for study purpose. As our youth is mostly using computer and Internet and are mostly involved in cybercrimes so they are mostly effected by these crimes. They are effecting personally, socially/culturally and economically. They faces psychological problems due to unauthorized access mailing, threatening by E-mail pornography, warnings, rationally destroy data, complex in operating data and transmitting videos.

Sexting cases are also increasing day by day with the advancement in technology. Our youth is mostly effected by it. Indecent pictures of children or younger got uploaded on internet and then both have to suffer. Young generation is mostly involved in these types of crimes. Due to this type of cheap actions youth have to face many problems. It causes moral disorders.

When one time youth get involved in these types of crimes its entertains him to see others in critical situation when they don’t know where to go. Then criminal create new ideas that how to tease others? And he spent most of his time in these cheap activities. So, these crimes also causes wastage of time but time is very precious for youth because at the age of about fifteen to eighteen they are in the stage of learning. Hence, these crimes engage our youth and reduce productivity of the nation. If we compare Hindu and Islam, 81% Islamic people are involved in cybercrimes.

Cybercrimes are becoming more costly to the different organizations due to hacking of accounts. Companies got damaged due to loss of their accounts. This causes economical loss on large scale and they could not manage the loss and they have to close company. When a company has to stop, every one related to company has to suffer. Everyone have to face economical issues. Mostly youth are the employers in company, youth is the stage when every have high aims, they have power to do something but when their dreams becomes target to this type of silly crimes they feel lost. They got depressed and then loss their interest in activities once enjoyed.

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Cyber Crimes and Its Effects on Youth. (2022, August 25). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Cyber Crimes and Its Effects on Youth.” Edubirdie, 25 Aug. 2022,
Cyber Crimes and Its Effects on Youth. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Cyber Crimes and Its Effects on Youth [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Aug 25 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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