Ludwig Van Beethoven essays

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6 Pages 2579 Words
In her book ‘Beethoven and the Construction of Genius: Musical politics in Vienna, 1792-1803’, Tia DeNora attempts to interpret Beethoven’s primary success and ‘the construction of genius’. The main concern she brings up is that “the crux of the problem with most Beethoven literature as it addresses the composer’s reputation is that, to varying degrees, that literature consists of retrospective...
1 Page 420 Words
Music was used to invoke nationalistic pride within the people of France and proved to be an essential tool when rising against the aristocracy during the French Revolution. For example, ‘Le Marseillaise’, which is the French national anthem. It was written during this period of time. It is clearly known that the French Revolution presented some composers even now we...
1 Page 553 Words
Ludwig Van Beethoven was a composer and pianist, baptized in Bonn, Germany, on the 17th of December 1770. He was an important figure on the bridge between classical and romantic eras. He was educated by his father in a vigorous way and later studied with musician Christian Gottlob Neefe. Joseph Haydn also taught Beethoven composition when Beethoven was at the...
2 Pages 753 Words
Beethoven’s political ethos was liberal; however, he did at times seem to express views that were quite conservative and could also be interpreted as ambiguous. He was not afraid to express his political views through music. Examples of which could be heard in the opera ‘Fidelio’, about the unjust imprisonment overcome by a heroic individual. Also, in his cantata on...
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