Moment essays

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2 Pages 839 Words
I open my eyes. I smile. Today was going to be an incomparable day. 24th of June 2017 - The Stone Roses – Glasgow. Their last ever gig and I was going to be there, one of the most extraordinary bands in the world and I was going to see them. I was as happy as ever. So as you...
2 Pages 979 Words
“Ladies, your first competition is in one week, so you must try your hardest during these last few practices that we have!”. My coach explained, her voice echoing through the gym. And so, we put up our hair and got into position. The music started and we were bouncing and running and flipping around the gym, performing well for a...
3 Pages 1278 Words
9/11 occurred on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. 9/11 was an extremely unprepared for event and caused for the United States of America to be a very vulnerable target. The morning of September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists were able to hijack four planes that were departing from the Boston’s Logan airport, they choose planes that had farther journey’s ahead of them...
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2 Pages 778 Words
Introduction Life is a mosaic of moments, etched into our memories, some mundane, others unforgettable. These profound experiences often shape our character and influence our worldview in significant ways. An unforgettable moment in my life occurred during a summer volunteer program at a remote village, a setting far removed from the urban environment I was accustomed to. This experience was...
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