Essay on Why Is 18 the Age of Maturity

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Adolescence is all about growing and maturing mentally and physically. Adolescence is the age that marks who you will be as a person. For this, to happen you need to develop some abilities like independence, responsibility, etc. According to psychologists, the average person becomes an adult at the age of 25. I believe that everyone becomes an adult at different ages. A teenager becomes an adult when they don’t depend on their parents for money, a house and to make important decisions. This also depends on when their parents start treating them as adults and when they are at their full maturity and capacity of thinking. This is around the ages of 20-25

Teenagers become adults when they are mature enough to make their own decisions. As reported by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry adolescents are more likely to “act on impulse, misread or misinterpret social cues and emotions, get into accidents of all kinds, get involved in fights and engage in dangerous or risky behavior.” This shows that teenagers are not mentally stable enough and may not think about the consequences of their actions and may act impulsively.Their rash actions may affect them in the future. For example, 50% of young marriages end in divorce (Maselli Warren). This implements that for a teenager to become an adult they have to be at their full capacity of thinking and analyzing. 35% of teenager consume alcohol which according to the Foundation for advancing alcohol responsibility, affects many parts of the brain like the frontal lobes, the hippocampus, cerebellum and more. This shows that since almost ⅓ of teenagers are affected by alcohol which proves that they can’t make their own decisions wisely until a certain age.

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Most people think that 18 is the perfect age to become an adult and make adult-like decisions.18 has been qualified as the age of majority in many countries since 18 was the age at which you were allowed to vote and go to war. This evidence shows that 18 is an age that was chosen to mark the beginning of adulthood and the independent control of your life and your decisions like voting. I personally disagree because having the right to vote and to go to war doesn't mean that you are mentally an adult. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica being an adult is being at full physical and intellectual maturity. This proves that everyone becomes an adult at a different age since not everyone is at his/her “full physical and intellectual maturity” at the same time. In this case, 18 is the age determined to be the age of full physical and mental maturity.

Legally, at 18 you are allowed to control your life without your parents consent. But is everyone mentally mature to make all their decision at 18? As I mention before 50% of young marriages end in divorce, 33% of car crash deaths are in people between the ages of 13 to 19-year-olds according to the global movement, “DoSomething”. I believe that you should be allowed to make your own decisions at 18 but with parents advice or guidance. 18 is a very confusing age, it is an age when you are mentally still a teenager but is expected to act like an adult. Additionally, many changes happen in a person’s life when they are 18, like graduation, looking for college, etc.

In conclusion, A teenager becomes an adult when they don’t depend on their parents for money, a house and to make important decisions. They become adults when they are mature enough to make their own decisions and when they are at a high stage of physical and mental maturity. Everyone becomes an adult at a different age and at different times. As the great Winona Ryder once said: “You've got to grow up sometime.”

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Essay on Why Is 18 the Age of Maturity. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
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