High School Narrative Essay

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My name is Rechilda Eruteya Abad, I was born on the 28th of September, 1999. I come from a family of five. I am the first of three children. My mother works in Guinness Nigeria as a National Capability Manager while my father is an engineer in his Ferechal Limited. I am currently single and living with my parents.

On September 11, 2012, I started my first year in high school at Our Saviour Secondary School in Delta State Nigeria. On September 17, 2013, I moved to my second year in high school at Dee Unique College Lagos Nigeria. I graduated from high school in July 2015. While in school, I did well. I got several awards for being the best student in my class in all the subjects. This achievement makes me proud of myself. I feel I can continue my hardworking attitude off to college. Challenges do not make me shy away from my work, instead, I look for ways to solve the problem at hand and carry out a task. Once my goals are set, I work very hard until I achieve them because I am not a quitter. I know how to value an opportunity when it comes my way.

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After completing high school, I started working as an intern at my mother’s butchery, Reds, and Greens Butchery as a customer service representative. I started working there on the 9th of August, 2016 and I am currently still working there. Hospitality involves treating guests in a warm, friendly, and generous way. This is closely related to customer service as it involves treating the customer with care and providing professional, helpful, high-quality service and assistance. This experience is important in the hospitality industry as it would help me know how to deal with certain things through the course of my program at Central Queensland University, Australia.

I graduated high school quite young, I was only fifteen years old. My parents and I decided I needed to take a year or

My name is Rechilda Eruteya Abad, I was born on the 28th of September, 1999. I come from a family of five. I am the first of three children. My mother works in Guinness Nigeria as a National Capability Manager while my father is an engineer in his Ferechal Limited. I am currently single and living with my parents.

On September 11, 2012, I started my first year in high school at Our Saviour Secondary School in Delta State Nigeria. On September 17, 2013, I moved to my second year in high school at Dee Unique College Lagos Nigeria. I graduated from high school in July 2015. While in school, I did well. I got several awards for being the best student in my class in all the subjects. This achievement makes me proud of myself. I feel I can continue my hardworking attitude off to college. Challenges do not make me shy away from my work, instead, I look for ways to solve the problem at hand and carry out a task. Once my goals are set, I work very hard until I achieve them because I am not a quitter. I know how to value an opportunity when it comes my way.

After completing high school, I started working as an intern at my mother’s butchery, Reds, and Greens Butchery as a customer service representative. I started working there on the 9th of August, 2016 and I am currently still working there. Hospitality involves treating guests in a warm, friendly, and generous way. This is closely related to customer service as it involves treating the customer with care and providing professional, helpful, high-quality service and assistance. This experience is important in the hospitality industry as it would help me know how to deal with certain things through the course of my program at Central Queensland University, Australia.

I graduated high school quite young, I was only fifteen years old. My parents and I decided I needed to take a year or two to get ready for post-secondary education. While I was waiting, I started working in my mother’s butchery as a customer service representative. This gave me time to prepare and also get some experience before starting school.

Making decisions can be very difficult, you have to decide where you would school, and what program you would choose. It does not get any easier as there are so many options given to us. Hospitality is the friendly and generous entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers. Sharing is something that has always given me so much joy, seeing how happy people feel when you show an act of kindness just brings this warm feeling to my stomach. Food is something that brings people together, and eating good food is something that will always be remembered, it not only feels the stomach but also feels the heart. My love for sharing and food made me realize I needed to study Hospitality Management.

Currently, in Nigeria, no higher institution covers hospitality management. This has made studying in my country very hard as there is no provision for those who want to study hospitality management. After deciding the career path, I would take, I was faced with the tough decision of choosing where to study. While doing my research on what countries would be the best for me, Australia was part of my options and it caught my attention. I decided to do a little more research, then I learned Australia is a growing destination for international students. It has become well known for cultural diversity, friendly natives, and high-quality education. This caught my attention as I love learning new cultures and also getting a high-quality education at the same time. I get the experience of interacting with people from different backgrounds and cultures. This is going to give me an edge over my peers as I would be getting an international experience and would be learning from people from different backgrounds.

While looking for a school, needed a school that would provide me with the best experience possible. Central Queensland University has been recognized for its quality education and has received several awards for it. Being only around for about 25 years, they have achieved so much, being among the 650 universities in the world out of over 26000 universities worldwide. They have also been placed among one of the world’s best young universities. Central Queensland University has achieved so much in its short time of being established. A lot of universities that have been open for so many years have not been able to accomplish this.

Central Queensland University was established in 1967 in Rockhampton. Currently, CQU has 24 campuses with over 30000 students. There is also a lot of support provided to students to make their time at CQU as easy as possible. Counseling is provided to assist students who are having a hard time in school and this helps students solve the issues affecting their studies. There is also assistance given to the disabled ones. Student mentors are provided to first-year students to make them adjust easily to the requirements needed to succeed in school. Financial aid is provided to those who may not be able to afford the fees required through the course of the program. CQU provides more student support to ensure students enjoy the total experience. CQU provides accommodation for students throughout the campuses. Capricornia College Rockhampton is the closest accommodation to my campus and it provides food, a shared bathroom, and 24-hour security. This helps students adjust to the environment as they are surrounded by fellow schoolmates and it’s a home away from home.

I have gotten an offer letter from CQ University for a diploma in hospitality management. This would last for one year where I would be required to complete 28 units. On completion of the one-year program, I would be starting the bachelor of hospitality management program for two years where I would be required to complete 16 units which include 12 core units and 4 electives. On completion of the program, I would be able to explain the fundamental principles of accounting, management, economics, human resource management, and marketing, and their applications to hospitality and tourism. I would also be able to identify and analyze problems and issues, using critical thinking and research skills, through the selection and use of appropriate methodologies to interpret information and reach solutions/conclusions. These are just some of the things I would be getting on completion of the program.

The bachelor in hospitality management would allow me to widen my career prospects in hospitality management by exposing us to studies business business-related disciplines. This will provide me with a gateway to grow my career in five-star hotels and restaurants in my home country.

Through the course of this program, I intend to get the best knowledge and training that will enable me to work as a restaurant manager and in the long run, have my restaurant. After the completion of my program, I intend to come back to my country and start managing the family business (Reds and Greens Butchery) where I will be managing the steakhouse. I would be earning around NGN350000 per month. I would also love to apply to some of the top hotels here in Nigeria such as Sheraton Hotel, Radisson Blu, Intercontinental Hotel, and The George Lagos Hotel. These hotels would give me a good startup as they are some of the best hotels out there.

Studying abroad comes with a lot of benefits. The experience it gives is unique and those who studied in my home country would not get the experience and exposure. Compared to studying in my home country, studying abroad is a lot more but the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. Studying in a prestigious school like CQ University puts me above my peers because of the international exposure I would be getting. I would be able to get good jobs in some of the best companies here in Nigeria.

As a student, I understand that I am obligated to meet all the requirements under the higher education subclass visa 500.

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High School Narrative Essay. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/high-school-narrative-essay/
“High School Narrative Essay.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/high-school-narrative-essay/
High School Narrative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/high-school-narrative-essay/> [Accessed 27 Sept. 2024].
High School Narrative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/high-school-narrative-essay/

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