My Virtual Life Emerging Adulthood: Critical Reflection Essay

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My Virtual Life (MVL) is an interactive online simulation that is divided into two parts. The first simulation allows you to raise a child from birth to age 18 and monitor the effects of your parenting decisions. The second simulation allows you to make first-person decisions and see the impact of those decisions on your simulated future self. (Pearson) This paper will explore two major themes surrounding my personal experience with the MVL simulation. The first theme will reflect on both simulations to highlight one aspect of child and adult development influenced by environmental forces; one aspect of child and adult development that was stable over time; and one more aspect of child and adult development influenced by an interaction of environment and biology. The second theme will reflect only on the adult simulation to compare and contrast the virtual experience with real-life experiences. Closing remarks will include a general summary of what I learned through the simulations and course material.

One aspect of human development that was primarily influenced by environmental forces was attachment. Attachment refers to the deep and long-lasting emotional bond that develops between a child and their primary caregiver (Hong and Park, 2012 ). According to the 19-month developmental testing report, my virtual child’s behavior reflects a secure attachment style. Securely attached infants can separate from their caregiver without too much distress and react positively once they return; they adapt more easily to new people and situations. (Hong and Park 2012). The primary environmental factor driving attachment patterns is the parenting style (Hong and Park, 2012). For example, the parents of securely attached children are more responsive to their child’s physical and emotional needs while still providing enough room for play and exploration. According to the final simulation report I was “an excellent parent in terms of both discipline and warmth.”. Thusly, my parenting decisions can be linked to my child’s emotional and social resilience. Moreover, early attachment has a long-term impact on relationship behavior, as was reflected in the adult simulation. My avatar managed to maintain stable relationships with friends and family throughout his life. After his first year in college, he even chose to move back home with his parents. This behavior reflects someone who has developed a secure attachment. In summary, attachment is an aspect of human development that is influenced by early environmental factors like parenting style but it has long-term effects.

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One aspect of child and adult development that remained stable over time is personality. Personality can be broken down into five general traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. These traits can be recognized in both simulations based on consistent patterns of behavior. For example, throughout the child simulator, Elena actively sought social interactions and reacted positively to new experiences; showing the longevity of traits such as extraversion and openness to experience. In the adult simulation, my avatar consistently showed the ability to self-regulate his emotions during stressful situations like his first break up during emerging adulthood and the loss of his mother and father later in life. He also maintained a strong work ethic throughout his academic and professional career; accomplishing tasks with thorough diligence. These patterns demonstrate the persistence of traits such as neuroticism and conscientiousness. The general stability of personality can be attributed to its genetic link. Research on twins and families has shown that personality traits are at least moderately heritable and remain mostly constant with age (Sanchez-Roige, Gray, MacKillop, Chen, Palmer, 2018). This underlying biological influence can explain why some aspects of human development like personality remain persistent over time.

One aspect of child and adult development that is influenced by an interaction between biology and the environment is career and academic performance. Intelligence is one of the strongest determinants for long-term success but it’s not the only one. A 2012 study by Tucker-Drob and Harden shows that genetics is a driving force in academic success but there is a correlational discrepancy in the heritability of cognitive abilities amongst twins of different socio-economic status. One explanation for this correlation suggests that environmental factors like family attitudes toward education, can shape important non-cognitive traits such as motivation (Tucker and Harden 2012). For example, in the child stimulation, Elena’s academic performance was consistently average until her uncle, who is a biology teacher, catalyzed a new interest in science through regular visits to a science museum. After this, Elena began to excel in higher-level science courses which ultimately led to her pursuit of a scientific career. Reflecting on the adult simulation: my avatar struggled in his first few months of college despite excelling in high school due to financial responsibilities and family expectations. Eventually, he decided to move back in with his parents to save money and pursue his passion in the social sciences. After these environmental pressures were relieved he began performing well again. In summary, career and academic success are significantly influenced by inherited intelligence, but the expression of that genotype is shaped by opportunities presented in the environment.

Similarities between my real-life experiences and that of the adult simulation include unexpected non-normative life events like family turmoil and enduring personality characteristics. These similarities are categorically built into the simulation design but there are still many limitations that can account for certain differences between the two experiences. For example, my avatar grew up in an American middle-class cultural setting where there is more focus on individuality, privacy, and loose religious affiliation. In contrast, I grew up in a Latino immigrant household where family, religion, and group solidarity play a central role. If my avatar grew up in a cultural setting more consistent with mine, he may have developed stronger moral values and more intimate social bonds within his family and the broader community. Instead, my avatar spent most of his life focusing on his individual career and his nuclear family; friends and extended family were mainly peripheral concerns. Another difference worth noting is social-economic status. As the child of a first-generation immigrant, I have experienced a wide range of lifestyles across the socio-economic ladder; unlike my avatar who maintained a middle-class status. Overall, the accuracy of my virtual experience was limited by the simulation’s fixed demographics.

After completing both simulations, I feel like I understand the developmental relationship between biology and the environment more accurately. For example, I used to believe that personality was flexible and socially driven but now I realize that people are genetically predisposed to a specific temperament that remains relatively stable across time. This kind of information gave me insight into certain aspects of my family; like the noticeable personality difference between my siblings and me despite growing up in the same environment. Speaking more broadly, I have gained a better understanding of the implicit and external forces that govern people's experiences. As a result, I am more patient with people who are generally more difficult because I understand realistically how much is within their developmental capacity. Most of all, I look forward to using the knowledge I have acquired from this experience to raise real children of my own that can grow up to be as healthy, happy, and successful as the simulations.

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My Virtual Life Emerging Adulthood: Critical Reflection Essay. (2023, August 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from
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