Minecraft as a Valuable Addition to Our Lives

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We should understand the current technologies easily in order to function in an increasingly digital world. Everyone can get benefit from attention to positive and healthy online communities, such as the world of Minecraft, an open-world block building game for any age. Researchers believe that certain video games provide significant benefits to children, helping them regulate emotions, build strong social ties, and improve other cognitive abilities. In this essay I am going to explore why Minecraft can be a valuable addition to our lives.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Working in a team and collaboration is probably the most challenging part of life. Teamwork activities happen regularly during the year in our daily life, and they involve people trying to learn a lot of very tough collaborative skills, such as negotiating, listening, waiting, following directions, and accepting criticism. Minecraft is a social game. It helps to be played with other players. Players play this game in groups, which helps them to coordinate, plan, build, and presenting a project among themselves in Minecraft. When players work as a group in Minecraft, it is vital that they work effectively. There's something interesting about Minecraft. Often, at least initially, working together effectively does not happen. I think freedom is too much for some players, or they have not adjusted to using Minecraft in an educational setting. In an American Psychological Association (APA) article, Dr. Isabela Granic describes studies that reveal “people who play video games…that encourage cooperation are more likely to be helpful to others while gaming than those who play the same games competitively”.

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Inspiring Confident Exploration

If we talk about other video games that have strict rules and targets are given by the game, however, in Minecraft, it is an open world game that doesn’t come built-in with structured quests. This means that players can walk around through this world and explore without any rush to achieve a linear task. Moreover, they are still challenged by loose survival requirements, such as feeding their avatars, building houses. Children can also play and they are free to make mistake and succeed in the world of Minecraft.

Problem Solving

A Player must discover new resources and experiment with different combinations to create new things in Minecraft. They must know how to build a home before night time and feed the meal to their avatar. Research conducted by S.R.I. International reveals that video game play might be responsible for measurable problem-solving and memory improvements.

Resource Management

Once a player in Minecraft starts playing, they begin to start calculating the costs of their all goods. For example, wood can be acquired by hand, but it’s faster to use an axe. However, all of these tools will eventually be used and require even more resources. A player will soon be able to understand the economics of labor and resources as they seek to craft the thousands of goods used in this game.

Geometry Skills

There is no doubt that the player should use to exercise their geometry skills to make any type of structures in this game with these blocks. Player will quickly learn what is possible to make with a cube six faces, and how to put blocks in a way that is structurally sound.


Minecraft has given an opportunity to the people from any age to start creating. Minecraft has enabled people to re-create everything from dragons to entire towns. People create stories, poems, paintings, and animations. Creating things in Minecraft enhance creativity in other ways. As this is being done, students are naturally compelled to think about what fantasy world looks like and what changes they would make to their current world. You could look at an empty Minecraft world as a blank sheet awaiting a player’s unique creativity. The relation among art, design, architecture, and planning are coming closer in Minecraft. Without knowing it, children are getting the seeds of their passions in life and of what may be in the heart for their professional careers. Maybe your child will show their architectural mindset and create astonishing block towns and structures inspired by actual or imaginary locations.


We know not every person is the same and their way of learning is also different, and they might not be able to learn in the same way. It is also known that everyone doesn't speak Deutsch as there first language or those who found difficulty to write their final assessments. Differentiating for people generally means giving them a different platform to explore in their own way, understand in their own way, process that content in their own way, and create them in their own way. Technology has always been a very vast factor in helping people those different platforms. We can make any type of worlds as a visual, interactive, and informational field trip so people can have a benefit and more than just words on boring lectures. People can make a world to express their learning on a subject that cannot be produced on two-dimension things. As differentiation is such a vast topic to discuss an important aspect of learning, it is worth notifying that the Minecraft might not be the best resource for every field of differentiating of human beings. However, we cannot oppose it, though, because it's also a powerful thing to help people.

Digital Citizenship

Minecraft is a digital world and you do not see your partners face to face, which can lead to some exciting scenarios for players. Usually, it is hard for people to communicate online with others. They have seen many people on online platforms where they put horrendous comments and believed that ‘anything goes’ online. Moreover, damaging other people’s stuff occurs in Minecraft, it can be an exciting moment for students to learn not just about digital world but about ownership, responsibility, and respect. You may see the nice person in your friend list does some bad things in the digital world. What people write in Minecraft when they think nobody is watching them is another learning time that deals with their perception of what they think is correct and incorrect to write online and how nothing online is short-term —there’s always a record in a database. Another interaction platform Minecraft is created is with YouTube culture it has given a chance to players who want to show off their Minecraft work make by making a YouTube channel. A lot of players around the world have Minecraft YouTube channels. Along with YouTube, regretful, comes a bad part of digital life: the judgment, the degrading, and the dislikes. For people, it is very hard to take the unknown and criticized feedback. These can be very difficult but a meaning learning moments for people.

Community Engagement

Nowadays, gathering people is difficult. Engagement is complicated because not every person is similar and they don’t have the same interests. One of the coolest things about Minecraft is that other players are continuously sharing their customized alterations, mission maps, inspiring creation, and wiki entries. This culture inspires players to explore their own ideas and contribute too. Depending on your age, you might want to explore special public servers, forums, and wiki guides together and see how other players modify their games.


Yes, entertainment is good. However, is entertainment enough? At times, but it is good when entertainment is complemented with engagement and a well-organized goal. Players discover Minecraft entertaining because they get to be innovative, although, its technology and everybody like both things since that's where they are alive. They live with technology daily, and for younger players, creativity is the main source of self-importance and a feeling of achievement. Adults like Minecraft because we can be artistic again, and that's entertainment.


The gameplay in Minecraft is not tough to grasp. Even 1st-grade schoolchildren had it down after a few times of playing. When it comes to independence in the actual world, elder students are still a bit limited. However, In Minecraft, they can take control and do what they want to do. Players love showing off their effort in any form, but from beginning to end in Minecraft, they are truly in charge of their imaginations.


In real world players who knows Minecraft inside out. These players are often the second (or sometimes first) teachers of Minecraft in the class. The leadership these players take on is a controlling and important knowledge for them, and most times they are people you would not pick out as natural leaders. Minecraft gives chances to players to lead, manage, and teach their classmates, which leads to more self-confidence in themselves.


Nowadays people are always busy with their devices instead of books or newspaper no matter its restaurant at lunch-time or bus station or sometimes at work-place when they have free time. This may be worthy or not, but we are not going to get into that. Fact is that the young generation are born with this seeing while growing up into this world. Of course, they know about (newspaper) books, and books are also a part of their lives, but kids see their parents with a technological device rather than a book every day. Our kids are in the middle of this world and living this life with us. Technology is important. Video games are important. If we don’t make technology a part of their educational life too then we are doing them disfavor.

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Minecraft as a Valuable Addition to Our Lives. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/minecraft-as-a-valuable-addition-to-our-lives/
“Minecraft as a Valuable Addition to Our Lives.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/minecraft-as-a-valuable-addition-to-our-lives/
Minecraft as a Valuable Addition to Our Lives. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/minecraft-as-a-valuable-addition-to-our-lives/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Minecraft as a Valuable Addition to Our Lives [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 15 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/minecraft-as-a-valuable-addition-to-our-lives/

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