Serial Killer Research Papers

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1 Page 514 Words
While research suggests that psychological factors may provide the necessary prerequisites for psychopathic tendencies, social factors, such as family life and upbringing, are also essential contributors to shaping the minds of disturbed individuals. According to Hestie Barnard Gerber, psychological abuse from parents, such as excessive humiliation and discipline, works to desensitize children, causing them to “grow up devoid of empathy...
5 Pages 2128 Words
Introduction to Serial Killers and Mental Illness Throughout the years, mental illness and the crimes, more specifically the methodology, of serial killers have often gone hand in hand with one another. There are various speculations that the people who do have a mental illness, such as schizophrenia and antisocial personality disorder, are more prone to committing moral atrocities. While this...
2 Pages 990 Words
In addition to the early traumatization in a serial killer’s childhood, the secluded social conditions of a serial killer acts as an accomplice to their violent and sadistic fantasies that inevitably direct them to kill. Many serial killers face isolation in their youth which oftentimes they turn to fantasies involving violence and sex. As many serial killers are isolated or...
6 Pages 2804 Words
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Have you ever stopped to think about what makes serial killers who they are? Do you ever wonder why they behave the way they do? Are they born or made that way? All of these questions frequently go unanswered due to the fact that there’s no logical scientific reasoning behind them. Numerous people around the world have their theories on...
6 Pages 2656 Words
A serial killing, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), is a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone. While there may be variations in the definition of serial killing, one must not forget how serial killers have been referenced in popular culture. Since the 1970s, with...
2 Pages 815 Words
The term serial killer refers to a sole offender, male or female, responsible for a succession of murders over a matter of months or years, and frequently in different settings. In modern society there is a growing fascination with the ‘serial killer’. Public libraries, the media and book sales are filled with ‘true crime’, this category particularly committed to the...
2 Pages 967 Words
Drilling a hole into the top of a man’s skull which he would pour sulphuric acid in (How Serial Killers are born). This process was acted out to make his victim brain dead: almost zombie-like. The victim would typically be dead within the day. Once the victim died, the murderer would dismember the body, disposing of the victim’s parts into...
2 Pages 865 Words
In most American cities the late 60ś to early 70ś was a time of peace and tranquility, but for the residents of the San Francisco Bay area, that time is forever stained red by the blood of the Zodiacś victims. From the late 1960’s to the early 1970’s a serial killer by the name of Zodiac terrorized California, with a...
1 Page 648 Words
The understanding of human behavior has been a subject of great importance for different natural and social disciplines such as, psychology, anthropology, sociology among others; this has allowed to the discovery of psychological and social factors that lead to the evaluation of different human behaviors, which has been of great help when it comes to labeling personality traits and conduct...
3 Pages 1440 Words
This research paper is an analysis of the internal and external human geography of serial killers. A serial killer is someone who is referred to as a person who commits murder several times with no real motive. Serial killers are rare but when they do strike the public and the criminal justice system are both affected. Serial murder can produce...
2 Pages 1038 Words
The thought of an individual doing something horrific once always weighs on one’s mind, but the thought of an individual doing something horrific multiple times and not being stopped creates terror and fear in the minds of the public. This is exemplified by serial killers, committing grotesque acts of murder repeatedly and not being caught or stopped. Why are there...
5 Pages 2131 Words
Throughout history, there has been a big discussion on what the definition of a serial killer is. The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines serial killing as “a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone” (United States, Congress, et., al). The FBI has also stated that the motives can...
1 Page 650 Words
The United States was the leading country in producing serial killers during the 1970s. One serial killer who evaded law enforcement for 40 years is Joseph James DeAngelo; by understanding his background and the impact he had on communities throughout, it is clear to see why he stands out among the many other famous serial killers. Studies show that the...
2 Pages 862 Words
I have read the book called, “The Stranger Beside Me” by Ann Rule. This book was her first published biographical true crime book about a person she knew by the name Ted Bundy. She knew him personally before and after the murders, he committed in the 1970s. This book was both difficult and heart-wrenching for her to write about. In...
2 Pages 821 Words
Introducing a new factor that is not really known, biological reasoning could be the main reason behind someone becoming a serial killer. Even though it is reiterated throughout life and things like religion and punishment, why would someone still kill multiple times? This is because this is how they were born and wired into life. Using the use of genetic...
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