Exemplification Essay Examples

133 samples in this category

Exemplification essays offer concrete examples and evidence to support a particular argument or thesis. By using vivid and specific illustrations, these essays aim to provide clarity and persuade readers of the validity of the writer’s viewpoint. Whether discussing social issues, scientific concepts, or philosophical ideas, exemplification essays showcase real-life instances...

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Social Issues

Exemplification Essay on Renewable Energy

2 Pages 989 Words
“It’s a definition that if it’s not renewable, it’s going to run out at some point” (Elon Musk). The inexpensive, concentrated, and portable nonrenewable energy stored in these remarkable compounds has long brought significant economic benefits. During the last couple of centuries, It has paved the way for previously inconceivable industrial advancement. So why not just keep burning fossil fuels?...

Exemplification Essay on Driving Habits

3 Pages 1184 Words
With over 31 million registered people on the road across all of America over the age of 64, traffic collisions with these drivers are inevitable (McGee 1). With the fastest growing group of the nation's population, the issue of whether a driving license should be withdrawn and in what circumstances will only become more pressing. At some point, there must...

Exemplification Essay on Driving Distractions

1 Page 595 Words
It took a tie-breaking vote by Mayor Tammy De Weerd to pass the hands-free ordinance through a divided Meridian city council. If you are pulled over for using a handheld device while driving in Meridian, expect to pay a total of $155 in penalty and court costs according to Meridian Police Chief Jeff Lavey. Meridian is the first city in...

Exemplification Essay on Characteristics of Animal in Human Life

6 Pages 2612 Words
As in real life, the human-animal relationship in children’s literature is often antagonistic. In the two texts, 'The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies,' and Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, the hostility is not only felt in one direction, but is experienced by the animals and the humans toward each other. However, because Beatrix Potter wrote 'The Tale of...

Exemplification Essay on Animal Characteristics in Human Life

4 Pages 1861 Words
Introduction In biology, a chimera is an organism that has genetically different cells in one entity. The different cells originate from distinct zygotes that can but do not necessarily derive from the same species. A hybrid, on the other hand, is an organism resulting from the sexual reproduction of two different species, all cells having just one genotype. Recent advances...

Exemplification Essay about Bad Driving Habits

2 Pages 919 Words
Impatience teaches disregard for others, and this can be found in a simple act such as walking or carpooling to the local school. Recently, an article on the cover of the Los Angeles Times pictured people, coincidentally including my aunt and two baby cousins in tow, in a crosswalk at Gould Avenue and Knight Way. My sister and brother walk...

Exemplification Essay about a Really Bad Job

3 Pages 1202 Words
In modern-day society, there are still many ways people use racism and prejudice towards others and this novel shows how it was used more frequently back then. Harper Lee reveals the sad truth about racism and prejudice in her book To Kill a Mockingbird. Scout and Jem’s life is easy as a white family in the 1930s, living in a...

Exemplification Essay about a Person

3 Pages 1356 Words
It has been two days since I have been flying in the incessant rain. Though my body is giving up owing to starvation, my old wings have somehow found an inextinguishable fire in them. I decided to lounge for a while on the huge Peepal tree and proceed with my flight as soon as the pouring lessens. I have embarked...

Exemplification Essay on WW2

1 Page 590 Words
On June 28 1919 on the sides of Paris and Europe crowded into the Palace of Versailles to sign one of history’s most hated and also the most significant treaties. Commonly known as the Treaty of Versailles, it was a way all the countries ended World War I, but not knowing laid the foundation for the Second World War (WW2)....

Illustration and Exemplification Essay on Stress

5 Pages 2247 Words
Introduction Do you always experience mood swings, have difficulty sleeping, always feel anxious, and racing heartbeat? These are the common signs and symptoms that can be found in people who are stressed. What makes us stress? When we are worrying about something because we are not sure we can complete it successfully as we cannot bear the failure. All the...

Exemplification Essay on Stereotyping

4 Pages 1686 Words
For the past five decades, gender stereotypes in advertising have been attracting the interest of scholars by making them inquisitive about the techniques used by an advertiser to depict men and women in society. They were also keen to learn about the motives behind this stereotype as well as how it influenced the mindsets of society. Stereotypes are defined as...

Exemplification Essay on Banning Smoking

1 Page 408 Words
Smoking is an evil that is crippling our society, and the worst part is, we as individuals are not doing enough to stop this from destroying our society. Smoking is an addiction that controls the subjects so much that they can’t live without cigarettes. It becomes a compulsive habit. Sometimes it is so bad that people steal, lie, threaten, and...

Exemplification Essay on the Seven Deadly Sins in Schools

2 Pages 780 Words
Throughout the seven Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations (OCSGE), I choose the reflective, creative, and holistic thirteen. It is the person who solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an inferred conscience for the common good. In Catholic schools, the students are taught about human rights, pride, regard, and care for others. As a student, they need to figure out...

Exemplification Essay on Religion in School

2 Pages 718 Words
If Thomas Jefferson was alive today he would not agree with what the Trump administration stated or realized about education priorities and religious freedom. Trump is all for the idea of everyone having equal education as for Jefferson is not so much. Thomas Jefferson’s point on education is that he did not want to go out and have a state-wide...

Exemplification Essay on Sports

3 Pages 1334 Words
Did you play sports as a child? If you did you probably gained a lot from them even if you didn’t realize it at the time. Sports teach kids many things they will use in the future. They will also have several health benefits. It’s important for kids to try sports because it will open a door for them by...

Exemplification Essay about Scuba Diving

1 Page 470 Words
Scuba diving is an excellent way to spend some of your free time. It can provide you with a lot of excitement and open up a whole new world of adventure. If you like to dive then you should know about all the scuba gear that is available to you. This includes the scuba diving computer. There are many scuba...

Exemplification Essay on the Term Tyranny

2 Pages 759 Words
On Tyranny, by Timothy Snyder Timothy Snyder is an American author and professor at Yale University who focuses on the history of Eastern and Central Europe. On Tyranny, written by Snyder focuses on how threats to democracies still exist in today’s day and twenty different strategies that citizens could utilize to uphold democracy against authoritarian government regimes. In the book,...

Exemplification Essay on Optimism

2 Pages 1086 Words
Conflicts can arise in a person's life at any point in life, whether personal level conflicts that exist in a person's mind or socio-economic level conflicts that exist in the external environment. Nobody is immune to conflict in their life. Conflict is defined as a struggle or a clash between opposing forces. People can deal with conflict mentally and physically....

Exemplification Essay about Being Optimistic

2 Pages 877 Words
Optimism is viewed as an emotion that shows hopefulness and confidence about the future and the successful outcome of something. Even when something doesn’t go as planned, optimists still hope and believe in the best. Seligman broke down optimism into two categories; those being permanence and pervasiveness. Permanence is defined as those who give up easily due to believing the...

Exemplification Essay about Mexican Characteristics

3 Pages 1492 Words
Most Americans have heard of the difficulties of life for White Americans during the great depression, but few know of the injustices towards Mexican immigrants and Mexican-Americans during that time. Using all peoples of Mexican heritage as a scapegoat for the economic depression, unprecedented hatred and discrimination were shown towards them. Then repatriations-the illegal process of moving immigrants back to...

Exemplification Essay on Loyalty in Literature

2 Pages 967 Words
¨Loyalty is such a force for destruction because it readily clashes with genuine virtues such as honesty and fairness - all while seeing itself as superior to those virtues.”(Asghar, paragraph 4). Blind loyalty is a trait that is often bad. In both the article, Loyalty Isn't A Virtue, It´s the Enemy of Workplace Ethics by Rob Asghar, and the play...

Exemplification Essay on Loyalty

1 Page 496 Words
When someone says, “I love you,” or “I am loyal,” which do you think has a bigger impact? Love or loyalty. According to Google, love is an intense feeling of deep affection, while loyalty is defined as giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution. Now, according to these definitions, love and loyalty are...

Exemplification Essay on Love

4 Pages 2028 Words
Love, what is it really? Do we really know what love is? Such a complicated matter yet we humans like this topic so much. Since we humans are emotional beings who use love to express our feelings towards someone, it is the way of communication used by our hearts to reach someone’s heart. In this world of ours, though love...

Exemplification Essay on Guns Save Lives

1 Page 564 Words
Guns are the things that we humans see but don’t do anything to stop it but show sadness. “There are terrorists and home invaders and drug cartels and carjackers and knockout gamers and rappers, haters, campus killers, airport killers … I ask you: do you trust the government to protect you”? “LaPierre, Wayne (Executive Vice President and CEO).” NRA On...

Exemplification Essay about Genetic Engineering

2 Pages 809 Words
When I think of genetic engineering, I say to myself “Wow a way to get exactly what I want and how I want it.” Genetic engineering is a topic of opinion, While some people may disagree with the procedure for most it is seen as the best opportunity they can ever be given. Genetic engineering also known as gene editing,...

Exemplification Essay on the Outstanding Qualities of a Person

2 Pages 1053 Words
In the previous eras of football, talent, and physicality were the only criteria used to rate a player. But in this current football era, to be an outstanding footballer one requires more than just talent and physicality to flourish. For a footballer to be outstanding in this football era, he or she is required to be good on and off...

Exemplification Essay on Legalization of Drugs

2 Pages 707 Words
The process that perhaps should begin by obliteration of the term ‘evil’ from drugs, as such term may be very ‘evaluative-destructive’; hence allowing very little room, if any, for deviation, thus stamping ‘Evil’ forever as ‘Evil; which consequently has blinded those endeavoring to destroy drugs influence, by ignoring many benefits that such industry could possibly bring to society, had it...

Exemplification Essay on Discrimination

4 Pages 1815 Words
This essay will give an explanation and analysis of the nature and extent of discrimination in the UK, introducing the nine characteristics and focusing on disability discrimination. The report will also analyze the importance of current legislation that ensure equal opportunity, specifically the Equality Act (2010), and explain the importance of codes of conduct and practice, such as the BPS...

Exemplification Essay about Son

2 Pages 727 Words
I chose to interview my 40-year-old neighbor, M.A., a Latin American female who has lived in the US for about 20 years. M.A. is now married and a stay-at-home mother to her 2 children. Her daughter is 10 years old and her son is 7 years old. I explained to M.A. that I was going to be interviewing her about...

Exemplification Essay on Child Discipline

1 Page 647 Words
Child discipline is probably the least fun part of parenting. It can be frustrating, discouraging, and exhausting. It is one of the most common and hardest challenges of parenthood. But there's a distinction between discipline and punishment. Discipline is the practice of coaching someone to behave in accordance with rules or a code of conduct so they can adopt applicable...
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