Reflective Essay on Recent Film Related with Mythology: Depiction of Famous Epics Ramayana and Mahabharata

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Evolution – then

India is the country of the origin of the word –the famous epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. There are a lot of films that are based on Mahabharata and Ramayana.

Some examples are:

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Hum Saath Saath Hai

Hum Saath Saath Hai is based on story line of Ramayana . In the movie, one hero was the son from his dad’s first wife and the other two were real brothers.They love each other and even die for each other. But it followed the Ramayana path and outsiders influenced the mother which led to the eldest son leaving the family with his wife and going to a remote villa and the youngest son accompanied him. It is similar to the Ramayana in which Ram would leave the family with his wife and his brother for 14 years. The characters of this film are related to the various characters of Ramayana like Salman Khan as Bharat, Saif Ali Khan as Lakshman, Alok Nath as Dashrath, and Mohnish Behl as Ram.


Rajneeti is based on the storyline of Mahabharata. They described this movie as a political thriller film but the characters of this movie are similar to the characters of Mahabharata like Ajay Devgan as Karna, Nana Patekar as Krishna, and Ranbir Kapoor as Arjun, and Ranbir Kapoor’s mother as Kunti. It is the story of brothers fighting for a throne. There are some similarities in the plot line.

  1. Nana Patekar’s speech inspires Ranbir Kapoor to kill Ajay Devgun. Similar to Krishna sermonize Arjun to Kill Karna.
  2. Ajay Devgan is born pre-marriage to a different father to Ranbir Kapoor’s mother. Similar to Karna is born to Kunti pre-marriage due to infighting a charm to Surya dev.

There were many more clues that give us a hint of the Mahabharata concept. But one of the best was that all the evil doldrums were organized only for the chair of politics . This give us the same feel of Mahabharata, in which the whole fight was for the ' Hastinapur '.


Raavan is based on the storyline of Ramayana. It is the modernized version of the Ashokavanam episode and the Lanka war. There are some characters that are similar to Ramayana’s characters. Like Aishwariya Rai as modern Sita and Prithviraj as Rama. The leading man of this movie is a restless ruthless person, it is almost like 10 heads man like Raavan. There are scenes in which the villain takes heroin into the forest. It is similar as Ramayana.


The Bahubali series is based on the stories of Mahabharata and Ramayana. Bahubali 1’s story is similar to Mahabharata's. In the movie two brothers are fighting for the kingdom,one brother(Bhallaldeva) is cruel and his father is disabled. These characters are similar to Duryodhana and his father Dhritarashtra. Kattapa’s role is as same as Bhisma's. Bahubali 2’s story line is similar with Ramayana. In Bahubali2 Bhallaldeva took Devasena to his palace. It is similar to the Ramayana. Bahubali 2’s characters are similar to Ramayana’s characters like Devasena as Sita, Bhallaladeva as Ravanasura, Bahubali as Rama and Kattappa as Hanuman. In the movie, Baahaubali taking the help of the villagers to face mighty Bhallaladeva resembles Rama taking the help of vanaras in reaching Lanka. Baahubali and Devasena being expelled from Mahishmathi resemble Rama and Seetha being expelled from Ayodhya for 14 years.

In earlier times the films were scripted according to the epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana but in recent times the films have a genre of Mahabharata or Ramayana but not entirely based on them. It is a modernized version of mythological films.

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Reflective Essay on Recent Film Related with Mythology: Depiction of Famous Epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Reflective Essay on Recent Film Related with Mythology: Depiction of Famous Epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.” Edubirdie, 27 Sept. 2022,
Reflective Essay on Recent Film Related with Mythology: Depiction of Famous Epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
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