Essay on 'One of Us Is Lying' Characters

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The book starts by explaining the app that Simon created during his freshman year. His app is called About That and he posts other people’s secrets on it. Because of this app, no one likes Simon and he only has one friend named Janae. One normal day at school, Bronwyn, Addy, Nate, Cooper, and Simon all get caught with phones in their book bags by Mr. Avery. They all claim that the phones aren’t theirs but they still get detentions. Once they get to detention, there is a car crash in the school’s parking lot. Mr. Avery goes out to make sure everyone is okay and while he’s out there Simon gets a cup of water from the room and when he drinks it, collapses on the floor. The four kids all freak out and try to find his EpiPen, when they can’t Addy goes to the nurse's office to find some but they are all missing. An ambulance came and took Simon away. Addy went home with her boyfriend, Jake, Cooper went home alone and Bronwyn went home with Nate. When Bronwyn got home, she got a call saying Simon had died.

The next day at school the “Bayview Four” (the four in the room when Simon died) were called down to the office and had appointments with a counselor they were also questioned by police officers on what happened in the room. There was a post on Tumblr and the person writing it said that they were the murderer and that they were in the room when Simon died. This leads police to believe that each of the Bayview Four is a suspect in Simon's murder. Nate shows up at Bronwyn's house unannounced and listens to her play piano. This makes them aware of a connection between them that they haven’t noticed before. Addy was called into the police station to be questioned about the missing EpiPens because she went to the nurse's office that day for Jake. Flashback to the summer when Jake was on vacation, Addy and Jake's friend TJ got drunk on the beach and went back to his apartment. Jake doesn’t know about Addy cheating on him with TJ. Another Tumblr post came out saying how this person had it planned for months in advance and how this person had been watching Simon and figuring out what the best way to kill him was. The school held Simon’s funeral at the football field and while there police approached the “Bayview Four” and brought them to the station separately The police showed each of the kids an entry that Simon was going to post but never got to. This entry included the following secrets about the Bayview Four; Bronwyn cheated on her chemistry exam, Addy cheated on Jake, Cooper uses steroids and Nate deals drugs. This entry gives all of the students a motive to kill Simon.

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Addy decides to tell Jake that she cheated before he finds out over the internet. He gets super mad at her and kicks her out of his house. Bronwyn has a meeting with her lawyer who tells her she can’t spend any time with any other suspects in the murder case. Nate then gets her a track phone so they can still talk with no one knowing. Keely, Cooper’s girlfriend, has Cooper’s phone when someone named Kris calls. This makes Keely think that he might be cheating on her. He then finds out that his grandma had a heart attack so he goes to visit her and while there she tells him that if Keelys not the one he loves he should break up with her. Maeve, Bronwyn’s little sister, hacks into About That to find more evidence. She finds that Simon was on a weird website on which he was saying very violent stuff. This leads Bronwyn to believe that Simon isn’t mentally okay. The investigation has now gone public in an article that brings a lot of bad attention to the Bayview four from colleges. Nate and Bronwyn are still sneaking around together. Addy is getting very close to Janae and comforting her because she misses Simon a lot. One aspect of Addy that everyone envies is her hair. Jake especially liked her hair and because of that, she would never cut it. Unexpectedly Addy goes to the hair salon and cuts her hair which is a very big part of the book because it signals that the whole murder situation is causing the people part of it to change. The show Mikhail Power Investigations did an episode on the murder of Simon on national television. This brought even more attention to the Bayview Four. After the show aired Cooper goes to Keely’s house to break up with her but Keely thinks that it's because of the investigation but it's not. Nate’s mom shows up at his house after several years of not being there for him. This makes him angry but he’s also really happy that she is here and has changed over the years. The police brought Bronwyn and her lawyer g to the station and showed them an entry involving Bronwyn’s sister Maeve. Simon wrote something bad about her and Bronwyn commented on it telling Simon to go die. This gives her another motive to kill Simon. Addy and Jake talked and afterward, Addy felt way better about herself. While Addy is at Jake’s house, Cooper is at Kris’s house. Kris ends up being a guy that Cooper falls in love with.

Nate’s mom wants to be a part of Nate’s life and help him and his dad out. Nate doesn’t know what to think and if he wants her to help them or not. Bronwyn and Nate are getting closer and sneaking around all the time. Bronwyn even sneaks Nate into her house one night. After school one day Janae and Addy hung out at Janae’s house and they were talking about Simon and how he was depressed before he died. Bronwyn texted Addy and told her that she didn’t trust Janae and to not tell her anything. The next day police called Cooper and his dad to the station and showed Cooper an old entry that they discovered. The entry written by Simon stated that Cooper was gay and this entry was replaced by the fake steroid entry. He then told his family and his dad acted disappointed in him. The next day he told Addy at school before she heard it from anyone else and everyone was talking about it. At lunch, everyone was making fun of him and Nate stood up for him. The colleges that were looking at him for baseball are backing off because Mikhail Powers Investigations put the information out on national television. The Bayview Four meet up at an abandoned house to try and figure out who killed Simon. They made sticky notes of everything they knew and tried to put something together. The next day on Mikhail Powers Investigations they show Nate being arrested so Bronwyn freaks out and calls Eli and gets him and Nate’s mom to set up an appointment. Eli ends up being Nate’s lawyer because he is going to be put in an actual prison. The police arrest Nate because they find the missing epipens in his locker and the laptop with the Tumblr posts on it, and that was enough evidence to arrest him. The Bayview Four gathered and found something weird in one of the Tumblr posts. Something that only Jake knows. This leads them to believe that Jake is the one who is writing them. They also found out that the car crash was planned by Simon. The next day they went to the diner and Kris came with Cooper. They set out the sticky notes and Kris connects the two of them: Simon was poisoned and Simon was depressed. They concluded that Simon killed himself and blamed it on Nate. They also concluded that Jake is the one keeping Simon’s plan on track after he died. Addy goes over to Janae’s house and talks to her about how they know. She gave Addy a note that Simon told her to give to the media a year later and it said that he was trying to die and bring everyone down with him. Jake blackmailed Janae into helping him blackmail other people. Jake showed up randomly at Janae’s house and Addy told her that she was going to record him so they could blackmail him back. Addy’s phone goes off and Jake chases her outside lloy95 and attacks her in the woods until Cooper comes out and tackles Jake. the police came and arrested Jake and let Nate go. When Nate gets out of jail he closes everyone out including Bronwyn until three months later at a big music show. Nate shows up and tells her that he wants to start over and she says that she wants to too.

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Essay on ‘One of Us Is Lying’ Characters. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Essay on ‘One of Us Is Lying’ Characters.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
Essay on ‘One of Us Is Lying’ Characters. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 Sept. 2024].
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