Essay on Career Goals

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How can I improve my employability prospects to reach my career goals?

My career goal as of this moment is to complete my degree course to the best standard I can and to get a job in the real estate property development sector. I hope to improve and add employability skills to my knowledge with the aim to make myself as good a candidate as possible to get a job in the future. I want to also achieve full professional status and obtain my RICS membership qualification.

Skills I have that will help me reach my career goals-

I am enthusiastic and willing to learn- this is a positive and important skill to have and can help when starting or getting a new job. This will show that I am willing to understand and be the best I can be and complete any task to the best of my ability.

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I have good time management- this a good trait to have as improving your time management in the workplace allows for you to enhance and better your performance in order to achieve your desired goals with more efficiency and with more effective strategies. However, failing to manage time or having poor time management at work could result in a lack of focus and missed appointments and deadlines. These are very important parts of the real estate property development sector.

I have good teamwork skills and I can work with almost any type of person personality to achieve a collective goal. Team working skills are an essential part of almost any job or workplace as having collaboration within a group can help solve difficult problems. Brainstorming is a great opportunity for my team to exchange each person's ideas and conjure a creative way of doing things. By working in a team, you can find the solutions that work best.

A smaller but still important factor I have is that I have my driver's license as well as my own car. This could be useful as going for a job interview that includes doing a job a fair distance away would mean I would be able to easily travel to and from that location. The real estate property development industry can also be known for visiting from place to place and my being able to travel in a car easily would help.

The skill I would like to acquire to improve my employability prospects-

I would like to be a better leader. This is because effective leaders have the ability to communicate efficiently, motivate a team, handle and assign responsibilities, listen to any feedback given and have flexibility in order to solve problems during an adaptable workplace. Strong leadership skills are very valuable for job applicants and employees.

I would like to be more adaptable. Being adaptable in the workplace is a key factor for many reasons. Being adaptable is important as it showcases your; ability to be resourceful, the leadership skills you have, your determination, and your analytical skills. These are all valuable aspects that a future employer would look for in an employee. A way that I could acquire this skill could be to change my thought process and look at problems and ideas in more than one way.

I would like to have more resilience in the workplace. Resilience would enable me to have a more positive approach to work and an outlook on life, which would enable me to have better problem-solving skills and helps to maintain motivation. It's not just a reactive skill that switches on when a person faces challenges, however. It also enables a proactive approach to daily life.

More recently something I have noticed more whilst studying at university is that I should aim to improve how I motivate myself. At the moment deadlines are the motivating factor for me to complete my assignments however I would like to be able to motivate myself to complete or work on assignments sooner to the handout date rather than the submission deadline date. Although my time management skills are good, I will work on schedules for my assignments better manage the time that I spend on completing my assignments, therefore allowing me more time to think and prepare before the deadline.

Ways that I will improve my prospects to achieve my career goals-

A way that I will start to improve my prospects is to create my perfect CV and keep it up to date. I will be sure that it does not contain unnecessary information, I will make sure it is in the correct and suitable format, and it will include all my skills and experience with jobs and activities I have done in the past.

I will start up a LinkedIn account to showcase my skills and go into more detail about myself than what is simply written on my cv.

I will volunteer with a local charity or cause in my area. This would be a great way to boost my CV as it will prove that I am willing to invest my time in doing something good for other people. Having an interest or passion for a particular cause can also act as a great talking point in my future job interviews.

I am and will continue to, look for more work experience relating to my career goals in order to better my understanding of the industry and improve my chances of securing a good job efficiently.

I am a student member of the RICS which is an advantage as it will help with becoming a chartered surveyor. This also means I can go through mentoring schemes, and have access to literature and market intelligence. Career advise and APC mentoring support is provided in a social environment as well as more formally part of the university visits and forums.

Although my written and communication skills are of relatively good standard I would like to improve as well as broaden my vocabulary as through research I found that employers often look out for oral and written communicational skills.

I will try to keep up to date with current and new affairs in the industry such as the estate's gazette as well as the RICS monthly magazine that I will be sure to read.

Lastly, I will send my CV to all local agents and firms that could be hiring with the aim of possibly getting an internship with one or more work experience. This will be a great way to get me started on my career path as an internship will provide me with knowledge of how working in the property development industry is. This experience will also benefit me when on my CV as it will show possible future employers that I can adapt to a new job easily after learning from work experience already.

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Essay on Career Goals. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
“Essay on Career Goals.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023,
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