Jane Addams essays

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1 Page 689 Words
Jane Addams was born in Cedarville, Illinois on September 6th of 1860. She graduated in 1881, from Rockford Female Seminary, and was at the top of her class. After graduation, Addams wanted to take advantage of the fact that she was educated and put her education to use. Addams attempted to study medicine, and after this was unsuccessful she discovered...
2 Pages 804 Words
There are some important questions to ask ourselves as followers of Christ. What types of actions will help us maintain our relationship with God? This question is most simply answered as the 12 spiritual disciplines. I will be focusing on the discipline of service and how Jane Addams was an incredible example of how God wished to see His people...
1 Page 585 Words
In the 1800’s, despite the fact that Social Work did not exist as such, Jane Addams (born in 1860), was illustrated as a feminist and activist, she believed in her own instincts and learned from her past experiences when with working with individuals who had desperate and complex needs for high quality care due to their current situations. Because of...
1 Page 646 Words
Question 1: Provide an example of a contemporary organization that reflects the ideals or objectives of the Jane Addams Hull House and the Settlement House Movement. Describe ways in which the values and functions of that organization are consistent with Marx’s Ideas. Answer to Question 1: Contemporary organizations are organizations that strive on independent team and worker function where the...
1 Page 640 Words
What qualities mark a great, respectable man? Surely, in order for others to consider him an exceptional man, he must be virtuous and brave. Historians illustrate a large multitude of historical figures to be admirable, yet they don’t elaborate as to why. In Jane Addams’ address commemorating George Washington’s birthday, she clearly articulates how and why Washington earned his legacy...
1 Page 558 Words
Money. Food. Education. Jobs. Homes. Hygiene. All of which are of utmost importance for Americans, yet are being wrongfully denied to immigrants of our country. Immigrants are constantly forced into low-paying unskilled labor, demanding and tiresome work shifts, and cramped tenements swamped with disease. These conditions not only affect their lives but future generations as well, plunging thousands of immigrants...
1 Page 606 Words
Contemporary Feminist Theory is a generalized, wide-ranging system of ideas about social life and human experience developed from a woman centered perspective. Working to describe and critically evaluate the world from the distinctive vantage points of women, Feminism investigates the various situations of women in everyday society. With a history of influencers including Jane Addams, Florence Kelley, Marianne Weber, Harriet...

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