National Debt essays

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2 Pages 804 Words
Many Americans feel threatened due to questionable job security brought on by economic issues and steadily building national debt. We have all heard the outrageous statistics of unemployment and the never ending battle of who is responsible for this in the first place. While some factors may play a major role in the reasons behind layoffs and vanishing positions, there...
1 Page 495 Words
We used to compare the Philippines, for instance, to an “oriental pearl”, coveted by colonists due to its rich resource, lush nature, and industrious people. Became a “caged dove”in time of Martial Law and fighting this we earned a title of “sick man of Asia” by early 1990 in Cory Aquino Administration. Then Fidel Ramos stepped in and re-branded the...
3 Pages 1281 Words
There is a very delicate balance that needs to be upheld in order to prevent the US economy from collapsing completely. The country’s massive debt is a possibly fatal factor that could offset the fragile balance and plunge the nation into chaos. We need change that will make the lives of US citizens better. I want to stop the United...
4 Pages 1707 Words
This paper will address the numerous causes and effects of the United States’ National Debt, both on the US citizen, the US government, and the world. Firstly, however, a parallel must be made. Beginning in 2008, the Eurozone member nation of Greece entered a crippling and tumultuous economic downturn that has crippled its government and caused panic among global financers....
1 Page 498 Words
Our National Debt problem is the result of irresponsible governing and four types of deficits. The first deficit is a leadership deficit. Presidents in current times have been incapable of dealing with the deficit. A big drawback to dealing with it is the politician’s fear of not getting reelection. Another deficit visible in our country’s governing is a savings deficit....
2 Pages 982 Words
The 2008-2009 Financial Crisis which is commonly known as the “housing-bubble” threw the United States but other international economies into a severe recession. The first crackle of this panic was the credit boom in mid-2007. This was all influenced based on the rapid growth in credit accompanied by unstrict standards and regulations. Following the credit boom was the meltdown of...
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