Review of the Movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’

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John Forbes Nash, Jr. Is a genius when it comes to math, he was especially amazing early in his life but eventually his mental health caught up. He invents an amazing discovery early in his career and that stood up internationally. Nash was an arrogant and handsome man. Later, Nash found himself with pain and misery with his mental health. After many years of struggle, he eventually won over his pain. Finally, late in life he received the Nobel Prize. ‘A Beautiful Mind’ was released in 2001. The story takes place in Princeton University. This movie is directed by Ron Howard and it beautifully represents the life of Nash.

At Princeton University, John Nash struggles with mathematics. After working hard, he at last makes an amazing breakthrough that will eventually make him win the Nobel Prize. After graduating from his school, he becomes a teacher. While teaching he gets romantically involved with one of his students Alicia. The government asks for his help with breaking Soviet codes, which soon gets him involved in his mental illness. Nash gets more and more paranoid until he discovers something that shocked the world. As he goes through all this Alicia is the only person that will be able to help him recover through his mental illness. And she will be able to help him regain his status as the mathematician that the world knows.

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In this movie, it showed how one thing can literally change everything in your life. While watching this film I realized how important our mental health is, that we need to have our mind fresh to be able to stay healthy. I saw how his personality was leading him into his madness. While watching this movie I felt that it is not easy to get through all of this. When you have earned so much, and you suddenly lose it. It is just so tough to get through that.

Mental illness is a mystery around the world, even though it affects so many people. Watching this movie, it helps people realize what a person who is suffering from mental illness goes through daily. The movie shows how the community accepted Nash for many years while fighting his struggles. This film is created to show the society that we should not be prejudiced and also this movie teaches us many lessons one of them is never lose hope.

In my conclusion, Nash’s hard work and discoveries made him win his recognition and respect. He had a brilliant career in the mathematics profession. He traveled, lectured, taught and met the most famous mathematicians of his time. This movie is really inspiring. I recommend this movie because this movie teaches you the importance of what we have and what we can do with it. It teaches us how we can be successful in our lives if we never lose hope and always keep trying, that will make us stronger and we will be able to get respect and reach our goals.

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Review of the Movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’. (2023, January 31). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Review of the Movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’.” Edubirdie, 31 Jan. 2023,
Review of the Movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Review of the Movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’ [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Jan 31 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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