Essay on Climate Change Solutions

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Climate change, what is it? Climate change is a change in the earth’s pattern of weather which can bring an end to the human race, and everything else with it. What are the causes? Human beings. Scientists all around the globe have found an enormous amount of evidence for this cause of humans. Humans produce greenhouse gases through the use of petrol-fueled cars, the burning of coal to produce electricity and another major cause is the cutting down of trees (deforestation) which disrupts the process of absorbing (CO2) increasing the factor of the O-zone layer breaking down which causes larger sun exposer making the UV-rays stronger and increasing the overall temperature.

• What are solutions?

The result of climate change could change the earth’s future with outcomes of harm toward the human race. This result is gaining on us and if solutions aren’t implemented and executed quickly, we can see our world in a healthy state shortly. Solutions to this have been executed, renewable energies such as solar, wind, and hydropower. This would reduce the use of nonrenewable energies and therefore carbon emissions. As a community, we must prioritize recycling our plastics as it will reduce the emissions because of the deduction of plastics production.

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• What are our responsibilities as stewards of creation?

Catholic stewardships give us a responsibility to care for this earth and as Pope Francis once said “We are stewards, not masters of our earth. Each of us has a personal responsibility to care for the precious gift of god’s creation,” (From OneNote). This shows that as a population we need to start caring for the earth. In the situation of global warming as a human population together we are not caring and sustaining God's creation but rather destroying it. This is proven within the problem of Global Warming which may not just end the human race but rather this entire earth. God wants us to look after this earth which means we have a responsibility to stop the effects of global warming as we were put on this earth to care for it, not destroy it. To become stewards of creation we need to implement this solution as well as reduce our impact on carbon emissions. This could be as simple as reducing energy consumption, plastic use, or in larger facts stopping the consumption of nonrenewable resources or decreasing deforestation (Solar Impulse Foundation, 2019). These solutions could be implemented by using less power and plastic in the family home, using solar and wind power, or replanting when harvesting timber. Overall to become stewards of God’s creation we need to stop global warming to ensure a safer and longer future for the human race and earth.

• Recommendations for the future

Without change, global warming will bring about an end to this earth, as a human race we need to stop this. To stop this large advancement in renewable energy, reductions in deforestation, new renewable transport, and responsible recycling and waste management will need to be applied. With these solutions being largely implemented inside society, the impacts of Global warming could be decreased in the future. Another thing that humans should implement is always showing catholic stewardship throughout their daily lives. This will mean that people will treat everything with respect and care for the earth, God's creation. Furthermore, on an individual aspect, some small things that could be done to help are using electricity in the household, recycling, or buying timber from plantations only. As Pope Francis said, “It is urgent to develop policies to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and highly polluting gases” (Connect4climate, 2015). Additionally, Francis led by example when he became Pope, he removed all the V8 Mercedes and replaced them with 4-cylinder cars to reduce the Vatican’s carbon emissions. This world leader can see the problem and understands that everyone has a part to play in stopping this crisis. In the future we should follow in Francis’s footsteps, fixing this crisis before the earth dies and the human race becomes extinct.

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Essay on Climate Change Solutions. (2024, July 19). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 5, 2025, from
“Essay on Climate Change Solutions.” Edubirdie, 19 Jul. 2024,
Essay on Climate Change Solutions. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 5 Jan. 2025].
Essay on Climate Change Solutions [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Jul 19 [cited 2025 Jan 5]. Available from:

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