How Does Angela Wexler Change

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In Ellen Raskin’s "The Westing Game," the character of Angela Wexler undergoes a significant transformation, which serves as one of the central arcs in the novel. Initially presented as a passive, compliant young woman, Angela evolves into a confident, assertive individual who takes control of her life. This essay examines Angela Wexler’s character development by analyzing her changing relationships, self-perception, and responses to the pivotal events in the story.

The Initial Presentation of Angela Wexler

At the beginning of "The Westing Game," Angela Wexler is depicted as the quintessential obedient daughter, largely defined by her relationships with her family and her fiancé, Dr. Denton Deere. Her mother, Grace Wexler, places considerable pressure on her to fulfill a traditional role, valuing Angela primarily for her beauty and her engagement to a promising young doctor. This dynamic is evident in how Grace often praises Angela superficially, highlighting her attractiveness and future as a doctor's wife, rather than her individual merits. According to the text, Grace's influence is a significant factor in shaping Angela's initial submissive and unassertive personality (Raskin, 1978).

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Angela's compliance is further evidenced by her silence and passive demeanor during family interactions and social gatherings. Her character is initially portrayed through the lens of others, notably her mother and fiancé, who see her more as an object of admiration than an autonomous individual. This early depiction serves to underscore the societal expectations placed upon Angela and sets the stage for her eventual transformation.

Emerging Independence Through Conflict

Angela's transformation begins to take shape through her involvement in the Westing Game, a complex puzzle designed by the enigmatic Samuel Westing. The game serves as a catalyst for Angela to reassess her life and her role within her family. Her engagement to Dr. Denton Deere, initially seen as a symbol of her compliance, becomes a source of internal conflict. Angela starts to question whether her life choices are genuinely her own or merely a reflection of her mother's ambitions. This questioning marks the beginning of her journey toward self-discovery.

The turning point in Angela's character occurs when she is revealed to be the bomber responsible for a series of explosions intended to disrupt the Westing Game. This revelation is pivotal as it signifies Angela's first act of rebellion against the constraints imposed upon her. The act of planting bombs, though dangerous and misguided, is symbolic of Angela's suppressed anger and desperation for autonomy. It reflects her struggle to break free from the roles imposed on her by her family and society. This act of defiance is supported by psychological research, which suggests that individuals often resort to extreme measures when they feel trapped or powerless (Baumeister, 1990).

Transformation and Self-Realization

As the narrative progresses, Angela's transformation becomes more pronounced. She begins to assert her independence by making decisions that reflect her desires rather than succumbing to external pressures. For instance, she breaks off her engagement with Denton Deere, recognizing that the relationship was more about fulfilling her mother's aspirations than her own happiness. This decision marks a critical step in Angela's journey toward self-realization, as she prioritizes her autonomy over societal expectations.

Angela's changing self-perception is also evident in her interactions with other characters. She forms a bond with Sydelle Pulaski, another participant in the Westing Game, who initially appears as an unlikely ally. Through this friendship, Angela discovers her capacity for empathy and solidarity, traits that were previously overshadowed by her passive demeanor. This evolution is consistent with developmental psychology theories, which emphasize the importance of social connections in shaping self-identity (Erikson, 1968).

The culmination of Angela's transformation is most evident in the novel's resolution. By the end of the story, she has not only asserted her independence but also gained the confidence to pursue her aspirations. Angela enrolls in medical school, a decision that reflects her newfound sense of purpose and determination. This shift is supported by empirical research, which indicates that increased self-efficacy and autonomy are positively correlated with personal growth and life satisfaction (Deci & Ryan, 2000).


Angela Wexler's transformation in "The Westing Game" is a compelling narrative of personal growth and self-discovery. Initially depicted as a passive and compliant individual, Angela evolves into a confident, assertive woman who takes control of her destiny. Her journey is marked by critical turning points, including her involvement in the Westing Game, her act of rebellion, and her eventual assertion of independence. Angela's character development underscores the novel's broader themes of autonomy, self-realization, and the complexity of human relationships. Through her transformation, Ellen Raskin highlights the importance of breaking free from societal constraints to achieve personal fulfillment and authentic self-identity.

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How Does Angela Wexler Change. (2024, October 22). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 28, 2024, from
“How Does Angela Wexler Change.” Edubirdie, 22 Oct. 2024,
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