Herbal Medicine essays

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3 Pages 1343 Words
The monthly menstrual cramps are the worst experience of my life. It is pretty common for me to feel unbearable pain during my periods, but I remember one remarkable time when I visited my grandma: I was about to use the bathroom to deal with period stuff, but I immediately felt that familiar pain as I tried to stand up....
GingerHerbal Medicine
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3 Pages 1332 Words
Cancer is an acute condition where abnormal cells consecutively divide and spread into neighboring tissues, which endangers cell life if the spread is not controlled. According to World Health Organization (WHO) (2010), cancer causes 13% of all deaths in 2004, accounting for 7.4 million deaths which mostly spread across lung (1.3 million deaths/year), stomach (803,000 deaths), colorectal (639,000 deaths), liver...
CancerHerbal MedicineTherapy
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5 Pages 2222 Words
Illness and disease have been around ever since the beginning of time. In the world of modern medicine, we do not think much about alternative remedies. In the ancient times, they did not have modern medicine, they would have used herbal or natural remedies to cure whatever was wrong with them. Also, they did not have medical science to test...
Herbal MedicinePharmacology
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