Global Issues Raised in 'Wall-E'

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The Earth has been deserted, disregarded and disrespected. It is 700 years in the future. A city occupied by skyscrapers takes over the horizon. A more observant look reveals the structures are actually consist of garbage, neatly formed into blocks and piled to form skyscraper like structures. Throughout this vast city of trash, only one creature roams the land. This is Wall-E, the last remaining solar-powered robot. He scoops up trash, shovels it into his stomach, compresses it into a square and ascends on his treads and heads up a winding road to the top of his latest tower, placing it neatly on the pile. While humans are living in paradise on the luxurious spaceship, Axiom, the Earth is left in disarray and uninhabitable. Through analyzations in science fiction and global implications, ‘Wall-E’ is a movie capable of opening the eyes of the viewer to how human beings treat the environment and where the future of the Earth could be headed if we decide to continue on this path. The movie takes a brilliant approach of exaggerating this theme in order to bring awareness to an inevitable end.

‘Wall-E’ was able to address a few themes of science fiction. One of which being artificial intelligence. This intelligence is exhibited by robots, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals. The term 'artificial intelligence' is used to describe the ‘minds’ of machines as a resemblance of cognitive functions that is associated with other human minds, such as learning problem solving and communication. This then raises the question, what becomes of robots that are turning into intelligent machines? Are they truly developing human like personalities, and will they deviate from what they were designed to accomplish? There are many examples of classic science fiction films that resemble the themes shown in the film. A prime example of this is comes from the movie ‘I, Robot’. There seems to be a common fear among people regarding the potential behind artificial intelligence. Nevertheless, robots are always portrayed to be superior than their creators. After viewing ‘Wall-E’, the question came to mind: what was the motive in preventing themselves from turning against their creators and asserting dominance over the world? In countless science fiction films, we see artificial intelligence as the detriment to our society. Time and time again, robots are overpowering their creators and manipulating humanity in order to achieve an ulterior motive. However, there is a happier, more gratifying aspect to the movies theme. EVE and Wall-E are two machines gifted with artificial intelligence. Their abilities potentially go beyond all of the robots shown in the film. This is because the two robots are the only ones that possess the ability to formulate their own personified behaviors. Instead of transforming into villains, these characters create their own destinies by becoming heroes that act just like people. It is quite the fascinating reversal to an ongoing science fiction phenomenon. Although there are brief moments of artificially intelligent mutiny, like when AUTO tries to take control of the Axiom in an attempt to prevent the humans from returning to the Earth, the movie for the most part positively illustrates AI’s.

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Movies such as this always raise concern as to whether or not the actions portrayed in the film are probable. In the initial scene of the film, we are introduced to Wall-E as the garbage compressing robot. Everyone is shown how trashed the Earth has become. There is holographic television all around marketing the Axiom. At this point these questions arose. How the electricity could power televisions and billboards when there is no power? What is the reasoning behind a single machine remaining? In the beginning, I was inquiring how the planet got so trashed from the start, nonetheless I responded to my own questions, bearing in mind humanity has turned out to be tremendously reckless with their over indulgence and extravagant habits. Which is the reason why the global population moved to the Axiom in the first place. The Axiom is a flying spaceship that was built for the human race to live in, while the robots clean up the Earth. But once more, questions continued to fill the mind. How were they able to make the decision on what humans would get a ticket for the Axiom and which ones would not? The film showed the president and how he ‘clearly’ had to stay back, but who else had to? Were they responsible for buying the tickets? ‘Wall-E’ leaves everyone with so many unanswered questions. For ‘Wall-E’ to capture realistic elements to its audiences, it would need to have initiated on a clean slate. It would have been more proper to have informed everyone with the answers to all the questions that the viewers are left hanging on with even at the end of the movie. This is basically even more motive for everyone to associate it as unrealistic. However, the film’s purpose is not to be realistic, it is simply grabbing the attention of the audience by, in a sense, being dramatic and unrealistic in order to bring to light the horrible future our environment could potentially face This makes all the unrealistic aspects of the film virtually irrelevant.

The movie has global implications that bring to light a negative societal trend. It is a message that is regards the environment on what occurs over time when the planet is not properly taken care of. The movie shows how the Earth is in a devastating state because they did not treat it with respect. The movie was able to show the environmental concerns in great detail using the animation of the cartoons. The message in the movie was able to show how ‘going green’ is a natural part of day-to-day life and showcases that throwing away and recycling the trash is significant. The movie does a good job in trying to demonstrate how recycling needs to be important to everyone so that they can see the difficulties that may arise in civilization. The movie appears to be trying to get the point out that recycling is also significant for the reason that it aids individuals, saves the Earth, saves energy, and promotes the mitigation of global warming. It seemingly does a good job of introducing the idea of what could occur if we avoid educating society on taking responsibility for its actions and ensuring the trash it is eradicated in a way that is appropriate and vigorous. The filmed did a great job in showing what our planet will be like in the next 50 years if there is not a quick intervention of some kind.

Our world as we know it may never be as it remains if we continue the same path. Obviously, not to the extent that is portrayed in ‘Wall-E’, however the parallelism that is linked to reality is a foreshadowing of what is to come. By addressing global implications through illustrations of a current societal trend and the portrayal of artificial intelligence, the movie gives a glimpse of the inevitable. A dark and desolate world that lacks the ability to sustain the lives of its inhabitants.

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Global Issues Raised in ‘Wall-E’. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Global Issues Raised in ‘Wall-E’.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023,
Global Issues Raised in ‘Wall-E’. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Global Issues Raised in ‘Wall-E’ [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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