Essay on Life and Times of Steve Jobs

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Table of contents

  1. The Beginning
  2. School
  3. Company
  4. Family
  5. Apple
  6. Money
  7. Favorites
  8. The End

The Beginning

This whole journey started on February 24, 1995, the day that Steve Jobs was born. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, CA. Steve Jobs was actually, he was adopted by Paul Reinhold and Clara Jobs.


While Steve Jobs was in school, he was a really good student and all the teachers liked him. One day he was doing so well in school that he thought it was not fun anymore. So he started playing pranks on his friends, and on his teachers and he got into a lot of trouble by doing these pranks on his friends and teachers. Steve Jobs was actually told to skip two grades because he was too smart for the grade he was on. While Steve Jobs was in college he had to ask his friends if he could sleep on the floor of their room because he did not have any money to pay for the college he dreamed to be in. If Steve Jobs wanted to buy something for him he couldn't, Steve Jobs literally had no money while he was in college, his source of making money was already getting drunk Coca-Cola cans and selling them to make money and buy something. But you might be asking yourself “why was Steve Jobs in a college if he could not pay for it?” Well, he said he did not want to be in college to get a degree, he only wanted to be in a college to learn things he was interested and could not learn at any place, that's why he went to a college even if he could not pay for it. The college chosen by Steve Jobs even if he had no money was Reed College. Steve Jobs had a favorite color like any other normal child and his color was flush, he liked this color because for him it was a special color, he said you could see purple inside that color. Steve Jobs also had a favorite movie like everyone, his favorite movie was Toy Story. When Steve Jobs was not in school he had a hobby and that was working with his dad with technology and Steve Jobs loved to build things with technology. If you did not know Steve Jobs is the person who created the electronic devices a lot of people use these days. Another fun fact about Steve Jobs, while he was in college, is that he did not like to wear shoes, he would just walk in the college with no shoes, he once went to a business meeting with no shoes and that really annoyed the person Steve Jobs was meeting for the business meeting. Steve Jobs’s IQ level was really high, on 4th grade, he took a test to see what was his IQ level, after taking the test his teachers told him his IQ was 160 or above, and they told him he had a 10th-level IQ.

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Steve Jobs is the inventor of Apple. He did not know that that little company that he started at in his garage with one friend and his dad was going to grow and be popular. Today more than half of the world which is half of 7 billion people use any Apple product, to be more specific 64 percent of the people in this world use Apple products. Steve Jobs was the person that created the mouse that you use in computers. Steve Jobs also made the first telephone upgrade. He also made computers stylish. Steve Jobs also brought portable music players to the mosses. Steve Jobs, former Apple chief executive officer who died on October 5, 2019, at the age of 56, has been hailed as a cultural zeitgeist. He’s changed the way the world communicates, interacts and entertains. He’s even changed the way people all over the world think today like me and you. His company’s impact on society, and how we do business had been no less impressive. Steve Jobs created Apple which now is a really popular store that a lot of people buy their products and like. In Apple, they sell headphones, iPhones, MacBooks, and computers. Steve Jobs had a really big impact on the tech world and it really changed how a lot of people see things in the real world. A fun fact about Steve Jobs is that he was actually so good in school that he was a college dropout.


In the Steve Jobs family, he had 2 siblings, Mona Simpson 62 years old, and Patricia Ann Jobs. His father Abdulfattah John Jandali, he died at 88 years old. His mom was Joanne Schebler Simpson and she died at 87 years old. Steve Jobs also had 3 daughters and 1 son, his daughters are Lisa Brennan Jobs 42 years old, Eve Jobs and who is 21 years old, and Erin Siena Jobs, and his son is Reed Jobs. Steve Jobs is actually the inventor of the game “Breakout”.

Steve Jobs does not like giving money to charity. Steve Jobs died of Pancreatic cancer.


In my opinion, Steve Jobs made a huge change in the world by creating Apple. He changed the world by creating new things people did not do or create, he changed how companies work and how people think. Steve Jobs made things easy and faster by creating new technology things that helped humans a lot and a lot of people buy items from Apple these days. Today Apple is one of the most popular stores in the world. A fun fact about Steve Jobs is that he was once fired from apple for being lazy and not wanting to do things. Before Steve Jobs chose the name Apple because when he was going home with his friend he thought of the idea apple because at that time Steve Jobs was on a diet and he was coming from a farm he was coming from, he choose apple because it was a fruit that was on his diet.


In 2018 Steve Jobs's family has announced the 40th richest family in the world. When Steve Jobs died he gave half of his money to the company that he created, Apple, and the other half stayed with his family.


Steve Jobs could also give his opinion in what was his favorite food, Steve Jobs’s favorite food was sushi and soba his favorite topping was salmon. The last iPhone that Steve Jobs created was the iPhone 5 and after that, all the iPhones created up to the iPhone 11 were his Apple employees that joined him throughout his journey. He was also such a perfect person his friends sometimes call him annoying.

The End

This whole tech history and journey of Steve Jobs would one day end, and that day was October 5, 2011. Steve Jobs died of Pancreatic Cancer. Steve Jobs first got pancreatic cancer in 2003, so Steve Jobs had cancer for 8 years. A really tragic day in the tech world, when one of the best tech creators ended his journey. Steve Jobs’s last words were “ treasure life and family before every object in this world, when I die I cannot bring all the things I have achieved here, family always comes first”. And let me tell you Steve Jobs did not die without leaving a mark, he left a mark on this world and on the technology world and made our lives and everyone's lives way easier.

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Essay on Life and Times of Steve Jobs. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 16, 2025, from
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