Personal Narrative about Vaccines: My Turn on Vaccines

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My turn on vaccines

Four years ago, I would have never seen myself as someone who would say no to vaccines. I was very pro-vaccine and even made everyone around me get their vaccines and even their boosters before they came to meet my son when he was born. Even though I was vaccinating I felt as though something just was not right, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Two months after my son Jace was born he started developing constant Upper Respiratory Infections that gave us frequent trips to the hospital. At nine months old my son needed his MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rotavirus) Shortly after he started developing a high fever that exceeded 105 degrees. When we called his pediatrician, she told us we needed to take him to the Emergency Room immediately as he started to have seizures on and off. While some will say this is a “rare” reaction to the vaccine it also caused a multitude of other issues. This is when I started to look deeper into vaccines and saw that rare was not so rare anymore. When my son was 18 months old I looked into actual peer reviews and the payouts in vaccine injury courts and the recordings were alarming and just really caught my eye

A pesticide common in the 1800s was called Paris Green. A green liquid because it was a combination of copper and arsenic or lead and arsenic. Some of the most toxic substances known to humankind. Polio outbreaks hit throughout the summer, only during pesticide spraying times. The Polio vaccine was originally created by a man named Jonas Salk in 1955 and was replaced by Bruce Sabin in 1960. A discussion was held in Chicago on May 26, 1960, critiquing the Polio vaccine. Two Doctors of the panels Dr. Ratner and Dr. Kleinman have been critics of Salk’s Polio vaccine since it was created. Professor Greenburg and Dr. Kleinman have been concerned with the evaluation of the Polio vaccine's effectiveness. Ratner notes that poliomyelitis reactions increased from 1957, 1958, and 1959 and substantial numbers occur by triples in the vaccinated community. The Cutter incident was a huge failure in the Polio vaccine. “Investigations revealed that the vaccine, manufactured by the California-based family firm of Cutter laboratories, had caused 40,000 cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and killing 10” (Fitzpatrick) With the becoming of the Polio vaccine we also had more advanced septic systems as well as applying simple hygiene practices. “In 2005, There was a case of Polio found in an unvaccinated child with a weakened system. It was found that the child had most likely caught the virus from a child in the community who had recently received the live oral vaccine a couple of months prior to leaving the country” (CDC).

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Did you know there are such things as “live virus vaccines”? These obviously contain live viruses. What does that really mean for us? They may be weakened, but they still come with inherent risks. Since they are alive, they can still replicate given the right environment and infect the vaccinated individual and/or “shed” to people around them for weeks after the vaccine is given. When we look at vaccines, we are generally told we need to get them without ever asking a single question. On December 9. 1983-January 13, 1984 there were 21 cases of measles that occurred in Sangamon County, Illinois. The outbreak involved 16 students who had all had their Measles vaccination after 15 months of age. The CDC states that even with a 100% vaccination rating it shows that transmission can occur in a school population. the MMR vaccine-compliant infection of other MMR vaccine-compliant cases – has been ignored by health agencies and the media. This data corroborates the possibility that, during the Disney measles outbreak the previously vaccinated (any of the 18% known to have become infected) may have become infected or already were shedding measles from a vaccine and transmitted measles to both the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated (Sayer). Natural measles provides lifelong immunity, is an excellent immune booster, and has been found to treat certain types of cancer. Vaccines can cause brain damage. Most people are completely unaware of this, but that is exactly how 'The Merck Manual,' the largest-selling medical textbook, defines an adverse reaction to a vaccine: 'Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain that occurs when a virus directly infects the brain or when a virus or something else triggers inflammation. Encephalitis can occur in the following ways: A virus directly infects the brain. A virus that caused an infection in the past becomes reactivated and directly damages the brain. A virus or vaccine triggers a reaction that makes the immune system attack brain tissue (an autoimmune reaction).'The Merck Manual further defines the symptoms of encephalitis: “Symptoms of encephalitis include fever, headache, personality changes or confusion, seizures, paralysis or numbness, sleepiness that can progress to coma and death.”

Being a mother, you only want what is best for your child and that includes not vaccinating. I have a few stories from mothers that I wanted to include in this essay as I feel they are important to hear. Noel Quade stated, my oldest son was 3 and his speech became alien gibberish after his MMR. My sweet little boy couldn't even say 'mama' anymore and his attitude was that of a demon spawn. I was beside myself. 'These things just happen sometimes' the Dr told us. It was horrible. Very few words were understandable when he used to speak just fine. Finally, the children's hospital allowed him to get speech therapy (10 YEARS we did!) On the list of things that could be a contributing factor were vaccines. It wasn't until years later when I was learning facts and truths about vaccines and their effects and effects that I learned what the MMR is notorious for doing to these kids. Looking back over the timeline- his speech changed within 48 hours of his MMR. He's 17 now and fine, thank God. It took ten years of rigorous speech therapy and oceans of tears. We're one of the lucky ones. Jessica Smith’s story is; My son went from being an above average very fluent speaker to practically a mute for 6 - 8 months after his 18-month shots. Then once he started talking again it was like he had to relearn so much of what he already knew, and he also had an extreme stutter. He's 15 now and it's taken years and years of speech therapy for him to learn techniques to help him not stutter as much or as badly. Thank God he's a very confident Young Man and hasn't let his stutter hold him back. Even the father had a pretty relevant story just like the others. Ray Finch said; Brandon was completely fine and hit all his milestones. At 15 months he got the MMR shot. Within 3 days he stopped talking and started walking on his toes. Has had complete meltdowns and frustrations since. He goes to a special school that has occupational therapy and speech therapy and I also pay for extra speech. He hasn't said a word in 4 1/2 years. Still wears diapers and doesn't play with other kids. It's a full-time job that costs a ton of money. It's a 24-hour struggle with no cure in sight. There are so many more stories and these are from very dear close friends of mine. All these children have the same timeline of 15 to 18 months is when they regressed completely. Heather Nicole told her story that is all too familiar with many of the other parents’ recollections of their children getting Vaccinated. Heather said My son was fully vaccinated until it came time for kindergarten boosters. I had begun my research just before then and knew I wouldn't do it. He's had eczema since he was 3, just diagnosed with ADHD a couple weeks ago, and eval scheduled in February for Asperger’s (autism), he’s 6 and he also had to have speech, language, and occupational therapy at age 3. As I interviewed the last mother, she wanted to remain anonymous. This mother told me When Lorelai was little she was behind on her vaccines so the nurse convinced me to get her all caught up at once I agreed(not knowing she needed 9 to get caught up) so they gave her all 9 at once she was sick for weeks with a fever and she was very lethargic. After that we delayed vaccinations and refused the ones, we felt were unnecessary. This last interview is something that is so dear to me and something I can completely relate to with my own son after the vaccines. Mercedes Ruh states.” My son was vaccine injured before I had no idea about any of this. I wasn’t the mom to do research on what was exactly being injected into my children. On Friday night my son was sitting in the hallway by our bedroom door. We see him trying to cry but couldn’t. My husband blew in his face to try and get him to cry but it didn’t work. The next thing I see is his face blue. I grabbed him flipped him upside down ns patted his back the first time it didn’t work so I did it again but twice as harder and finally got him to breathe again but with very little breathing. I called the ambulance they came over and checked his vitals and everything it was all okay, so we didn’t take him to the hospital. This all took place at 9 pm, 10 minutes before had happened we were going to lay him down for bed and that could have resulted in SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) We are so glad we decided not to put him down and so glad that he was in our sights. We started detox baths, and organic foods and got him probiotics. We even purchased the Owlet monitor to monitor our kids will never be vaccinated again.

These are the exact words taken from personal interviews with parents that once vaccinated. In most cases parents will vaccinate until something happens to their children but why is this not being looked at closer by the CDC? The truth is there is plenty of information out there to help you see both sides on the stance of vaccines. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says, “As a nation, we can no longer pretend our trusted agencies are protecting our children. It is time to hold federal agencies accountable”. In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the FDA has admitted for the first time, that government agencies, including the CDC, are recommending vaccines for pregnant women that have neither been licensed for pregnant mothers by FDA nor tested for safety in clinical trials. The lawsuit, filed by Children’s Health Defense CHD) attorney, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on behalf of Informed Consent Action Network ICAN), a vaccine safety advocacy group, sought all clinical trial data used by FDA to approve influenza vaccines for pregnant women. The FDA’s terse reply: “We have no records responsive to your requests.” (CHD) I feel like all this information is important because none of these vaccines have actually been tested in over 30 years. JFK has been a very strong opponent in this movement of speaking on behalf of mothers, fathers, and all the others out there struggling to make the choice to vaccinate. I wanted to put personal stories as they seem relevant to the subject and give a better insight into that vaccines' adverse reactions and injuries are not just a “rare” occurrence. I would hope that more parents would look into vaccines more whether they are for or against.

Work Cited

    1. Children’s Health Defense, Accessed December 12, 2019.
    2. CDC – National Center For Health Statistics, - Vaccines and Preventable Diseases, November 28, 2019.
    3. Fitzpatrick, Michael. “The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to a Growing Vaccine Crisis.” Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine vol. 99,3 (2006): 156.
    4. Finch, Ray. Personal interview, 12 December 2019
    5. Greenlee, E. John, MD, University of Utah School of Medicine, Merck Manual,,-spinal-cord,-and-nerve-disorders/brain-infections/encephalitis?fbclid=IwAR3ULlLGIku-SHbiEQOnAoJyPt9s2uYyA8t-UHjhsGik3PsCRL3h4N7YXWA
    6. Informed Consent Action Network vs. United States Department of Health and Human Services, Case # 1:18-cv-03215-JMF Document 18, 2018, Mandate for safer childhood vaccines,
    7. Ji, Sayer., October 26th, 2018
    8. Nicole, Heather. Personal interview, 12 December 2019
    9. Quade, Noelle, personal interview, 12 December 2019
    10. Ruh, Mercedes. Personal interview, 10 December 2019
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