Reading Books Vs. Listening To Music As Hobbies

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All people love to do things that can help them to forget their frustations or stress. Hobby will always be part of our everday life, because it gives us pleasure and fun when we get bored or when we are in time of waiting. As we always have spare time everyday , hobby can be done on that particular time, as long as you enjoy and have fun.

In our essay today, we will tackle the similarities and contrast of the two hobbies that many people love to do in their spare time. Most popular hobbies that many people are doing are reading books and listening to music. What are the similarities of these two and what are the difference of these two to each other? Listening to music and reading books are both enjoyable but both of them have difference in other ways. First we will talk about the difference of these two hobbies.

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Listening to music can brings happiness , excitement, and joy to a person, especially when he wants to release his stress and frustations on a particular time. Ther’s is no doubt that most of people are love to do this hobby and most of us cannot live without it. This hobby is very good to do anywhere and anytime . This can also be used if you also wants to relax in your spare time. For example, if you are waiting for someone and it takes a long time to wait, you can listen to music for you not to feel frustrated and stress. If you are listening to a music that you love and enjoy, it can helps you to decrease your stress, if your whole day at work or school are so stressful and you have time to rest, try to listen to a music that you love and sing along then you will feel relaxed. As this hobby can decrease stress, it can also reduce the isgns of depression to other people, even this hobby for us is very simple but it can helps other people to be saved from depression. Hobby of listening to music can also provides you a positive mood while you are driving a car. Meaning your hobby in listening to music can also helps you to be positive in mood, have a good vibes, helps you to relax and it can also be your theraphy whenever you have stressful day.

Another popular hobby that most of us are doing when we have time is reading a book. Most of us wants to read a book especially when we love the context of the book. This hobby can helps us to waste our spare time but it also helps us to be make it fruitful. Reading books can also be done anywhere. Most of us unnoticed that reading books is not only helping you not to be bored but it also helps you to be more smarter, because you never know that while you are reading a book it increases your vocabulary. Meaning it is not only beneficial for you to not to waste you spare time but is is also beneficial to your memory. This hobby is also encourages us to relax , calm our mind and teach us to concentrate on one thing. If your goal is to make your spare time to be fruitful only by reading a book, it’s a good news for you that this hobby is so beneficial in some part of your life even you do it for a short time.

Now, here’s the similarity of these two hobbies. Listening to music and reading a book can be use for our entertainment. Both of them helps us to be in good mood. They are also have the similarity in encouraging to relax and calm our mind. These two have the ability to reduce our stress, frustrations, bad mood and pressure in our daily life. No matter what age we have or what interest we have, if we are still having a hobby like these two we can always have an endless entertainment everyday. Listening to music and reading books can make yourself amuse and helps you wonder your mind with new ideas from these two good hobbies, just to forget your frustrations. The similar ideas of these two hobbies is for you to feel stress- free and make your spare time fruitful.

These two are very enjoyable and worth it to do. We can enjoy reading or listening to music, especially if we love want we are listening and reading. No matter where we are and how long your spare time is, the most important is you look for something for you not to waste it. Without a hobbies like these two, we will feel bored , stress , frustrated , pressured and always in a bad mood when we are in a time of waiting for someone or something. As these two are enjoyable to do, both of them also brings fun to those who feel overwhelmed at work or at school. So hobbies can be our outlet to release our stress. Having a hobby helping us to have a break from a stressful day. If you feel exhausted from your daily activity, take a break and make your mind relax by doing your favorite hobby. While you are enjoying doing either listening music or reading books , you are also making yourself more productive. Just enjoy what your doing and you are also letting yourself enjoy your time of waiting for something. It will helps you to be focus on what is fruitful than to focus on what can make you stress. Remember , as your goal is to use your waiting or spare time in a worthy activities, so just enjoy it. It is your choice whether you love more to listen to a music or it is more productive for your to read a book. Just let your hobby make you relax and give you joy and happiness.

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Reading Books Vs. Listening To Music As Hobbies. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Reading Books Vs. Listening To Music As Hobbies.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
Reading Books Vs. Listening To Music As Hobbies. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Reading Books Vs. Listening To Music As Hobbies [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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