Solar Energy: Pros And Cons

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The advantages and disadvantages of solar energy are numerous, and whilst this is probably amongst the most desirable of energy options in the world due to it being so green and economic in the long term. There are still many elements one needs to weigh up before making use of it

The aim of this post is to make you aware of all pluses and minuses involved in the erection of an effective solar array, to allow you to determine whether or not this is going to be the right route for you to go down.

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It's worth noting before we get started, that the majority of points here are entirely dependent on personal circumstances. If you're lucky, then it might just be that it's all 'pro' and no 'con' for you, in which case it'll be an easy decision for you to make.

First, we're going to weigh up the advantages of solar energy.

Usually, people would think of the renewability on offer when considering solar, as this is likely to be its most widely understood benefit.

But there's so much more to it than that, and as you read on, you'll discover that this energy source has many positive attributes. Most of which, people probably didn't even know about.

Whilst it's still true that the initial cost of outfitting your property with this technology is reasonably high, it has certainly reduced significantly. One of the huge pros of solar energy now lies in the amount of money that you can actually keep in the bank by using it.

This is thanks, at large, to the many government schemes out there that will see you being able to claim back as much as 30% of the total cost. This amounts to literally thousands of dollars on a large array.

In conjunction with this, diy installation kits for those that want to do it using their own expertise, or that of contractors in their network offer an incredibly viable alternative to purchasing solar from enormous corporate entities.

With everything factored in, it'll take roughly 7 years to start seeing your savings on a larger array.

This might sound bad, but when you consider that the most popular solar technology lasts for about 25 years. You've got a serious amount of money to save here versus traditional forms of energy.

Throw into the mix the fact that you have the option to install solar using a home diy kit should you feel that you're up to the task, and the load on your pocket really can be reasonably light.

When it comes to green energy, it'd be almost impossible to find a source greener than solar. That's because it's always available, or that is to say, it will be for as long as the sun remains in the sky. Which is basically forever.

This technology relies on photon rays from the sun being harnessed via solar cells and redistributed as usable energy throughout your chosen location. Photons will never stop being produced by the sun, therefore we will never stop having power provided we get it via solar cells.

Not only is it an 'always on' option, but it also leaves zero emissions in the ozone layer, meaning it isn't adding any negative to the harmful greenhouse gas atmosphere mix as many other types of energy do.

By opting for sun powered energy, you're not only helping to scale back environmental damage. You're also scaling back your financial outlay at the same time.

Another one of the benefits of solar energy is that you have so much choice about how you actually integrate and use it in your home or work place.

Whereas certain fossil fuel energy types can only be used for a very limited number of utilities or functions, solar can be adapted for use with almost anything.

Not only are its potential applications very numerous, but the means in which you can actually integrate a solar array are numerous too.

If you've got an enormous power demand and a huge building, you can opt for a large scale solar farm. On the other hand, if you've got a small personal residence and smaller requirements, then you have many options at your disposal.

These options include externally erected solar structures, roof mounted panels, wall mounted panels, or even thin film applications that can be woven seamlessly into window arrays and home decor.

Whatever your requirements and preferences are, you can make solar work for you in a way that simply isn't possible with other energy types.

Last but not least, another often overlooked facet when comparing the pros and cons of solar energy is that it's likely to add value to your home.

Not only are you making long term savings by installing a solar array, but you're probably also making a long term investment that may just add a few thousand dollars (or more) worth of value to your property.

If you're likely to be in the location for a considerable duration, then this is a huge factor to take into consideration.

Now it's time to consider the disadvantages of solar energy.

Realistically speaking, the negatives on display here are largely circumstantial. In itself, solar power could never be a negative thing, because its renewable nature makes it a 'no brain' option in the energy battle. But that's only if you can definitely access it.

Besides the initial costs associated with outfitting a location with solar, there are several other elements to take into consideration before making a choice about whether or not solar is going to be the best option to serve your needs.

With it taking an average of roughly 7 years before the average installation begins to pay for itself, this means that those looking to make quick savings are probably better off looking elsewhere for a way to reduce their bills.

One of the main benefits, also ends up being one of the cons of solar energy. Installing solar power needs to be something that you only do if you're satisfied that you won't be moving any time soon.

It's also worth noting that added property value only really means anything if you don't move shortly after installation, as the installation costs are unlikely to outweigh the added value to your home.

Even though DIY kits are available to help you bring down the overall outlay of using solar, they're also a very complex option. One that require a pretty large degree of technological knowhow and man power to bring to fruition.

This leaves many people who want to make use of this energy source at the mercy of large companies, and also, the elevated financial outlay that comes with them.

As previously mentioned, solar energy pros and cons largely relate to individual circumstances. And yours might mean that your only option is to use a company, if you happen to be in a state where diy installs aren't allowed.

Even if you go down the home install route, you'll still need a permit (which will cost several hundred dollars), and either the knowledge, or access to the knowledge (via a local contractor) to make your solar dreams come to life.

One of the widely overlooked areas when it comes to solar power pros and cons is the available government schemes and rebates.

Simply put, they aren't all available in all areas, and to all people.

If you're about to make a huge commitment to solar and you're banking on making use of one of these schemes to claim back up to 30% of the total cost, then make absolutely sure that you definitely qualify for them before taking the plunge.

As with almost any form of construction, you're going to need a permit in order to be able to bring your planned solar array to fruition.

Whether it's included as part of the cost when you use a large company, or you fund it yourself via a diy installation. You're going to need one to make it happen.

If you don't have a permit, then sadly, you don't have a solar array. Don't spend any money on anything until you're absolutely sure that you can actually build the solar array you need, and in the way you'd like to.

Despite and of your previous understanding of this subject, it's safe to say that you're now aware that the solar energy pros and cons are numerous, and it's important that they're fully weighed up before any final decision is made.

As mentioned previously too, solar itself is always wholly positive in nature. If you can access it in a way that works perfectly for you, then it's probably going to be the most perfect choice available for you to power your chosen building or installation with in turn.

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Solar Energy: Pros And Cons. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 12, 2025, from
“Solar Energy: Pros And Cons.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022,
Solar Energy: Pros And Cons. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 Jan. 2025].
Solar Energy: Pros And Cons [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 15 [cited 2025 Jan 12]. Available from:

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