Essay on What Determines Maturity

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In the eyes of many people, maturity tends to be strangely distinct. Many use the term maturity to create themselves look better or older. Maturity is generally based on behavior and age, but the capacity to own and embrace their actions can also be measured. Measurable to an extent to opportunity. Opportunity to walk like a normal person, run like a normal person, and fit in like a normal person.

As years crept by, walking wasn’t an easy rehearsal for me. One leg sidewise from the other, tiptoeing down the halls. Eventually, I found out that I had an extra bone in my foot, resulting in surgery. When I arrived at the hospital, my eyes red and swollen from crying so much, I was put into a small white room, with an animal painting on the wall. Looking at it was great because it was good to get my mind off the sharp misery I felt. After taking the x-rays and seeing the degree of my physical impairment, it was evident that it was worse than your average and that surgery was inevitable.

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These words ripped me into a crisp, cold apple like a squeezed knife. It was a horrible sinking feeling that seemed to possess my entire body a feeling so terrifying that it couldn't be endured even by the bravest individual alive. It was finally time, the nurse slowly entering the room smiling. I wasn’t smiling, I was terrified. Eventually, the nurse prepped me and had me lie down in this dark white room. The doctor finally asked me what “flavor” of death I wanted, I sighed and said “bubble gum.” He then asked me to count to 50, lifting this mask of some sort. I saw thousands of colors, flashbacks of memory, I heard my parents, then, finally feeling migraine and fell asleep.

I woke up at last and felt dizzy. I looked up at the mirrored dome on the ceiling as my stretcher was wheeled down the sterile hospital corridor. I stared up at the ceiling mirrored dome as my stretcher was wheeling down the hallway of the sterile hospital. In a hospital gown, I saw my reflection of tubes and cables connected to my body. I was nervous and uncomfortable. I remember attempting to push my ideas back into my mind, thoughts I've been wrestling with over the previous few weeks. My anxiety was added to by the constant beeping from my monitor and the antiseptic smell. It all seemed out of my command. I felt powerless. Finally, I saw my parents comforting me with love, but then they told me I had to stay the night at the hospital. Overall, I enjoyed the hospital post-process because I was permitted to do almost anything I wanted to do, from watching films and ordering the entire food menu. Friends, family, and grandparents went to see me with candy and gifts stashing me later that day.

All in all, I've learned a lot from my experience. I found you had to learn to climb the mountain in order to reach the top and to conquer your fears you had to face them first. I am grateful for my surgery in a manner because I have conquered many of my fears.

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Essay on What Determines Maturity. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Essay on What Determines Maturity.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
Essay on What Determines Maturity. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 Sept. 2024].
Essay on What Determines Maturity [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from:

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