Definition Essay about Maturity

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Life is a cycle encompassing a lot of phases. We live life in intervals of decades. In every decade we are evolving maturity with the passage of our ages. With the transit of our age, we come across a lot of ups and downs. In each decade of our life the threshold from our inception to our fruition we experience situations weighing according to our age. According to the experience of these situations, we enhance our maturity and mental strength.

Infants to 10 years

This is the origin state of our mind. We enter into an initial decade of life where our mind is born. In this transit of decades, our mind is nurtured according to the ambience and humans we live with. Our mind starts analyzing and pondering what are the senses. Learning five senses; hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, tasting. In this first decade of our life, our mind accrues these senses to evolve into a language. Thus learning the mother tongue or native language replete our mind with all human senses.

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10 to 20 years

This is the second decade of human mind nourishment in which it is fully capable of entailing into a discourse. This is the transit of facing new intervals of life through the ambiance around and schooling education we come up with.

20 to 30 years

This is a phase of the decade in which our minds are firm in making self-decisions. The decisions taken depend upon the level of maturity we attain. These decisions can be both positive and negative for us as we perceive our life span.

30 to 40 years

This is a span in which we encounter the ups and downs of life. These ups and downs are virtually polishing our minds for future life. Here comes a phase in which our mental strength is tested according to the situations we deal with. Our mind is churned to deal with social personal and professional situations eventually.

40 to 50 years

This is the middle decade of our life in which our minds tend to give what it has received. In other words, our mind is not eligible for any immature conduct socially personally, or professionally. Our mind is gauged as a matured and skilled tool overall.

50 to 60 years

This is an old age phase of our mind in which it tends to give lessons to others in terms of the learning experiences in aggregate. Our mind tends to arbiter others' minds who are learning the same cycle of life we have gone through. In this decade of life, our mind becomes a role model for many as our mind is fully developed and strengthened depending upon the intellect we possess. We are valued according to the level of cerebral we have inherited.

60 years till the fruition of life

This is a retiring phase of the human mind in which it wants to relax and relish its journey so far. The human mind in this decade evaluates its life transit by concluding all experiences learned and faced eventually.

From the above essay, we conclude the human mind is shaped developed polished, and strengthened according to the atmosphere and situations it undergoes to the level of exposure altogether.

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Definition Essay about Maturity. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Definition Essay about Maturity.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
Definition Essay about Maturity. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 Sept. 2024].
Definition Essay about Maturity [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from:

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