Performance Enhancing Drugs essays

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2 Pages 1134 Words
Pass Long Response A performance-enhancing drug is one that is used largely by athletes to enhance their sporting performance and gain an overall advantage over their opponents in order to win their selected sport. Performance-enhancing drugs have been around for decades and has been an ongoing problem aware within the sports community today. Nowadays there are numerous performance-enhancing drugs that...
2 Pages 1057 Words
Some athletes in their careers may choose to use performance-enhancing drugs to gain an advantage or improvement in their performance due to the physiological adaptions made by their body as a result of taking performance-enhancing drugs. Athletes may take the opportunity or risk-taking drugs for various reasons, however, this often creates an unfair competitive advantage for that athlete therefore it...
1 Page 660 Words
Performance Enhancing Drugs History Performance-enhancing drugs have been used since the Greek Olympic games around 776-393 BC. Some forms of drugs that athletes would use included herbal mixes, wine potions, and hallucinogens (History of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports). According to a timeline Roman gladiators used stimulants and hallucinogens to prevent fatigue and injury (History of Performance Enhancing Drugs in...
5 Pages 2063 Words
Shouldn’t all athletes be able to compete on an even playing field? Most high school, college, and professional athletes participate in sports for the chance to put their abilities against those of their peers and to experience the gratification of competition that comes from playing to high standards. “A nationwide study of 12th-grade male students found that 6.6% had used...
5 Pages 2276 Words
Introduction It can be seen throughout the history of sports that there have always been ways of enhancing an athlete’s performance. Some ways may be natural, but the one that brings the most controversy is the use of performance-enhancing drugs. These performance enhancement drugs are used by primarily athletes and bodybuilders to increase their muscle size and strength as well...
3 Pages 1200 Words
Some athletes take a form of steroids, acknowledged as anabolic-androgenic steroids or just anabolic steroids, to enlarge their muscle mass and strength. The important anabolic steroid hormone produced by your body is testosterone. Testosterone has two most important outcomes on your body. Anabolic consequences promote muscle building. Androgenic consequences are responsible for male traits, such as facial hair and a...
1 Page 597 Words
The performance enhancing drugs are not a new thing for the world made for the 21 st century. It dates back to the ancient gladiators and Olympic athletes and Greek gladiators. They have been used to control or alter a person’s physical, and psychological functions. The performance enhancing drugs are used for different functions like quick recovery, enhanced concentration, and...
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