How DNA Clock Can Help Predict Your Lifespan

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DNA is the inheritors and carriers of the organism. DNA plays a unique role in the flow and evolution of heredity. Originally DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is composed of three types of material. These are Phosphate, Deoxyribose sugar and 4 types of Nitrogen Alkaline. The Nitrogen Alkalines are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine.

DNA contains our primitive generation, our previous history, and stories. How do we relate to our familiar faces, other than human beings, our relationship with other natural ecosystems and organisms, the reconciliation of homo sapiens with humans, or people's immigration to the African continent - all that is hidden in our DNA. At the same time as it is a genealogy holder and it has a huge information store.

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When scientists and researchers say that primitive people came to Africa about 200,000 years ago and 60 thousand years ago they started spreading to the whole world. The question might arise, at the present time how they say it? Normally researchers evaluate the prehistoric timeline of humans by researching the fractions of fossils and primitive people used at different times. These fossils can be easily evaluated through Radio Carbon dating or Potassium-Aragon dating. But to determine the duration of these methods, fossils or samples are to be kept in a special environment which is quite complex. Again, it always becomes difficult to find the right time with all types of fossils.

DNA dating method has been discovered to overcome this complexity. Generally, DNA of the organisms is changing at a certain rate in each generation. That is, when new generations emerge in the union of the previous generations of men and women, both generations have DNA in the new generation. The combination of the two DNA is mixed that's mean the mixture becomes gradually changed. Imagine now, if scientists are able to find out the rate of this change of DNA, then according to that rate, if it returns to the previous generation from the current generation, then it would be possible to define that period very easily.

Now, in the same way, if we get information about the appearance of our previous generation or ancestors or the age of the ancestors and the age-related information, if we apply it to the future, then is it possible to know when the present generation will reach some time? Whether is it possible, to find out the information what kind of change will happen to any human or animal at any time or when he/they can die?

Researchers have found that their DNA has a specific chemical change in the entire lifetime of the organism. Researchers also believe that due to chemical changes in DNA, the age of humans or other organisms, and even lifespan can be determined.

After considering several factors in the theoretical study, it is found that that whose supposed age is higher than their actual age, their lifespan is relatively less, that is, they are likely to die faster. On the other hand, in those cases, the estimated age and the periodic real age are almost equal, they live longer relatively more than the previously described humans or organisms.

In fact, observing DNA's epigenetic changes, researchers measure the biological age of the person. Epigenetic changes are such that, it helps to changes the gene expression. As with the combination or not of the gene, it is similar to some mutation. During this period the main sequence of DNA may not be changed. In this case, the researchers have looked at the methylation process of DNA, by which DNA is the main sequence and other chemical tags are added. Now with the increase of our age, this DNA methylation will change at a fixed rate.

However, our lifespan will not always depend on the change in DNA methylation. Other things such as smoking, diabetes or cardiovascular diseases may also be involved. For these reasons, lifespan may be reduced. It also depends on age and sex.

Although these research or experiments may highlight the relationship between DNA clock and the lifespan, still we need a broader study of this topic. Thus the DNA clock system is used to calculate our lifespan. Let's talk about why this DNA clock has become important for molecular programmers.

Nature always shows scholarship in creating biological machinery and circuits, which seems surprising to ordinary people. One such wonder in nature is the invention of our body. It causes physical changes over time, creates a copy of genetic information, and this can flow in the lineage or the body cells may cause a circulation. Motivated by this work of nature, scientists are now making relentless efforts to discover these biological devices, such as the nanoscale factory, biological circuits or molecular computers. In some cases, they have achieved considerable success.

For these research work, researchers have to rely on especially existing cellular components, such as on different enzymes. But not all research is carried out only on cellular components. Many researchers tried to start from zero altogether. For those molecular programmers, DNA becomes a lot like a programming code for them, by using this they compose all new molecular programs. The continuation of this DNA program recently the researchers created the first molecular clock (molecular clock), which is completely made by DNA.

Researchers have learned to think again by this breakthrough invention. DNA is not only indirect bearer of inheritance, rather it is a kind of molecules exhibiting complex behavior. Certainly, biotechnology is a claimant for achievement for this DNA oscillator or molecular clock. The most wonderful thing is that DNA clocks are helpful in introducing a new horizon in artificial biology.

Biotechnology is essential for the achievement of this DNA oscillator or molecular clock. The most wonderful thing is that the DNA clock will start a new horizon in artificial biology. With the help of this, it will be possible to create the program of artificial cell's activities routine, or it will most acceptable for the use of molecular computer control. That is, it will be possible to calculate the lifespan of the person and it may also be possible to include. As a result, it will be possible to create direct and indirect effects on many other physical activities.

David Solwhicik, electrical and computer engineer of Austin's Texas University, a Doctoral candidate of the California Institute of Technology, Niranjan Srinivas and his colleagues have created a DNA compiler. This DNA compiler is mainly composed of several algorithm series, with the help of which a molecular programmer can guide the molecules without the help of organic chemistry in the compiler. Then the compiler software transforms this instruction into the DNA sequence and the synthesis and composition of this sequence are followed by more hierarchy. After these sequences, composite DNA instructions form together in molecular machines themselves.

The researcher team has been able to program a DNA oscillator prototype using this compiler. The DNA oscillator generates periodic vibrations 'tick' and 'talk' pattern. That is to say that the combination of tick-tuck words in the clock is made, as is done here. Again, this tick-tack pattern can be changed by creating new patterns. Like most binary codes used in electronic equipment. All programs created in combination with 0 and 1. Here's exactly the same and the idea of the researcher's team is that if the tick-tack pattern can be increased with the help of chemical signals, it can show relatively complex behavior.

DNA is a comprehensive information store for dynastic traditions. As well as evaluating the changes in this chemical substance, we can know about our age as well, or DNA clock programs can also bring various changes. These changes and specializations will be more helpful for biological research.

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How DNA Clock Can Help Predict Your Lifespan. (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
“How DNA Clock Can Help Predict Your Lifespan.” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022,
How DNA Clock Can Help Predict Your Lifespan. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Jan. 2025].
How DNA Clock Can Help Predict Your Lifespan [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 21 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from:

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