Safe Driving: Persuasive Speech

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Aggressive or violent behavior stemming from a driver’s uncontrolled anger at the actions of another driver. This behavior is portrayed in sudden acceleration and braking, deliberate blocking or preventing someone from merging into a lane, excessive hooting, unnecessary flashing of car lights, and yelling of blasphemous profanities. I have not yet mentioned the agitation or trauma that the other driver or passengers may feel when the incident occurs or after it. All these behaviors are associated with road rage. This rage may lead to the aggressive driver physically assaulting the other driver. In the rage state the driver may lose all sight of safety and cause an accident.

I recently saw an example of this behavior while watching a video. The screaming of a child was evidently heard in the video, and by the sound of it the child was shaken up by what was happening, yet the man continued to bang on windows and act in a rage state. I am disheartened and despondent at how this man consciously ignores the child’s pleading scream for civility. In this scenario he portrays selfishness, and seems to have forgotten that this world belongs not only to him, but to everyone. This incident was impactful, and helped me realize that our conscience is the measure or the honesty of our selfishness. Therefore, we should listen to it carefully. This is something this man fails to do.

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Do not think that this video is of an incident that occurred years back and may be disregarded. This took place at the end of November last year (2018). In the same year, there were incidents of violence in taxis which led to the Taxi Association hiring private security guards to escort its members. They were a result of road rage, and disagreements amongst the taxi drivers. This resulted in several deaths and injuries of both Taxi Association members and passengers.

I know for a fact that I do not want to live in fear that someday I may be injured or even killed in a road rage incident that could have been avoided. Even going on about my life knowing that when going home I may not use the R61 route between Mthatha and Libode because somehow you may end up being part of the taxi violence that you would have preferred not to be associated with. During these violent times I was prohibited from taking a taxi, therefore somehow people’s freedom of movement was violated may I say.

In continuing, I would like to advice you, as the future drivers, that when you do start driving or drive with your parents get into the car and drive thinking about the mothers that lost their sons, and the wives that lost their husbands. If you don't have a son or husband to think about, think about yourself. Is it worth losing a license over not allowing someone into the lane? Are you prepared to receive a lawsuit or spend a night in jail, because you were unable to keep your profanities to yourself?

So, in conclusion I would like to advise everyone not to be quick to correct the mistakes of others when on the road. Yes, anticipation is key when on the road, but you may not be the judge of their actions. If need be, adjust driving style. Do not drive fatigued. Find methods to regain your composure if you have a shortish temper, and while driving think of Master drive’s slogan - ‘Drive nice it is contagious’. Lastly, when in the car remember that the life of other drivers and passengers is in your hands, and keep in mind that a driver’s license is a privilege that could be taken away at any time.

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Safe Driving: Persuasive Speech. (2023, September 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from
“Safe Driving: Persuasive Speech.” Edubirdie, 08 Sept. 2023,
Safe Driving: Persuasive Speech. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 Jan. 2025].
Safe Driving: Persuasive Speech [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Sept 08 [cited 2025 Jan 11]. Available from:

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