Spanking essays

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5 Pages 2109 Words
Spanking is a widely practiced ritual in many countries; it is another way of 'disciplining' youngsters to behave appropriately. Because it is kept a secret which most people don't talk about, and children are expected to sit and watch their parents do anything 'behind closed doors'. This method of discipline (spanking) can sometimes lead to more serious cases of abuse....
3 Pages 1171 Words
Throughout today’s society, many people grew up with the occasional ‘spank’ as a way to show disapproval from their parents and for the child to ‘get the message’ and supposedly discontinue this behavior. This may be the way that children have been brought up for many generations but is now starting to show effects towards their adulthood. Although some may...
3 Pages 1345 Words
Sally Lieber, the California assemblywoman who proposed a ban on spanking last week, must be sorry she ever opened her mouth. Before Lieber could introduce her bill, a poll showed that only 23 percent of respondents supported it. Some pediatricians disparaged the idea of outlawing spanking, and her fellow politicians called her crazy. Anyone with the slightest libertarian streak seems...
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