Stock Market Essays

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5 Pages 2443 Words
In today’s world financial assets are very valuable. A financial asset can be described as a liquid asset that gets its value from ownership claim. Examples of financial assets, according to James Chen, include: cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and bank deposits (Chen). Imagine not having to work as hard but still being able to bring in a hefty annual...
CompanyStock MarketStudy
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2 Pages 1021 Words
There are wide-ranging effects on the economy when currency and stock markets move, whether on the domestic or global economy. The economic growth is significantly affected by market fluctuations resulting from technical factors such as inflation, deflation, demographics of investors and discount rates. Central banks consider exchange rates when it comes to monetary policy, controlling money supply for promoting economic...
CompanyStock MarketStudy
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1 Page 460 Words
Part of the objective of Securities and Exchange Board of India is to hold requirements for truthful and orderly markets. In order to help gain this goal, the Securities and Exchange Board of India regulates a range of stock market participants. These encompass the following: Stock Exchange An inventory alternate is an organized market that brings all the investors or...
CompanyStock MarketStudy
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2 Pages 827 Words
Introduction The Stock Market Crash of 1929 stands as a pivotal moment in economic history, marking the onset of the Great Depression. This catastrophic event not only decimated individual fortunes but also sent shockwaves across the global financial system. Understanding the causes and effects of this crash is crucial for economists, historians, and policymakers, as it provides valuable lessons about...
CompanyStock MarketStudy
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5 Pages 2135 Words
This paper aims to examine the effect of the spread of Covid-19 on the Egyptian companies trading in stock markets. The outcome of such an infectious disease is regarded as serious. It actually affected stock markets worldwide. Using an event study method, our results indicate that the stock markets in major affected countries and areas fell quickly after the spread...
CoronavirusStock Market
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3 Pages 1408 Words
The impact of a changing demographic structure on the price of financial assets, especially stock prices has been the subject of extensive research and discussion for some time (Quayes & Jamal, 2014). Data gathered from the U.S Census estimated there were 65 million US born baby boomers accounting for more than 20% of the US population in 2014 (Colby &...
CompanyStock MarketStudy
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1 Page 572 Words
Nelson Siegel and Nelson Siegel Svensson Model Yield Curve denotes the relationship between the yields of a zero coupon bonds and their respective time to maturity. Different estimation methods and mathematical models are used to formulate a yield curve. Parametric models such as Nelson-Siegel model and Nelson-Siegel-Svensson model are used widely to estimate a yield curve. Nelson Siegel Model Nelson...
like 432
1 Page 649 Words
The bond data used in this study were obtained from Bloomberg. They consist of weekly closing bid yields calculated from the bid prices of the last transaction quotes on each Friday between January 1986 and December 1990 for a sample of corporate bonds quoted in Bloomberg. They consist of weekly closing yield calculated from bid and ask prices of the...
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3 Pages 1517 Words
Bernard and Austin (2012) argue that traditional theorists believed that financial market in general has no correlation with economic growth, this proposition aroused studies on finding the effect of financial market on growth. Ample of studies have conducted on the traditionalists and established association between stock market and economic growth. In developing economy like Bangladesh and Nigeria, the development and...
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