Managing Your Mental Health After Graduation

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The day you are going to get your degree is usually the day of celebrations. But once the graduation parties are over it’s time to take what you’ve learned and become a productive member of society.

Here’s most horrible and difficult question started following you, ‘so “You've graduated. now what?’ This time period is very sensitive for students as most of them don’t realise the impact this will have on them.

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Life transitions can be stressful and triggering for anyone — even people who don’t have a pre-existing mental illness. Graduating from universities and entering “the real world” is perhaps one of the most jarring life transitions a young adult can face.

Mental health problems, with the period from 20 to 25 being a particularly susceptible developmental time in a person’s life. Leaving university successfully is a key life transition, which can be extremely stressful for some students. For a number of students, pre-existing mental health problems may be aggravated during this transition. These problems may persist or indeed worsen and can have an impact on their future lives.

Many students experience frustration and doubt, but sometimes those thoughts gain an intense momentum, bringing students to a place where they seriously consider ending their lives.

In the first week of post-graduation, students felt great. By week 3, though, something changed as they have a pervasive feeling of loss.

Within two months, the phase of depression might be started and students feel that something is going wrong in their lives. At that time, they are not clearly understand that what is happening with them, and feeling of unclear future goals and ambitions engulfed them.

Student do not know that their post-graduation emotional distress is not uncommon. Although it’s not an official diagnosis, “post-graduation depression” is commonly used to describe the extreme sadness and impaired functioning that recent grads report after they leave behind the world they created in college.

However, one area that mostly felt less prepared is managing mental health post-graduation, as many universities fall behind on offering support that can be implemented beyond university life.

Some universities are good at offering career support to students and continues to provide an online service for graduates. However, for those graduates, who are yet to choose a career path, in terms of practical and emotional support there is little to no provision.

Students might felt that they are not in a position to apply for any corporate roles because they could not provide employers with enough knowledge or enthusiasm for their industry to perform to their expected standards.

However, this lack of confidence confined them to applying for unrewarding local jobs that they didn’t feel reflected what they had learnt during their academic studies, subsequently further diminishing their self-esteem and the sense of achievement they associated with getting their degres.

The students believed that universities should do more to acknowledge that many of their graduates do struggle and should subsequently offer more support to students to better prepare them for the “real world”.

With tools such as online access to university mental health resources, similar to the graduate careers portal or through practical information given alongside their course of study, on things such as banking or housing markets, graduates could be better prepared for “adult life”, enabling them to feel more informed and confident when the time comes to make important decisions.

How Do You Know if You're Depressed?

Depression can be a cycle of dark thoughts and feelings of worthlessness. Soul-searching and self-awareness may not always be possible when you're depressed, but it is important that you try.

Symptoms for depression differ from person to person. The way one person displays signs of depression is not necessarily the way symptoms emerge in others.

  • Changes in sleep habits, whether sleeping more or — more frequently — difficulty sleeping.
  • Appetite changes, including either a loss of appetite or overeating
  • Feelings of stress and apprehension
  • Irritability
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Fearfulness
  • Sweating and dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Muscle pain and tension
  • Headaches

If you feel comfortable speaking with a friend or relative about your concerns, have someone help you research treatment options and accompany you to your healthcare provider.

Pull Yourself out of Depression

Here are some ways that can help you to overcome issues related to yur mental heath.

• Anyone who has new challenges could benefit from talking to someone. This includes if you have family or relationship issues, stress or anxiety about your work.

• In addition to eating well, sleeping, and practicing other self-care, there are also a number of hobbies that can reduce stress. You might want to consider involving yourself in a hobby that is not only enjoyable, but that can help reduce your overall stress levels.

• Scheduling a weekly session with your friends could help get you out from difficult times.

• Life transitions can be a tough adjustment to your personal schedule and routines. Getting used to the rhythm of a new lifestyle and work style can make it easy to put fitness, sleep, and healthy eating on the backburner. However,

• Maintaining essential areas including new lifestyle (which can make it easy to put fitness, sleep, and healthy eating) could helping you retain your sanity and feel clear-headed, even on your most anxious days.

• Trained and licensed mental health professionals can provide support in helping you to find relief from your symptoms. Psychotherapy can help individuals identify what issues are contributing to their symptoms of depression and how best to address these issues.

• Exercise has countless physical health benefits such as strengthening your heart, lowering blood pressure, reducing body fat, and improving strength. Exercise has also been shown to have numerous mental health benefits including reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.

You should take proper sleep as it could affects your psychological state and mental health. Sometimes when we feel worthless or guilty we have a hard time saying no, or setting boundaries in our best interest. Proper and healthy nutrition could also play a vital role to come out of mental health issues. In order to get temporary relief from stress and depression, Students should avoid use of drugs and alcohol.

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Managing Your Mental Health After Graduation. (2021, August 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 17, 2025, from
“Managing Your Mental Health After Graduation.” Edubirdie, 20 Aug. 2021,
Managing Your Mental Health After Graduation. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 17 Feb. 2025].
Managing Your Mental Health After Graduation [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Aug 20 [cited 2025 Feb 17]. Available from:

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