Explicatory Essay Examples

9 samples in this category

Welcome to the realm of explicatory essay examples. Are you a student who wants to do well on your assignment or a curious person who wants to improve your writing? You’ve come to the right place. We’ll explain what they are, how to write them, and their types and purposes....

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Poetry Explication on 'The Road Not Taken' Essay

5 Pages 2535 Words
The main aim and purpose of this paper are to analyze Robert Frost's poem 'The Road Not Taken' from the point of view of stylistic analysis. This analysis deals with the different aspects of stylistics such as the lexico-syntactic, patterns and choices, semantically, grammatically, graph logically, and phonological. This poem is about the selection of choice between right and wrong...

'My Father is a Simple Man': Explicatory Essay

2 Pages 850 Words
“My Father is a Simple Man” by Luis Omar Salinas is a poem about a father and son’s gratefulness. This poem takes place in an old town through crowded streets of children. Author Luis Omar Salinas has written about his father Rosendo Salinas and explains to the reader his love for him. Luis was born June 24th, 1937 in a...

Explicatory Essay on Robert Frost’s “Design”

2 Pages 722 Words
Robert Frost’s “Design” is a beautiful short poem that vividly brings the reader into a simple concrete situation that contains a much deeper meaning of life and death. Indeed, Frost tells the story of witnessing a spider with its dead moth prey in a web made upon a white flower. The balance of the delicate, light, and beautiful flower and...

Poetry Explication Essay

1 Page 478 Words
This poem begins with the speaker saying “I want you to know one thing” It’s only one quick sentence but it is intense. The speaker says this as if he’s trying to create a firm tone and give off a warning to the reader, that it’s only one thing but it’s very important. Throughout the first stanza, The speaker also...

Explicatory Essay on Soliloquy in 'Hamlet'

2 Pages 768 Words
Act 3 in the play highlights the “Truth vs Deception” theme that is happening in Hamlet. This is particularly clear in the act before the soliloquy is delivered. In Act 2, Hamlet arranges for the theatre company to play his “Mouse Trap” version of “The Murder of Gonzago”. The players reenact the scene of King Hamlet’s death in the garden...

Explicatory Essay on George Herbert's “The Windows”

2 Pages 934 Words
In George Herbert's “The Windows” the speaker presents the idea of how the power of God impacts the flock of churchgoers through sound. The speaker notes that God has given preachers a set ability to portray his word, however, if you only preach the word of god without actually living the complete life, you are a phony. In order to...

Explicatory Essay on Homer’s 'Odyssey'

1 Page 538 Words
Pride Passage 1, Odysseus & Calypso (book 5 lines 201-224) In this passage, Odysseus is taking his destiny in his own hands by leaving Calypso to head to his home, wife and son in Ithaca. Despite Calypso’s powerful and emotional persuasive argument, her pleas have no chance as Odysseus has decided that a life with his family carries more weight...

Explicatory Essay on Hafez: 14th Century Poet

5 Pages 2079 Words
Since the 14th century, people have been analyzing and talking about the works of Persian Sufi poet Hafez. Born between 1320 to 1325 a.d. in Shiraz, South-Central Iran, Hafez was one of the two most influential, studied, and praised poets of the Middle East and even the world. His works centered around the ideas of spirituality, love, and wine. Hafez's...

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