Ethnography as a Method for Selecting Research Participants

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Definition
  3. When ethnography is applied
  4. Key features
  5. Access to participants for study
  6. Strengths of this method
  7. Weakness of this method
  8. Conclusion


Research involves selecting one suitable method that could facilitate the researcher achieve his or her objectives. It is for this reason that in social science research new methods have been proposed effective when conduct a study which involves human and their culture. One of such methods is ethnography. In view of this, the paper discusses ethnography as a research methodology in relation to selection research participants. It begins by defining ethnography, stating the historical view of ethnography, situations on which it could be used, key features in ethnography, how to get into setting and conclude with strengths and weaknesses of ethnography.


Before discussing any subject that is particular important to science, we need to first understand the term and what is made off. Similarly, it is critical to draw a clear understanding of the term ethnography as a research method. A lot of people have attempted to define ethnography in diverse ways. One concept of ethnography view it as a ‘’systematic study of people and cultures’’, (Brewers, 2000). Under this conceptual understanding, the researcher directs his or her attention to observing the society in relation to the topic he want to study. Many people use this method in prospect to graphically depict and write a culture of a group. Certain people regard Ethnography one type qualitative research method which involves the researcher and research participants in real-life issues. All of these assumptions about ethnography bears the same understanding that suggest it to be a study happening in social context where people and their activities become the basis for data collection through participation.

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When ethnography is applied

There are different instances when Ethnography is useful. For eample when searching for the issues related to cultural norms and views, trying to understand the reasons for the use of certain behavior or practices, examining social trends and instances like divorce, illness, migration, examining social interactions and encounters, understand the roles of families and organizations and their behaviour, identify new patterns and gain new insights into social phenomenon, understand the hygiene and sanitation practices of communities, observe the types of punishment given to children at school and studying the behavior of workers in an organization

Key features

An ethnographic examination is novel in that there are explicit components that distinguish it from other different strategies for research. As indicated by Ngwisha (2007), ethnography utilizes a group of general responsibilities or introduction to investigate. These incorporate the issue of understanding social activity, the accentuation of the procedure, the examination of Natural settings as referred to as Naturalism, the investigation of social wonder in their specific situation, which is refered to as Holism, the suspicion that there are constantly numerous viewpoints and the utilization of different strategies, with accentuation on participant observation and interviewing.

Access to participants for study

In order for the researcher access social setting, observe behavior and work closely with participant participating in the qualitative research with them, a number of research instruments of collecting data are useful in ethnography, such as in-depth interviewing, participant observation, personal documents and discourse analyses of natural language.

However, access the partipants in these instruments is not an easy task. This has been ascertained by many researchers in the social science perspective. For example Shaffir et aI. (1980) and Shaffir and Stebbins (1991) pointed out that access to participant is the major issue which start with structure arrangement faced with by field agents, one focal issue shared by all field agents is the issue of access to participant. The issue arises when answering the question of who ones participant are and the study area (setting). We can view Spencer (1991), who gave an insight on how it is difficult access participants when we think about some organization that have strict bureaucratic, such as the military. Spencer (1991) elaborated specific characteristics associated with such organization through which an ethnographer has to pass to get access to the needed information. We can also relate the scenario to what might happen if the researcher wants to carry out specific diagnosis in an organization like a jail of psychiatric clinic, of course procedure of how to get a consent of offer has to be followed, in the similar way the 1991 analysis was done at the U.S. Military Academy. However, Robert Burgess (1991: 43) highlighted that how get to participants is 'arranged and stated through the exploration procedure. It is evident from his expression that get access to depend on rapport formed between the researcher and the participants throughout the activity.

In a different instance, Hertz and Imber (1993) also explain issues related to directing field thinks about in world class settings. In line with this, they propose that there has been few investigation of elites because elites by nature are difficuit to access. Moreover, in certain societies finding elites is simple. However, in a general sense, it is hard to find elites due to obstractions and impendiments and decline of access to researchers.

Although there are different methods that can facilitate to access the difficult-to-achieve groups, the appropriate answers could be found in perusing the writing. Just like vrious settings and organisations are hard to access to, a good number of them can be accessed. This is depicted by (Ostrander, 1993) when she encountered by a fairly easy to access upper - class ladies. She pointed out four things that help in accessing difficuilt to access groups, which include a bit of luck, exploiting certain connections, extensive foundation work, and making the correct contacts

Considering the limited settings or organization in the context of access of participants, may at a glace depict tasky work, but afterwards it pays. This is why it is important to comtemplate on the few vital hubs during structural phase of a researc. For instance, since most ethnographic research includes human subjects, analysts must give significant idea to ways they can make sure the participant are free from harm and injuries, (Berg, 2001). This is particularly evident when managing confined groupings or settings. In these lines, care must be put on not to entire participants' rights and security. Likewise, analysts must think about how they will approach seeking for authorization or assent of the participants. Obviously, this requires a choice about whether to enter the field as a declared researcher (clearly) or as a mystery researcher (secretively).

Generally, accessing the field may either be exceedingly available or a limited setting or a choice made during at the commencement of a research. This is possible because these choices establish the both the application and methodology of the entire research. This is what (Janesick (1994: 210-211) depicted when he mentioned “arranging the research structure”. Similarly, it is important for the ethnographer to master the core lessons that the research will potray in the results.

In view of this, choosing the appropriate way of entering the field is vital. The style of how one decides to proceed in the research should include certain issues, and concentrate in the preferred style is one step in addressing this issue. Similarly, regardless of the style one has chosen, it is important to be aware of how close the style is to the research setting as this may be affected by the participants in the study setting. Basing on the study of 1970, Receptive effects of perception are the most bewildering highlight of member perception, since the nearness of a researcher in any setting is regularly an outside item. The making of the job of member onlooker definitely brings some level of reactivity into the field setting, (Denzin, 1970).

Strengths of this method

Since ethnography involves researching on human and their culture, researchers have to build some sort of relationship which could enable them enter a specific culture. This means that participants have to know better the people they would be working with in the research or an experiment. The rapport created between participants and the research helps the participant to free ask the researcher about the goal and objectives of the proposed study, in order for them make a decision whether to refuse or accept to be part of the study. By doing so, the ethics of research are upheld. Consequently, the ultimate result of upholding ethical norms help in protecting the participants.

Another strength of ethnography method concerns with its wide range of approaches suitable based on the research setting. These approaches include observation, interviews, and detailed analysis often at a micro level, (Jones and Smith, 1998). These methods have predominantly been involving depth of fieldwork as well as always identified with exemplary engagement of participants in the usual setting. With the participants and their settings in consideration, there is an improvement of the quality of findings of ethnography research. For example, we all know that participant observation as a type of ethnography demands that the ethnographer be involved in the setting where a study is being undertaken.

Different qualities of ethnography as a technique includes those (Salzman, 2009) proposed, which include, ethnographic research empowers scientists to pursue same individuals for an adequately extensive stretch to observe the intermittent changes in their lives. This activity centered on whatever people are doing or what is occurring in the lives of the general population. The technique permits to make a preference with respect to what is a sight to be the simultaneous happenings of the participants and their setting.

Furthermore, ethnographic research dependent on the different data which aids cross-checking and conceptualizing a subject. This could be found in the quantity of model given in writing. For cases, we see what individuals do; we tune in to what they state to each other; we note what they state to us; we do overviews; we measure and check a wide range of thing; we partake in some nearby exercises; we read neighborhood papers, reports, books, open and private archives and records, and watch nearby media; we draw on authentic, old stories, political, and different records by different analysts, (Salzman, 2009).

Weakness of this method

It is evident that for Ethnographic research to take place there must be a relationship build between the participants and researcher. This is not a simple task to achieve, but requires commitment. Thus, it can take more time. This is a great weakness because it sought for building trust with the informant in an effort to facilitate full and honest disclosure. At times this can lead to partial of the researcher which could impact on study design and the collection and valid interpretation of data. In most cases, such data is engrossed with deadly errors patterning to a people’s behavior.

The nature of ethnography results into many problems, because of the people who are involved. In this context the researcher must decide whether to adopt an overt or covert approach to data collection and observation. According to Jones and Smith (1998), in a plain methodology, the informants realize they are being observed, while in an undercover methodology the informants are ignorant they are being observed. Second, the specialist must consider 'their position' either as an 'insider' (emic) or 'untouchable' (etic). Broadly, an emic approach is lined up with inundating into the way of life, watching and recording informants' lifestyle and activities, as opposed to the etic approach that watches and portrays networks and societies.


It is essential to note that ethnography method of research involves people, their activities and culture. Because of this it requires that the research be aware of what to be done in order to get access to the informants. The most critical one has been creating a strong relationship which could help the research be trustworthy of being given the information he needs. It is also certain that ethnography has great opportunities especially where gaining access to research participants concerns. The strength suggest how effective the method could be especially in the aforementioned area. However, weaknesses are also important to understand them, because they can distort the collection, and interpretation of the data including the whole design of the study.

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Ethnography as a Method for Selecting Research Participants. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
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