Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states “everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” (United Nations) This unlimited freedom has created numerous controversies over time, with different media and...
Right to private life is guaranteed under Article 8 of the ECHR. It expressly protects, individual’s right to private life, his home, correspondence and other private life matters. It is not a mere private and family right but a right which guarantees an individual’s privacy, for instance, it also prevents disclosure of confidential information, be it a public figure of...
Freedom of expression, as described in Article 41 of the Constitution of Malta is said to be the protection of the rights of a person to be able to express himself or herself. It states that“…no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of expression …”[footnoteRef:1]. It also protects the freedom of one to be able to...
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“Freedom of expression as guaranteed by international law and The Constitution of Kenya 2010 is difficult to realize because of the claw-back provisions in the relevant statutes.” Anon. Using case law, interrogate the validity of the above statement. Article 2 of the Constitution of Kenya states that the Constitution is the supreme law of the Republic and binds all persons...
Freedom of ExpressionMedia
1) Constitution Of Kenya 2010 The constitution of Kenya 2010 under article 33 provides for the freedom of expression explicitly stating that every person has and shall enjoy this right. The freedom to expression is further illustrated to include the following three;[footnoteRef:2] [2: The Constitution of Kenya, 2010, Article 33.] The ability and freedom to seek any information, to receive...
In the modern technological era, the influence of the media is ubiquitous. Smart phones permit instant and continuous access to the latest news, including – even especially – stories relating to crime. The question of how the legal system might adapt to the role of the media demands a consideration of several factors. Firstly, discussion of two fundamental rights which...
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Generally speaking, in the terms of media freedom and freedom of expression, Turkey has been always one of the most restrictive countries in the member states of the Council of Europe. Critisim is a way that we can point out the good and bad things in something, someone etc. Unfortunately in Turkey, critisim is considered as a crime. Critics makes...
Freedom of Expression does exist in Malaysia. ‘Freedom of Speech, Assembly and Association’ is recorded under Article 10(1) of the Federal Constitution, in Part II. According to Article 10 Clause (1) in the Federal Constitution, “(a) every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression; (b) all citizens have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms; (c)...
Students should not wear uniforms because they take away a student’s sense of individuality. Imagine this: 30 students sit at desks in a small classroom. Each student wears tan pants and a white shirt. They sit with their school books and papers in front of them. They all look exactly alike. Does this seem right? Of course not! We are...
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Two things from the bedrock of any open society- freedom of expression and rule of law. If you don’t have those things, you don’t have a free country. -Salman Rushdie As wonderfully said by Sir Salam Rushdie, freedom of expression is the substratum of any free country. Freedom to speech and expression is regarded as the basic of liberty. This...
Granted by the Bill of Rights in 1791, the first amendment is one, if not, the most vital amendment that defines the American democracy and culture. This fundamental amendment grants citizens freedom of speech: allowing them to express their individuality and vocalize their opinions, regardless of how socially or politically unpopular those might be. Even though freedom of speech remains...
In the article “The Cobbling of American Mind,” Lukainoff and Haidt pointed out that it is becoming common for university students to demand protection from words and ideas they don’t wish to hear. Since then, college campuses have begun to prevent offensive speech, particularly those that might be hurtful towards women or minority groups, by punishing students through disciplinary actions...
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The fundamental idea behind limiting free speech is simple. In a nation that strives to embrace the cultural diversity of all, it seems obvious that it is not okay to demonize someone for where they come from, let alone the color of their skin. Those who are calling for limitless free speech do not understand that free speech results in...
From the 1970s, up until the last decade, free speech as been allowed without relatively any danger and no issues, however, recently that has all changed and traditional free idea exchange/speech has been challenged. This may have rooted from the term: “Political Correctness,” this term was only used infrequently until the 1980s, whereas the “The American New Left” began to...
Freedom of speech is a contentious subject. Academically, it can be argued as both good and bad for society, with the right to freely express your opinion being marred by the court’s responsibility to protect the reputation of Irish citizens. The media provides the largest platform for people’s opinions and therefore, must be highly regulated, however, there is no distinct...
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Freedom of Speech It helps an individual to attain self-fulfillment. It assists in the discovery of truth. It strengthens the capacity of an individual in participating in decision-making. It provides a mechanism by which it would be possible to establish a reasonable balance between stability and social change. All members of society would be able to form their own beliefs...
Freedom of Speech and Expression is something that we read about in every newspaper and article. But is it something better when it’s absolute or when it's within certain reasonable restrictions. Before getting into the crux of the matter we should learn more about the term Freedom of speech and expression, two important ideas enshrined in our Indian Constitution. All...