Essay on Why Is Soccer So Popular

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Have you ever wondered why soccer is so popular in Spanish speaking countries? I know that soccer is a popular sport all over the world but, it is especially popular in Spain and south American countries and I don’t think any of us actually know why it’s so popular there. I know that I have wondered why soccer is so popular many times before and so I decided to do a bit of research and share my findings with you guys!

The game of soccer arrived in Latin America in the late 1800s when a large number of Europeans immigrated to Latin America. It quickly gained in popularity and became the most popular sport by a large margin in almost all the Latin American countries. Soccer started off as a game that the rich Europeans would play but, quickly, it became very integrated within the culture of these countries due to the fact that you don’t really need any specific equipment to play soccer. Because of that, anyone can play the game! I mean, you don’t even need a ball, you just need something that you can kick around. For example, you could even use a plastic water bottle instead of a ball and some tables for goals when playing soccer! Many Latin American kids have grown used to converting any environment at hand into a soccer field.

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Latin America has had a long and complex history of problems regarding race and social classes having divided the population. In many ways, soccer has become part of the Latin American culture since it acts as a common interest for people of all races, origins and cultures in Latin America. Repairing prejudices that are common in places such as Brazil and Argentina. Due to the power that soccer has, soccer has acted as a sort of religion or important cultural component that allows for the people of Latin America to unite.

In a region where there are big socioeconomic contrasts such as in Latin America, soccer was one of the only activities that the poor people could be better at than the rich people, where the blacks could be better than the whites. Soccer became a source of identity for these communities, which resulted in being particularly significant in a time that Latin American countries were developing their national identities. So, soccer ended up being a very important thing in the culture of Latin American countries. The soccer field was a place where respect didn’t come from your social status, it came from your ability to play good soccer. The kids from the working class, that had to do actual physical work, were often much better than the rich kids. And when the sport professionalized in the 20th century, it was also seen by kids and families as a way to get out of poverty in a region where there isn’t enough work for everyone.

Some of our most famous soccer players are native Spanish speakers. Some of these players being Lionel Messi, Pep Guardiola, Sergio Ramos, Diego Maradona, and many more. Some of the most famous players such as Messi and Maradona grew up in poor families. Soccer was their way to get out of poverty, it was their way to make something of themselves. For many of these kids, soccer was their way to escape their regular lives and just be good at something while having fun.

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Essay on Why Is Soccer So Popular. (2024, August 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Essay on Why Is Soccer So Popular.” Edubirdie, 15 Aug. 2024,
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