Hospitality essays

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2 Pages 866 Words
Greek mythology, a rich tapestry of gods, heroes, and intricate tales, serves as a window into the ancient Greek world and its values. One of the most pervasive and significant themes in these myths is the concept of hospitality, or xenia. Xenia, a sacred bond between guest and host, was not merely a social nicety but a fundamental pillar of...
3 Pages 1392 Words
Introduction In the following literature-based paper. I will talk about the sustainability in hospitality industry. Especially, I aim to answer my research question: How sustainability can be managed in the hospitality industry? In the present era, hospitality is a growing industry and sustainability is essential for this sector. Through a daily routine activity, a large amount of waste is generated...
4 Pages 2056 Words
During this time of the covid 19 pandemic, there have been many disruptions in the way the world works. Things have turned from normal to abnormal. Everybody is now gearing towards embracing the new lifestyle. The travel and tourism industry has also been affected largely by this pandemic. Due to travel restrictions, the government closing down their country, the quarantine...
1 Page 623 Words
Odysseus is forced to show humility by first asking Nausicaa for help at the river, and then further shows humility by being at the whim of the rules of the aide he seeks. He is also showing humility when he chooses to bathe himself, instead of having Nausicaa’s ladies bathe him. Athena must assist him as he approaches the palace...
3 Pages 1474 Words
The hospitality industry can be defined as an industry that provides a wide range of services such as hotels, food and beverage service, event planning, entertainment venues, and travel, for example, hotels, pubs, and bars. There are lots of factors that affect the hospitality industry such as cultural factors, economic factors, political factors, and technological factors (Enz, 2009). Economic factors...
1 Page 749 Words
Hospitality industry is a service-based industry that relies heavily on servicing people who has leisure time and disposable income. Units from management team to servers that are involved play an important role during the whole service operation. Hospitality industry often demand employees with abilities such as effective problem-solving skill, great communication technique, strong commitment, and the ability to work as...
1 Page 451 Words
Hospitality involves showing respect for the guest, treat them equal and providing what they need. When they are in the property, people like to stay or eat in a restaurant, they expect good service, quality products and satisfaction in the first place. Hotel industry is the only industry where many traditions and cultures meet under one roof. This industry is...
1 Page 555 Words
Over the past few decades, the hospitality industry has changed beyond recognition. Today hotels can satisfy any even the most demanding needs of their customers and in turn, clients have come to expect a very high standard of service from hotel companies. In this regard, hotel employees must focus on solving new problems and take differing approaches to the development...
2 Pages 751 Words
In the hospitality industry, superior customer experiences play an important role in gaining customer loyalty and achieving a competitive advantage (Kandampully & Jaakkola, 2018). If guests feel well cared and their expectations are met or exceeded, it will result in a positive experience preserved in their memories (Slåtten and Mehmetoglu, 2010; Liu and Jang, 2009; Kim and Moon, 2009). As...
5 Pages 2216 Words
With the development of technology, more and more hotels are beginning to change their business management mode. For example, many hotels have saved their housekeeping supervisor and other positions through intelligent clients which in order to save the management cost of the hotel. This is a labor dependent industry that heavily relies on skilled labor force and a flexible workforce...
1 Page 602 Words
When visiting new places while traveling, we always strive for a hospitable welcome, comfortable environment, silence, relaxation and, of course, entertainment. So, what is meant by the word ‘hospitality’? The word ‘hospitality’ is taken from the term ‘hospice’, meaning a house of rest for pilgrims during medieval times. Hospitality may be defined as the reception of guest and catering to...
4 Pages 1994 Words
Hospitality is a business activity which provides various services to guests in hotels, bars, restaurants as a source of recreation purpose and meeting each and every needs and demands whenever asked (, 2019). Hospitality industry basically puts emphasis on the satisfaction of the customers and providing the best experiences available. This industry is unique in its nature and provides facilities...
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