Essay on Child Care Observation

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In this observation, we are analyzing an eight-year-old child. During thirty minutes, notes were taken on the child’s actions. Things that have to do with the relationship with the child and its parents, certain movements and behaviors the child takes towards different situations. Certain subjects that stood out were parenting styles, the cognitive developmental theory, patterns of attachment, and the role of imitation.

Parenting Styles

Diana Baumrind, a clinical and formative therapist, concentrated on the connection between child-rearing styles and the improvement of skillful conduct in youthful kids. Baumrind depicts four distinct kinds of child-rearing styles; authoritative, authoritarian, permissive-indulgent, rejecting-neglecting

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Authoritative. As indicated by Baumrind, legitimate guardians are exceptionally prohibitive and make solid requests for development (p. 156). 'These guardians recognize what they need their youngsters to do yet additionally regard their kids and are warm towards them.' (Baumrind, 2013). On account of this child-rearing style, kids will in general show confidence and autonomy, high confidence, elevated amounts of movement and exploratory conduct, and social skills (p. 156).

Authoritarian. These dictator guardians esteem compliance for their very own addition. Tending to have strict accepts about what's good and bad and influence their youngsters to acknowledge those accepts beyond a shadow of a doubt (p. 157). Most analysts observe them to be commonly cold and dismissing ( Larzelere et al., 2013 ). As indicated by Baumrind, children of tyrant guardians are moderately threatening and disobedient and the little girls are low in freedom and strength.

Permissive-indulgent. Guardians who are low in their endeavors to control their youngsters (p.157). Tending to be all the more accommodating and unpredictable. These guardians don't anticipate developing conduct from their kids and regularly appear to be more similar to a companion than a parental figure (Cherry 2019).

Rejecting-neglecting. 'The parent does not empower enthusiastic reliance and neglects to improve their youngster's environment.' (Pam 2013). Tending to be low in their requests to develop conduct and endeavors to control their kids (p. 157). As per Kendra Cherry, while they accommodate essential needs like sustenance and safe house, they are, generally, uninvolved in their kids' lives (2018).

During the observation period, some patterns of parenting styles were observed coming from both parents that affected the child’s behavior. The mother of the child showed very authoritarian and strict behavior when the child began to bounce on the mattress and spilled the cup of coke on the table while the father showed to be more caring and compassionate during the mother’s

Cognitive Developmental Theory

Jean Piaget, a Swiss therapist who was the first to make a methodical investigation of the obtaining of comprehension in kids, built up the hypothesis called the Subjective Formative Hypothesis. 'Piaget's hypothesis of intellectual improvement clarifies how a tyke builds a psychological model of the world.'(McLeod, 2018). The Swiss therapist utilized ideas, for example, schemes, adaptation, assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration.

Schemes. A scheme can be characterized as a lot of connected mental portrayals of the world, which we utilize both to comprehend and to react to circumstances (McLeod, 2018). For instance, when an infant has something near its mouth, they consequently begin to suck on it (like a reflex).

Adaptation. This alludes to the communication between living beings and the earth (p. 10). While experiencing new data, it can now and then be promptly acclimatized into a current composition (Cherry, 2019). For instance, a youngster may allude to a pitbull as a doggy and keep considering some other creature with similar characteristics of a pooch a doggy.

Assimilation. It alludes to the procedure by which somebody reacts to new articles or occasions as per existing plans or methods for association (p. 10). For instance, if a kid sees a pony, the kid will say it is a dog since it is absorbing a steed into their canine scheme.

Accommodation. A term to depict the procedure in which we adjust existing intellectual diagrams to incorporate new data (Williams). For instance, when a kid sees a puppy and it's ready to tell the sort of breed.

Equilibration. A condition of balance between people's psychological schemata, or structures, and their environment (Beauchamp, 2016). Piaget trusted that the endeavor to reestablish harmony lies at the core of the regular interest of the youngster (p.11).

During the observation, when the child was watching a video on his phone, he saw a hyena and he called it a dog. The child was assimilating the hyena into the scheme of a dog. After that, the mother explained to him how a hyena and a dog differentiate, which made him go through the process of accommodation.

Patterns of Attachment

Attachment is a significant and enduring eager bond that partners one individual to another across the real world (Ainsworth, 1973; Bowlby, 1969). It is consistently seen between a child and its guardians from birth throughout their lifetime. Mary Ainsworth, a formative analyst known for her work in the improvement of the attachment theory, planned the odd circumstance system to watch the early emotional connection between children and guardians called 'Patterns of Attachment'. Examples of connection comprise of five kinds of connections; secure attachment, insecure attachment, avoidant attachment, resistant attachment, and disorganized-disoriented attachment.

Secure Attachment. A newborn child in a safe attachment relationship investigates openly within the sight of the guardian, minds them occasionally, and confines investigation amid the parental figure's nonattendance.

Insecure Attachment. Parental figures of newborn children with a shaky connection will, in general, be less receptive to their baby's indications of distress. These parental figures are inaccessible either physically, mentally, or sincerely and will, in general, be harsh or unusual in their reaction to connection needs.

Avoidant Attachment. Kids in avoidant attachments appear not to mind whether a guardian is available or missing. Despite this obvious absence of concern, babies with avoidant connection designs appear to such an extent, if not increasingly, physiological excitement than different newborn children, proposing that they have figured out how to contain their pain.

Resistant Attachment. Resistant bonds are portrayed by misrepresented articulations of connection needs. At the point when a guardian withdraws, babies with safe connections turn out to be amazingly upset. At the point when the parental figure returns, they both look for and oppose contact.

Disorganized-Disoriented Attachment. Whenever worried, within the sight of their parental figure, these babies seem disarranged or perplexed, showing uncommon practices, for example, moving toward the guardian with their head turned away, stupor-like solidifying or peculiar stances. Numerous newborn children who fall into the scattered class have encountered some type of abuse or have a parental figure who has been damaged by serious misfortune or misuse.

During the observation, while the child was playing video games in his room, the mother passed by his room. The child, however, did not show any sign of interest in whether the mother was in the room with him or not. He did pay attention to what the mother had to say, but once she was out of the picture the child kept on playing his game.

Role of Imitation

Imitation is viewed as the action of using someone or something as a model. From a social cognitive perspective, parents serve as models to their kids. Children learn a language, at least in part, by observation and imitation (p. 103). To enable them to recollect the imitated demonstration, youngsters are typically allowed to rehearse it when they learn it (p. 96). These highlights were seen amid the perception led. For instance, while the kid was eating his dinner, he watched the dad making senseless facial appearances at whatever point the mother of the child wasn't looking. From that point forward, the child started to make similar outward appearances while the mother wasn't looking.

In conclusion, In this perception, we investigated an eight-year-old youngster. Amid a time of thirty minutes, notes were taken on the child’s activities. Things that have to do with the association with the kid and its folks, certain developments and practices the youngster takes towards various circumstances. Certain subjects related to the observation were child-rearing styles, the psychological formative hypothesis, examples of connection, and the job of impersonation.


    1. AboutKidsHealth. (n.d.). Retrieved from
    2. Beauchamp, A. S. (2016, November 07). Cognitive equilibrium. Retrieved from
    3. Cherry, K. (n.d.). Adaptation In Piaget's Theory of Development. Retrieved from
    4. Cherry, K. (n.d.). Are You a Permissive Parent? Retrieved from
    5. Mcleod, S. (2018, June 06). Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development. Retrieved from
    6. M.S., P. (2015, July 10). What is REJECTING-NEGLECTING PARENTING? definition of REJECTING-NEGLECTING PARENTING (Psychology Dictionary). Retrieved from
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