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The Importance of Hospitality in Greek Mythology

2 Pages 866 Words
Greek mythology, a rich tapestry of gods, heroes, and intricate tales, serves as a window into the ancient Greek world and its values. One of the most pervasive and significant themes in these myths is the concept of hospitality, or xenia. Xenia, a sacred bond between guest and host, was not merely a social nicety but a fundamental pillar of...

My Hobby Is Hiking Essay

1 Page 389 Words
Every single person has their own unique racial identity. Racial identity is influenced not only by biological factors, but also the environment and culture which one has lived. The racial identity you think of and the racial identity you see can be different. Racial identity is important because it is essential to understanding how various races communicate and how they...

Descriptive Essay about Hiking

2 Pages 951 Words
As a child, I had always dreamed of traveling to visit places with distinctive features from one another. Some places are famous for their architectural wonders while others have scenic beauty in abundance. The beauty of life lies right in front of our eyes. Many places are breath-taking all over the world, however, it is up to one’s liking and...

Hiking Story Essay

2 Pages 751 Words
Seeing the sparkling sun spilling through the lined texture of my tent, I reluctantly open my eyes to the light of day. Feeling sticks jabbing me in the back, I get up and open the zippered way to check whether any other individual is up yet sadly, when I crawl out of my one individual tent, I hear my sibling...

Essay on What Is Hiking

3 Pages 1340 Words
Hiking is another adventurous outdoor hobby or experimental journey practiced by national and international backpackers in Nepal. Hiking burns additional calories and allows one to get a 'front-closer 'view of trees, hills, and snowy mountains. Hiking can be simply defined as a practice of walking through the trails running across rural or wilderness areas. The major objective of people while...

Essay on Is Hiking Good for You

5 Pages 2131 Words
Health means that there is no disease, and it can reach a state of balance and comfort in the physical, psychological, and social. In recent years, more people have recognized the need for healthy living and they have their health believe to maintain fitness. Health promotion, which refers to the process of enhancing and improving health status, is required in...

Hiking Trip Essay

2 Pages 758 Words
In the district Baunei, Sardinia, Italy (my home sweet home) hides a remarkable trek- we call it the Selvaggio Blu. I am Sardinian, so I am what you can call a 'local expert.' However, due to an irreversible and not-treatable blood condition (nothing life-threatening but certainly annoying), I cannot run, climb, or do any sort of 'strenuous' activity like this...

Rogerian Argument Essay on Travel Ban

3 Pages 1145 Words
Regulations regarding travel and immigration have always been in place for the safety of both foreign nationals and residents. In more recent years, however, these guidelines have grown significantly more rigorous. On Friday, January 27th, 2017, an Executive Order was signed by United States President Donald Trump, banning foreign nationals from seven countries from visiting the US and prohibiting refugees...

Essay on Virgin Australia Case Study

5 Pages 2135 Words
1 Executive Summary Virgin Australia is an airline company established in November 1999.Before it was named as “Virgin Blue”,and its central office was in Brisbane.It was renamed as “Virgin Australia”,in 2011.It is the second largest airline company after Qantas having around 10,000 staffs.The total revenue of the company in 2017 was around A$5 billion,by purchasing around 100 aeroplanes and carried...

Essay on Provo Beach Club

1 Page 521 Words
Introduction: Provo Beach Club is a popular entertainment venue located in Provo, Utah. It offers a range of activities, including a ropes course, bowling, arcade games, and a simulated indoor beach experience. While Provo Beach Club has gained popularity among locals and visitors, it is essential to critically examine its features, customer experience, and societal impact to understand its strengths...

Essay on Australia: Sydney

2 Pages 1043 Words
Executive Summary This report will explain how tourism affects Sydney, why tourists want to visit Sydney, and how this impacts the economy and its social impacts on the community. Where/What is Sydney? Sydney is located in NSW, Australia. Sydney is the capital of NSW. It is one of Australia’s largest cities. It is well known for the Sydney Opera House...

Sustainability in Hospitality Industry Essay

3 Pages 1392 Words
Introduction In the following literature-based paper. I will talk about the sustainability in hospitality industry. Especially, I aim to answer my research question: How sustainability can be managed in the hospitality industry? In the present era, hospitality is a growing industry and sustainability is essential for this sector. Through a daily routine activity, a large amount of waste is generated...

Personal Narrative Essay: Going to the Sea

1 Page 660 Words
I hate the sea; I hate the way the water harmlessly encircles and attacks your ankles, the way the waves roar as they crash and throw themselves at the shore, and then steal parts of it as they creep and crackly back to the sea. I hate it when you’re standing in their way and as they roll back, they...

Evaluation Essay on a Restaurant ‘Steak-n-shake’

1 Page 583 Words
Nestled among the bustling streets and inviting aromas of food, lies a restaurant known for its classic American fare—Steak 'n Shake. With its iconic burgers, milkshakes, and timeless diner ambiance, this establishment has been a staple in the hearts of many. This evaluation essay delves into the nuances of dining at Steak 'n Shake, exploring its menu, service, atmosphere, and...

Evaluation Essay on Carrabbas

1 Page 504 Words
Carrabba's Italian Grill is a popular chain of Italian-American restaurants known for its casual ambiance and diverse menu. As a frequenter of dining establishments, I had the pleasure of experiencing Carrabba's, and my evaluation revolves around three key aspects: food quality, service, and overall dining experience. First and foremost, Carrabba's prides itself on its Italian cuisine, offering an array of...

Why I Want to Be a Tour Guide Essay

2 Pages 874 Words
The ambition to become a tour guide is rooted in a deep-seated enthusiasm for exploration, education, and interaction. This profession transcends the boundaries of a typical job; it represents a unique blend of adventure and the opportunity to be an ambassador of culture and history. For me, it's about more than guiding tourists; it's about opening doorways to new experiences,...

Importance of Educational Tour Essay

1 Page 610 Words
Museums are a trend these days, as evidence we can always see or read news that gives prominence to a museum, whether it’s on television, an article in the newspaper, or a feature in magazines. It’s so joyful to see, that once again we as Filipinos become curious and aware of our heritage in natural, cultural, and historical aspects. Just...

You've Got a Ticket in Your Hand: Essay

1 Page 487 Words
If I've got a ticket in my hand, I would go to Thailand. I would be there for about two weeks. I would go to Thailand because I want to help improve the treatment of elephants. I would go to Phuket Elephant Sanctuary in Thalang, Thailand. I would also want to go sightseeing like at the Ayutthaya Historical Park and...

My First Day At Sea: Personal Narrative Essay

2 Pages 727 Words
From a far distance, the pale blue sky is a smooth white blanket, widespread into the atmosphere. As the gloomy fog passed by the sleeping green giant, the clouds that had been wispy and white that morning were now more dark and dense. There was no sky that day, only a rough woolen blanket of mottled grey to cover us...

Personal Narrative Essay about Going on a Beach Trip

2 Pages 1055 Words
Beauty And The Beach Traveling has always been an outburst of joy for me. Over the years I have seen and encountered so many wondrous experiences while traveling. Traveling begets I kind of happiness in me. Yet, over the years one major challenge has taken shape. Due to my extensive traveling expeditions, it is increasingly becoming hard for me to...

Beach Volleyball Essay

3 Pages 1198 Words
The Genesis Christian College’s Sports Committee wants to hold the first-ever GCC Beach Volleyball tournament now that the school has 2 Beach Volleyball courts. However, there are some major issues with different areas of the sport, including the uniforms, sexploitation of women, and the media coverage of women’s sports. Figueroa’s framework can be used to identify and break down these...

Evaluation Essay on Restaurants

2 Pages 1018 Words
In the restaurant industry, the cost of raw materials and wages is approximated to account for up to 70% of its operational expenses hence it is imperative for restaurateurs to constantly seek ways to reduce costs and maximize their profits (Cocanower, 2019). A very effective way to approach this conundrum is to consider the factors, whether internally or externally, that...

Personal Narrative Essay on a Mission Trip

4 Pages 1881 Words
A short-term mission trip can be defined as a trip in which volunteers travel to a new location for one to three weeks to serve communities and often share their religious beliefs. On a mission trip, teams may partake in activities like painting or building houses, hosting clothing giveaways, or simply building relationships with residents and teammates. Mission trips are...

Why Do You Want to Visit Switzerland: Essay

1 Page 414 Words
Switzerland is an elegant, natural, and refined country. This is exactly the kind of country I would love to visit one day, and below are the reasons why. First of all, one of its largest cities - Zurich - beckons me in this country. Zurich is one of the leading global cities in the world, and some surveys from 2006...

Descriptive Essay on a Memorable Journey

2 Pages 943 Words
Saigon was in ruins. My mother, father, and brother had gathered what little we had managed to salvage of our belongings in some old felt bags and pillowcases. My parents had managed to sell some of my grandmother’s jewelry in exchange for funding our journey. First to Thailand, then a boat to Australia. The journey officially began with the first...

Beach Pollution Essay

1 Page 681 Words
Beach pollution is a worldwide issue that generates negative effects for the species that inhabit the area, montañita is one of the Ecuadorian beaches that have high levels of contamination by human activity, this place has pollution by solid waste and also by the contaminated waters generated by the hotel and tourist activity, so it is necessary to generate a...

Essay on Planning a Trip

1 Page 445 Words
Planning a trip can seem a bit difficult and time-consuming, but the better prepared you are, the more magical your experience will be. So, in order for the trip to live up to expectations, in this essay, I want to talk about the things to consider when planning a trip. One of the main things to consider is getting the...

Essay on My Trip to the Zoo

1 Page 420 Words
One day, my family and I decided to visit the zoo. For our family trip, we chose Melbourne Zoo, Australia's oldest zoo. Melbourne Zoo is located in Royal Park in Parkville. It has a variety of animals ranging from Australian animals to animals from Africa. They are involved with conservation programs in 6 countries, 8 grassroots community conservation campaigns, and...

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