How Deeply Is Misogyny Embedded In Society?

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What is misogyny?

Misogyny is defined by Cambridge dictionary as “feelings of hating women, or belief that men are much better than women”. Prejudice against women of any age is also considered to be misogynistic. Common places misogyny is present is in the workplace, school, home/family life, and in many social settings, whether we realise it or not. Misogyny can be found in differing forms, in more blatant behaviours of gender-based hate crimes and violence (including homicide and rape) and in more subtle ways that are seeming ingrained in society, like male privilege and entitlement, which are behaviours and attitudes that have stemmed from religious teachings and historical events.

How does misogyny in history affect our society in 2019?

The suffragettes in the mid to late 1800’s fought long and hard for a woman’s right to vote. They faced many obstacles and severe backlash from men in positions of power and even amongst their families. It was a commonly held belief of the time for the women to be quiet, meek and to clean, cook and look after a family.

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How does misogyny in religion shape our current society today?

From early times as shown in historical documents such as the Bible, misogyny runs deep in the roots of society. In the teaching of 1 Timothy 2:8-15: “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.” This passage is showing that people in early times believe that men were superior to women, in the terms of they must learn in “quietness and submissiveness”. This is also shown through the statement “I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man.” Through these statements, it is shown that there is a history of women being belittled and made to feel less important than men. The society shown in the bible is also patriarchal, which

How does patriarchy affect misogyny in society?

Patriarchy has played a dominant role in the shaping of misogynistic behaviours. Under-representation in politics, suppression of rights and violence are examples of how patriarchy is affecting society and encouraging misogynistic behaviours. Patriarchy has become more the rule, rather than the exception. (Patriarchal Cultures: Origin, History and Examples, 23/8/19) bo

What part does misogyny play in gender-based violence?

The loathing of women has fuelled horrifying numbers of hate-based crimes including murder/homicide and rape. As Jacquelyn Campbell said in her thesis: ‘The Role of Misogyny in Patterns of Homicide’,

“Sexual violence is … a means of controlling women” (Charlotte Higgins, 2018)

Concluding statement: As time goes on, misogyny becomes more and more of a social norm. It almost seems as though as this issue is being brushed under the carpet.

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How Deeply Is Misogyny Embedded In Society? (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“How Deeply Is Misogyny Embedded In Society?” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
How Deeply Is Misogyny Embedded In Society? [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
How Deeply Is Misogyny Embedded In Society? [Internet] Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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