Compare and Contrast Essay: Driving in the Winter and Driving in the Summer

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Imagine being perfectly happy and energetic, then moments later breaking down and leaving class after receiving the news that a person that means so much was in a car accident and you have no way of contacting them or even knowing whether they are alright or not. I’ve experienced this kind of traumatic event firsthand.

I’m aware of how dangerous and scary cars can be from my own personal experiences.

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Last winter my significant other was in a car wreck that left one man with a broken sternum. Being in High School with young, inexperienced drivers that are given the responsibility of driving themselves along with multiple other people is full of risk on its own. Add to the inexperience of teen drivers and the slick winter weather, and the chance of an accident increases significantly.

The day started out ordinary Aaron and I would meet up in the cafeteria like any other morning to talk to our friends until the bell rang and we’d have to be separated. I had already known he wasn’t able to stay at school for much longer because he and the rest of the Reeths-Puffer High School Madrigals went caroling around town like they do every year so for most of the day he was out caroling while I was in school. I felt a bit lonely because Aaron wasn’t there to help me destress after my difficult classes.

Now it came to be the fifth hour, I hadn’t spoken to Aaron since the morning so I had no idea how everything was going. I wasn’t worried at all because he had done it the previous year. It was Friday, so in keeping with his Friday ritual Mr. Knapp did his “Funny Friday” segment where he plays a funny video at the start of the hour. Everyone was cracking up at the video until Mr. Knapp started playing a different one based on what we were learning at that time. About the time class reached the midway point, my day took a turn for the worst. I began to get texts from people from different schools, asking me if I had heard what happened yet. I was oblivious to what a car accident had any concern for me. One text that still remains hauntingly vivid was “Emileigh, call Aaron now!”. After getting about a dozen other messages to “text Aaron” and “call Aaron” I began to not so subtly spin into a panic. Although I got multiple texts I still wasn’t told what had happened yet. A friend of mine that was in the class with me got a text from her mother to tell her that there was an accident. She quickly looked back at me with the same panicked face plastered in front of me almost like I was looking into a mirror. She told me that one of the cars the Madrigals were in was hit as they were making a left turn into the Central Elementary School parking lot. At that moment the texts I was receiving began to make sense to me. The echo of my ringing phone filled my ears. It was a call from one of my friends that was directly behind the wreck. Although I had felt numb in fear from head to toe unsure if Aaron survived. Later we were informed over the announcements that everyone was alright and few people were left with a minor injury, luckily Aaron wasn't injured at all. Knowing that he was alright was. The worst injury was one of the guys whose side was hit, Josh walked away with a broken sternum and bloody face. After a few hours in the Emergency room, everyone was released.

Driving in inconsistent weather conditions as a new independent driver is dangerous. After all of that happening and worrying that he had lost his life, I quickly learned that it’s so easy to forget what is important to us. We never imagine losing what or who is most valuable to us so suddenly.

That is why it is important to know the secrets and dangers of winter and summer driving.

Summer driving

Driving under high temperatures is a great stress to the driver and his companions because of stress and sweating. But it does not stop there; summer driving may involve far greater risks, such as the explosion of a fuel tank. German experts offer golden tips to avoid these risks and enjoy safe summer leadership.

Fuel tank explosion

High temperatures cause fuel to expand inside the fuel tank, which means that 50 liters of fuel are extended by an extra liter. Konstantin Hack, an expert at the European Automobile Club (ACE), warned that the fuel could leak in this case through the fuel tank hole, which in the worst case could ignite. To avoid this risk, the fuel tank should not be fully filled.

Loss of focus:

On hot days, the driver's concentration is less noticeable; heat pressure raises the heart rate and leads to excessive sweating. This may affect driving behavior; it can become more aggressive under pressure, which is one of the causes of accidents, according to data from the Road Safety Board (DVR). In this regard, the indicators indicate that the rate of car accidents increases by up to 22% after temperatures exceeded 30 degrees Celsius. Here the weather in the car should be equated with the use of air conditioning and occasional breaks.

Stop and its risks:

When stopping to take a rest, children and animals should not be left in the car; standing for a few minutes under the scorching sun is enough to raise the temperature inside the car to 70 degrees Celsius. The European Automobile Club is advised to call the police or rescue service if people who are stuck in a car are seen in such circumstances.

Road bumps

High temperatures cause damage and bumps on the road floor, which can pose serious risks, especially for motorcyclists. It is recommended to look at the road floor when driving in a very hot environment.

Aromatherapy Spray:

Sprays help to remove the smell of sweat and unpleasant odors, but they may cause many risks when taking the car; German expert Haeck warned that the potential to expand the mixture inside these packages, which could lead to the explosion and ignite the gas in them.


Brakes are more likely than other car parts during summer driving and high heat times, as the brake pads continue to rub with the internal disc. If the brakes are not excellent and originally qualities designed to withstand the maximum temperature, they will not work properly and perform correctly designed at such times. The higher the heat of the road, the more difficult the movement of the vehicle, especially the attempt to reduce the speed of the car by pressing the brakes. The brake pedal must be inspected and its ability to resist friction, in addition to ensuring the safety of the pedal position and not increase or decrease abnormally. Check the integrity of safety brake indicators and their operation, and be careful to hear strange sounds from the four tires such as squeak and friction high.

Winter driving

Don’t Distract with Sceneries

You don’t get distracted in any case by the beautiful nature. You need to keep your focus on the road. If you like something to see, stop your vehicle in some safe place to do so and enjoy nature or take pictures. In some places, you are not finding safe places to park your vehicle, so you may want to switch drivers and enjoy the same route again.

Corner on the mountains

Most accident happens due to the indiscipline behavior of the driver. So always stay in your lane. If you can’t see any coming car, assume that is an oncoming car. Use the horn as you turn the corner to let other drivers know you are coming. You need to be focused on the road when it turns into the mountains.

Uphill to downhill

During driving downhill, don’t use extra energy or speed. Use the same speed and change gears from upper to lower to drive downhill as you did uphill. Gravity will help you to keep the car slowed down from the hills. Always connect with the lower gear.

Keep fuel

In the hilly areas, most of the petrol pumps closed with dark sky. In most of the hilly areas, no petrol pump is present. So keep eye on fuel gauges and don’t bring yourself in trouble. Fill the full fuel and enjoy the hilly trip.

Remember road sign

Most drivers underestimate the road sign and this is the most dangerous thing. In hilly areas, the road sign provides you with good communication for safe driving. So, be sure to observe the road sign and keep the presence of mind to react accordingly because as I said they are very useful to us for happy and safe driving.

Do it in icey and wet areas

Icey and wet roads are also very difficult roads at the time of hill station trips. Don’t ever let the engine in low revs. On icy roads, keep your car in high gear because the wheels spin fast. It will be a big mistake if you keep your car in a lower gear. Before going for the night trip in lower temperature areas, don’t forget to start the engine for ten minutes.

Don’t Drink and Drive

It is very necessary also for plain roads. The drink will affect the driving of every trained person. So, don’t be over-confident to drive in a hill station with a dead drink. As a good citizen, it will be advisable to avoid drinking during and before driving.

Carry food and medicines

The most important thing during the long drive is hunger and you don’t find any stall or shop at the roadside easily. So, always carry food during the hill station trips. The second most important thing after food is medicine. Although medicine is not required without any addressing. But for safety, it is also the most important thing to carry during driving to hill areas.

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Compare and Contrast Essay: Driving in the Winter and Driving in the Summer. (2023, July 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from
“Compare and Contrast Essay: Driving in the Winter and Driving in the Summer.” Edubirdie, 20 Jul. 2023,
Compare and Contrast Essay: Driving in the Winter and Driving in the Summer. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 Sept. 2024].
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