My Life Journey: Narrative Essay

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My name is Rindi, my father's name is Aziz, my father's job is a farmer and my mother's name is Harifah, my mother's job is as a housewife, I have a brother but a different father, even though still close as a thousand siblings. I was born in Sumenep, East Java on December 12, 2000, my favorite colors are blue and also green.

I live in East Lembung, I entered the East Lembri Negri Elementary School in 2007. When I was in elementary school I participated in a choir competition in the sub-district. When I was in elementary school I always took part in the contests on August 17th, and that made me very happy, laughing at small things like making us happy.

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After graduating from elementary school. I continued my junior high school education at the Lenteng Negri 1 Junior High School, while in junior high I participated in a poetry contest, although I lost the poetry contest it became a special experience for me. When I was in middle school things that could not be forgotten were when there was a catering program, each class competed with each other there to make us more enthusiastic and which further strengthened friendships in one class, taught cohesiveness to one another, and made us closer to the guardians class. When all the teachers tasted us all excited, afraid of the bad taste. The matter of winning and losing is not the most important thing is togetherness and cohesiveness. And after graduating from junior high school, our friends scattered, some continued their studies, and some did not, we found it very difficult to get together because we had our busy schedules, but communication was still established.

After graduating from junior high, I was confused about where to continue my education, but at that time a friend invited me to study at MA Raudhatut Thalibin, so at that time I was determined to continue my education there. There I stayed for 1 year, and in class 2 I stopped for some reason. In grade 3 my mother and I lived in a rented house near the school because at that time there was no father who could take me so I preferred to live in a rented house near the school. One day when it made me very happy, at that time my Indonesian language exam was so afraid of the grades I would receive when my teacher gave me my answer paper there I felt very scared but just when I opened it made my fear lessen and it was very satisfying for me because I was able to beat 2 classes and all students at that time repeated everything, only I wasn't. The Indonesian language teacher is indeed very strict and giving grades is very palpitating, but because of that, it makes students more active in learning. Take positive things from how to teach our teachers, because what our teachers do at that time will have an impact on our lives in the future.

And after graduating high school, I was confused about where to continue my studies. At that time, I attended SNBTN at UTM and also at UNEJ. I was accepted after telling my parents that my father allowed it, but my mother forbade me because I was a woman, saying, 'You women don't go too far to go to college, it's better to study here. Knowledge is the same, the important thing is that you mean it, even though you study far away but you don't mean it. ' And finally, I obeyed what my mother said. I registered again at UNIJA and took the test there a few days later to get a text from the UNIJA campus that I was accepted because there were a number of reasons I did not study at UNIJA. And after a few days, I went to school to get a diploma, at that time I was told by my teacher that there was a new campus called STIEBA at that time. After I came home from school I told my parents that I wanted to enter STIEBA and was allowed, and after that I told my teacher who told me about the STIEBA campus, at that time my teacher took care of everything. And finally, I received at STIEBA MADURA which is now UNIBA Madura, I majored in Accounting, why did I major in Accounting? Because I really liked it when I was in high school and I also like calculations.

As for my hobbies of dancing and reading, I have loved dance since I was a child. Dancing is one thing that I have been doing since I was a child, I often attend dancing when parting at elementary school. I danced traditional dance one of which is Muang Sangkat dance. Since I was in junior high, I stopped doing my hobby of dancing, for certain reasons. But I want to continue my hobby by joining UKM dance on my campus. And I want to make my own traditional dance studio, by having my own studio I can contribute my knowledge and also preserve culture. And one of the I want to preserve the dances of the culture where I live is the Muang Sangkat dance.

And I also really like reading books, one of them is a book created by Syafii Efendi. And where his books are always best sellers, and the contents of his books always contain motivation for young people to work in youth and for a brighter future. And his most famous book is 'MY ENEMY IS ME'. And what I remember the most words from Syafii Efendi in the book titled 'YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR BUILDING THE NATION' is 'success is not because you know everything. but know what is important, be sharpened, and then become a force that is beneficial to many people '. The message that I can take from those words is that life must be beneficial for oneself, for the family, and for the people.

My personality is friendly, and kind, and I like to make friends with anyone, but I really hate friends who are lying or arrogant. The negative thing in me is that I am still a child, often angry, and shy and I am impatient, impatient in the sense that if there is a task I want to get done quickly.

My goal is to build my own company. Why do I want to build my own company? Because seeing many scholars are unemployed because of the lack of employment and I want to reduce unemployment, and with us having our own company will increase experience and expertise quickly.

Being a successful person is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, because success takes hard work and never despair. And if your goals are laughed at, then change the laughter into applause.

Hope I want to be a successful person, to be proud of both my parents and everyone around me. I do not want to make them disappointed in me, I want to make them proud of me, especially my parents who have been supporting me, supporting me, and those who do not know the word tired.

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My Life Journey: Narrative Essay. (2023, August 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
“My Life Journey: Narrative Essay.” Edubirdie, 17 Aug. 2023,
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