Navy Honour Courage Commitment Essay

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My name is Thais Queiroz Rezio, I am a dedicated wife of a Coast Guardsman and deeply proud to be associated with the nurses who serve veterans at the Palo Alto VA Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA. I am very excited about the privilege of seeking a commission in the United States Navy Reserve Nurse Corps. I am committed to providing those who serve our country with the highest level of care and helping them through their medical challenges is my way to give back and give thanks for their service. I am drawn to them and feel that helping them with exceptional care is a calling within me. I am confident that being trilingual, my personal and professional experiences, critical thinking skills, organization, and management skills will prove to be an asset to the United States Navy Reserve Nurse Corps. Additionally, I believe that my work ethic, charisma, and leadership skills will enhance the productivity of my organization and those who may serve under me.

For years I have had a strong desire to serve the country that adopted me. An inherent trait in human nature is to strive for greatness and do something to be proud of in life. Growing up in a third-world country, being an immigrant, getting into nursing school, and finally graduating from college has been a challenge and yet an adventure. Those experiences taught me how to be patient and resilient and made me understand that we should not take our blessings for granted. The blessing of being an American citizen has a wider meaning for me.

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Joining the Navy Nurse Corps will allow me to return some of what I have been blessed with. Serving as a Naval Nurse Officer for those who work so hard for our country would be my greatest honor. I believe that I have all the qualities of a Naval Officer and try to guide my life by the same Navy Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment. It would be an honor and privilege to serve my country as an Officer in the United States Navy. An inherent trait in human nature is to strive for greatness and do something greater than life. Choosing nursing as a career and the motivation for seeking a commission in the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps is rooted in that same innate characteristic. This may seem like an obvious statement, but the passion, courage, and challenge I value as a nurse are enrooted on this.

I have long desired to become a Registered Nurse and now am enjoying working in the healthcare field providing the best care to our veterans. I am a self-starter, able to complete tasks independently, and I work well with others. My fluency in English, Portuguese, and Spanish will be of great advantage in dealing with a diversity of patients, and my goals include ensuring that all patients receive the best care available to them. I know that my talents, skills, and dedication to the field will be assets to the United States Navy Reserve Nurse Corps as I work to make a difference in the lives of those who are assigned to me.

Nonetheless, I must confess that there is also part of me that wants to travel more and see more of the U.S. and other parts of the world. I like adventure, seeing new places, meeting new people, facing a challenge, and learning new skills. I believe that as a Navy nurse, I will be able to do these things. I sincerely desire a commission in the United States Naval Reserve. It would be my proudest moment.  

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Navy Honour Courage Commitment Essay. (2024, April 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from
“Navy Honour Courage Commitment Essay.” Edubirdie, 10 Apr. 2024,
Navy Honour Courage Commitment Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Jan. 2025].
Navy Honour Courage Commitment Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Apr 10 [cited 2025 Jan 9]. Available from:

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