Descriptive Character Essay on Marcus from the Movie ‘Freedom Writers’

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I had a very difficult time to choose one from the many outstanding characters from the movie we watch ‘Freedom Writers’. After some thinking I have chosen to describe one of the most authentic from all, Marcus. Marcus is independent young man who was forced to live on his own after his mom kicked him out of the house because of his involvement with a gang. He is a student at Woodrow Wilson High school in Long Beach California and stood out for me with his character, some tragically circumstances that have influenced his further and personality.

Marcus is an African American male teenager in his freshman year at high school. His body language tells you to keep the distance from him and don’t come closer. He is a very tall, strong build, fuller figured young man with bright shoulder. His head is full of dark, thick curly hair that is cut short. On his oval, full face, the big dark eyes are first to see because of the expresses in the same time sorrowful and sad. Above his full firm lips are well trimmed thin mustache. He has a typical black male wide nose. He is always dressed in jeans usually with button shirt over undershirt open. He wears a snicker, holds his body tense, and always ready to jump if needed. In the left ear he wears a gold band airing. When he talks his voice is strong and has authority that everybody else is listening to him without doubt. Tone of his voice and way he holds his body tell you that he is not afraid from anything and anybody and he is ready to fight for what he believes is right and to protect his own.

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From early childhood Marcus had a very difficult time and was faced with biggest loses. His character was built on the tragic lost of his friend who shout himself accidentally on front of him. The worst thing was that he was blame for it and had serve a sentence in juvenile for something he hasn’t done. This has put him on wrong path in his life that he has paid for with the lost oh home mind contacts with his mom. Going in and out of jail has built his strong character. He is brave and not afraid of dying. He tells this very clearly to Mrs. Gruwell on front of his class that he is ready to die before he is 18 and that makes him proud. Only thing he cares is earning the respect from his friends that he is dying for and that respect on the end is only thing that matters.

Marcus is very defensive toward any authorities. He had all the reasons for it because he was put in a jail for something he hasn’t done. His best friend has accidently killed himself in front of him. When the police came, they didn’t ask him what happened they assumed because he is a black, he killed his friend. This event shaped his attitudes towards the police and white people. It made him believe that cops would always blame the black guy, and he hated them for it. He honestly believes that racism plays a very big role in the society and that black person would always be blamed for everything bad that happened. At the beginning he is somehow angry and aggressive. He shows this side of his character in the scene with Mrs. Erin when she tries to talk to the class with understanding about how they feel. He told her in a very rough, angry voice that she didn't know anything and that he wanted to bother explaining anything to her because she was only here to look after the baby for a bit and would soon be gone, she would have better opportunities as well all the rest. He is angry with Erin for trying to understand the culture they live in.

He expresses his opinion about unfairness and intolerance from authorities very strongly at the beginning of the movie to his teacher Mrs. Gruwell and later on in his diary. He argues with Mrs. Gruwell about her opinion and calls her a baby siter that would just stay there till she finds something better to do like everybody else before her. In same time he is quiet. He sits at the back of the classroom on the first day and didn’t say anything. He was just listening and collecting information. Even in the moment when Jamal and Andre were fighting right in front of him, he chose not to get involved or say anything. He was just sitting back eating like nothing is happening.

Marcus is independent young man who was forced to live on his own after his mom kicked him out from the house because of his gang involvement. He lives on his own and takes care of everything that he needs. Toward the end of the movie with unconditional support from Mrs. Gruwell Marcus changes lot. He grows very respectful towards people around him especially toward his teacher. In his own way he shows his respect with street slang to Mrs. Gruwell calling her Ma what is a sign of extreme respect. He also shows his compassionate and kind-hearted side when one of his classmates reads his diary and they learn about his family and how he ended up on the street. Marcus is first one that walks up to him and gives him support with fist and hug. Marcus has a tear on his face and doesn’t even try to hide his feelings in the moment. Throughout the movie he develops a huge passion for learning and learns to speak up about his opinion without hesitation and to stands behind his words. He also became confident toward the end. Best scene that supports this side of his character is when he without any hesitant stands up in front of everybody and tells Miss Geier that she is his hero. That shows how much he has built up his confidence and how much he has grown as a person for better. He also throughout his wish to walk mis Gees to her chair shows that he is not afraid of showing his feelings and ends up walking Miss Gites to her chair.

Throughout the whole movie we have learned that if you really want you can change your life for better. Also, we learn that when someone gives you unconditional support in youth life and believes in you when nobody else does you can move the mountains. Marcus is a very good example how somebody can get out of the worst situation and put his life back on the track.

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Descriptive Character Essay on Marcus from the Movie ‘Freedom Writers’. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
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