Zoos essays

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1 Page 540 Words
Every big city has a zoo where all the wild animals are kept in naturally simulated environment. People flock to the place to see the beasts and the heroes of the forest wilderness. It is a wonderful experience for the kids and adult alike nevertheless there are drawbacks too. Therefore, let’s find out the pros and cons of the Zoo....
2 Pages 791 Words
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Introduction You could already have visited a zoo or a safari park at one point of your life or maybe even more than once. Many people argue about animals being kept in zoos. Some people think zoos are a good thing and some people don’t. The zoo was created for many reasons, like research making, conservation, and educational purposes. You...
2 Pages 866 Words
Zoos are meant for the rehabilitation of animals, but is it possible that it actually hurts those beautiful, strong living beings? Ultimately, it depends on the specific case in question. For cases like Willie the gorilla in ‘The Zoos Go Wild’, and the macaws in ‘Our Beautiful Macaws and Why They Need Enrichment’ the zoo specifically made an environment that...
2 Pages 981 Words
“Only 10 percent of 2,800 animal exhibitors are accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums”(University Wire 1). This means that zoos aren’t authorized to take care of the animals. Most of these animals are put in environments they aren’t fit for. For example, polar bears are put in hot weather instead of cold. Where they are put does not...
3 Pages 1357 Words
I think that zoos are currently good places to visit and that they do protect animals and a visit to a zoo or an aquarium is an opportunity to see the beautiful and diverse wildlife our world has to offer. Zoos and aquariums around the world offer an incredible up close and personal view of nature. Zoos are wonderful places...
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2 Pages 779 Words
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Do you like to go to the zoo? Would you take comfort in knowing that animals are safe and protected? Because that is what a modern zoo does. They provide protection, safety, rescue, breeding, and rehabilitation programs for all animals. They are not just another tourist attraction. A zoo offers a personal experience with some of the rarest species in...
3 Pages 1300 Words
The popular, successful movie Madagascar, which presents the adventurous journey of the zoo animals who are tired of being in a rut and accidentally arrive at a tropical island, brings people not only entertainment, and joy because of its funny plot but also the consciousness of the relationship between zoos and animals. In fact, “the first evidence of wild animals...
1 Page 427 Words
Who loves to go to the zoo I know I love to if you don’t then you don’t love animals. Well, some people hate animals in zoos because they think it’s wrong, but I know that it’s not wrong because Zoos can also be an economic resource for a community. they protect endangered species and Zoos do many activities for...
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2 Pages 1069 Words
In the zoo, people can observe a variety of animals from all over the world. From aquatic animals to terrestrial animals, those vivid creatures are displayed in front of human beings. The origin of zoos can be dated back to ancient Egypt. Animals represented the power and wealth of an empire. The Romans usually captured animals, such as lions, elephants,...
2 Pages 934 Words
Would you like it if you were locked up in a cage and to be laughed at by humans? Well, this is exactly what animals in zoos suffer from every day. Approximately 800,000 animals are taken to zoos which makes them deprived of their natural habitat and can make them develop a condition known as zoochosis, a mental illness that...
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2 Pages 891 Words
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People have kept animals captive for thousands of years dating back to ancient Egypt as far back as 2500BC. In the 18th century menageries (a private collection of animals) grew in popularity as it was a sign of wealth and helped them to gain popularity with their peers, but the welfare standards were poor as they did not understand the...
1 Page 549 Words
Zoos are a popular attraction amongst children and adults. It has been suggested that animals have been kept in captivity for thousands of years, with the first zoo being established in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. However there is split opinion on having zoos within local communities. Some of the positives are it's a place of education, conservation,...
4 Pages 1690 Words
A zoo is a place where animals live in captivity and are put on display for people to view. The word “zoo” is short for “zoological park.” Zoos contain wide varieties of animals that are native to all parts of the Earth. Though people have kept wild animals for thousands of years, those collections have not always resembled modern zoos....
1 Page 421 Words
Do you want animals to die out quicker? If not, I positively believe that animals should not be kept in zoos because animals suffer in captivity and many zoos fail to provide even a minimum standard care lastly healthy animals are killed. Firstly, Animals suffer in captivity because Captivity is living hell for animals, who are meant to be free....
1 Page 652 Words
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Are animals being saved from extinction by living in zoos or homes? Well, not exactly many incidents show that zoos and homes cause animals to have health and adaptation problems. Additionally, having animals in captivity not only makes it harder for the animals to survive and adapt to the wild but also causes animals to make bad habits. Having animals...
2 Pages 820 Words
The world's best zoos offer face-to-face encounters with some of the most fascinating and rare creatures on the planet—an experience that few people would ever be able to pursue in the wild. Unlike the cramped cages that housed wild animals in sideshow spectacles of the past, the modern zoo has elevated habitat emulation to an art, carefully recreating natural environments...
2 Pages 932 Words
A zoo is a place where captive animals are put on display for humans to see. While early zoos (shortened from zoological parks) concentrated on displaying as many unusual creatures as possible—often in small, cramped conditions—the focus of most modern zoos is conservation and education. While zoo advocates and conservationists argue that zoos save endangered species and educate the public,...
2 Pages 921 Words
'We would consider it cruel to confine a dog permanently in a kennel. Yet we visit zoos where hundreds of wild animals are kept permanently in the equivalent of a kennel.' Virginia McKenna. The existence of zoos goes back many years, but people are beginning to express concern for the welfare of the animals within the zoo. This is due...
2 Pages 1077 Words
While the preservation of wildlife and breeding are the foundation of today’s zoos, the function and consequent shape of them has altered over the centuries, yet, in a progressively unpredictable world of ours, what could, or rather should a future zoo look like. Roughly 99% of animal and plant species, which measures to over five billion are estimated to be...
2 Pages 736 Words
Imagine a wild animal, for example an elephant. It has all the freedom in the world. Suddenly, the elephant is trapped and taken away from its family. It is put in a small crate, unable to move, starving, and alone for what seems like years. When the elephant is finally let out, all it can see are cage bars and...
2 Pages 895 Words
Preconceived concepts of how animal cruelty has for long loomed over the minds of our unfortunately ignorant society. Citizens like to think that the police are handling it, cracking down on the abusive owners and poor breeding conditions but, the issue stretches much further than these simple acts of backyard brutality. In contrast, sports events attended by thousands all around...
2 Pages 710 Words
Introduction Animal captivity, a practice that dates back centuries, has always been a controversial topic. From zoos and aquariums to circuses and research laboratories, humans have confined animals for various purposes, including education, entertainment, and scientific inquiry. While some argue that captivity provides essential benefits such as species conservation and education, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that...
3 Pages 1397 Words
The competitive environmental forces for San Antonio Zoo are largely from the local leisure industry. Notable competitors include Fiesta Texas, SeaWorld, and Doseum. However, the firm is in a relatively less competitive environment due to the nature of its operations. In this regard, the unique features of the zoo give it an upper hand in the sense that the experience...
5 Pages 2334 Words
The present study sought to understand how Zalophus Californianus, the California sea lion, reacts to directions when swimming. In this case, the hypothesis for the research was that there is no particular direction of swimming that the sea lions swim towards. The hypothesis was based on the fact that among the issues that have been covered already by other researchers...
1 Page 568 Words
The Houston Zoo is both a conservation and rehabilitation place for animals and education source for kids and adults alike. They provide easy to understand information about the animals that reside at the zoo. This is mainly done through the means of plaques, boards, and electronics devices that are stationed near the animal exhibits. Along with signs, the Houston Zoo...
1 Page 420 Words
One day, my family and I decided to visit the zoo. For our family trip, we chose Melbourne Zoo, Australia's oldest zoo. Melbourne Zoo is located in Royal Park in Parkville. It has a variety of animals ranging from Australian animals to animals from Africa. They are involved with conservation programs in 6 countries, 8 grassroots community conservation campaigns, and...

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