School Uniform: 5 Paragraph Essay

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Stacy L. Gregory student of University of Arkansas, Fayetteville(2013) revealed that School Unuform dont play big role on academic performance,teachers play bigger one.In Gregory University of Arkansas Stacy L. indicate that the school uniform has little to do with the child’s academic performance. pupils believe that teachers play a big role on the child’s academic performance. This study shows that wearing a school uniform does not contribute to the academic performance of students. However, when a mandatory uniform policy is in place, the learning environment is enhanced because fewer instances of joning and fighting over jealousy will occur.

Another author of educational Policy-Yeung Ryan(2009) predic that the results do not suggest any significant association between school uniform policies and achievement. Although the results do not definitely support or reject either side of the uniform argument, they do strongly intimate that uniforms are not the solution to all of American education’s ills.” The attribution theory suggests that low-achieving students attribute failure to low ability (Snowman & Bieler, 2000). These students predict a life of failure rather than a life of success. William Glasser, author of Control Theory in the Classroom (1986) and The Quality School (1990), argues that for children to succeed at life in general, they must first experience success in school. If they do not, their self-worth will suffer. This results in the depression of their motivation to achieve on subsequent classroom tasks (Snowman & Bieler, 2000). Therefore, it is imperative for students to experience success as they learn.

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Research suggests that school uniforms may promote a sense of belonging in the school climate (VanMater, 2005). Sixty-one percent of students in the LBUSD believed that uniforms made them feel part of a school (Stanley, 1996). When students wear less competitive clothing, peer pressure among students is minimized (VanMater, 2005). Students are able to spend less time worrying about what to wear or how they look and more time on academics (Daugherty, 2002; Stanley, 1996).

Padgett (1998) conducted a survey to determine whether or not teachers at a central Georgia elementary school believed that a strict dress code or a student uniform policy was needed to improve student behavior. He found a positive correlation between the uniform policy and academic performance. The results of his research indicate that teachers believe that students would behave better and work harder on academics if they are dressed professionally. Similar results were reported in the LBUSD school district. More than 78% of the administrators surveyed noticed an increase in work ethics. Similarly, 81.7% of parents surveyed believed that uniforms reminded children that they are going to school to learn (Stanley, 1996).

The teachers also stated that as students and non-students may not be distinguished, security problems may emerge and that free dress code may give rise to discipline problems. The literature contains studies that support these findings (Brunsma, 2002; Cohn, 1996; Hughes, 2006; Pate, 2006). The positive responses delivered by the teachers in regard to free dress code in schools mostly involve freedom and comfort to be offered by free dress.

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School Uniform: 5 Paragraph Essay. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“School Uniform: 5 Paragraph Essay.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
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School Uniform: 5 Paragraph Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from:

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