Epic of Gilgamesh' Vs Noah's Ark: Comparative Analysis

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The natural interactions between the people who wrote the Epic of Gilgamesh and The Code of Hammurabi had a large influence on many of the stories and laws are written in the Old Testament. The Epic of Gilgamesh is thought to be the oldest form of prose/poetry, and it was written during the mid-3rd century BCE meaning the Old Testament came after. The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Old Testament have a very similar story that most Christians know as Noah’s Ark. In both stories, the idea of Noah’s Ark is almost identical. Some common elements were how in both stories there was some discussion of a storm coming, they knew the storm had stopped by the daylight peeing through the cover and vent of the boat, and lastly, how every human was dead or they had turned into a statue, its the same concept just perceived in a different way. Both accounts send the same message with only slight changes to minor details. Since the Epic of Gilgamesh came first, it can be determined that the Old Testament used this story, made it their own, and came up with connections to their own culture. Then there is the Code of Hammurabi which was one the earliest and most complete written legal codes and was written in 1750 BCE. Due to the fact that this was one of the first, it most likely influenced the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament. In both sets of laws, there are many similarities and differences, such as in both, they discuss having to honor your father and mother, no killing allowed, and now stealing. The most drastic difference in these laws is how The Code of Hammurabi is very violent and discusses, extreme punishment, while the Ten Commandments are more peaceful. The writers of the Ten Commandments, therefore, decided to use these ideas from the code of Hammurabi, change it up, and use it to send a more kind and holy message. These examples of cultural diffusion prove that even in religion, cultural diffusion can occur, and it is used to spread a message of spirituality and faith.

Trade, natural interactions, and the Crusades led to the exchange of culture between Muslims and Christians. The crusades were a series of religious wars authorized by the Latin Church during the medieval period, around 1095–1492. The contribution of the Crusades was that trade increased, and as Europeans traveled they became more familiar with exotic goods and so cultures were spread.

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Epic of Gilgamesh’ Vs Noah’s Ark: Comparative Analysis. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/epic-of-gilgamesh-vs-noahs-ark-comparative-analysis/
“Epic of Gilgamesh’ Vs Noah’s Ark: Comparative Analysis.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/epic-of-gilgamesh-vs-noahs-ark-comparative-analysis/
Epic of Gilgamesh’ Vs Noah’s Ark: Comparative Analysis. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/epic-of-gilgamesh-vs-noahs-ark-comparative-analysis/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Epic of Gilgamesh’ Vs Noah’s Ark: Comparative Analysis [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/epic-of-gilgamesh-vs-noahs-ark-comparative-analysis/

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