Essay on the Magic of the Piano

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My fingers were flowing freely over the smooth keys - 52 white, 36 black - as if they were masterminds and my fingers were puppets floating freely above each key. My eyes were fixated on the black and white pages before me. I was tired but unable to stop. It was like a spell was cast upon me with each key.

The piano brings me immense comfort whenever I hear the magical melodic lines as it makes me want to create my own, then have family and friends gather around to sing and play along. It is a simple way for me to release emotions, whether happy or sad; a way for me to embrace whichever feelings encompass me.

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Ever since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to play an instrument -- or so I thought. Growing up, I was not surrounded by music. When my parents made my very first lesson, I did not have a choice but I was excited. Sadly, I ended up hating it at a point in time. I simply lost interest. I was enrolled in so many other co-curricular activities and clubs that I just pushed piano aside. When high school came around, I was focused on even more school, extracurriculars, and clubs. Generally, I was happy, but there was always a part of me that felt empty. By 12th grade, I decided to play the piano again, for me, not for my parents, not for extra credit, but for me. I started to enjoy it, and it was like another puzzle piece just fell into place, feeling more complete.

My piano is more than just an instrument; it is a teacher. It taught me self-discipline, dedication and instilled in me, a greater curiosity. It taught me how to work hard and be determined. As my curiosity continues to grow, the piano has taught me to do what I love and to not do it for anyone but myself. To think about the moment, why I felt so empty without it. To me, the piano is magical. I’ve always thought of life as a puzzle - each piece is a new skill and, together a beautiful picture gets built and without the pieces, we are left with a border. The puzzle piece is now there, present but not complete. No one can take that piece away from me. It is a skill that I have learned and love. Without it, I would not have changed, but with it, I am much more. As I sit here and write, I am eagerly waiting for the next chance I can get my hands on a piano again.

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Essay on the Magic of the Piano. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Essay on the Magic of the Piano.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023,
Essay on the Magic of the Piano. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Essay on the Magic of the Piano [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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