Synesthesia essays

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5 Pages 2131 Words
Genius In our brains, there are connections made between the cerebral cortex. In normal brains, there is an equal split in the long and short connections inside our cerebral cortex. The short connections are related to our interests and our ability to do something that interests us, while the long connections relate to the capacity our brain has for things...
11 Pages 5103 Words
How can we make memory without memories? We are the sum of our memories and these memories represent who we are. However, the way people archive and remember the past contradict each other. Our brains are becoming increasingly reliant on digital devices to archive and remember life’s occurrences. Digital memory relies entirely on the fidelity of recorded images, but it...
5 Pages 2297 Words
The specific aims of this project are to: Developed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) protocols to demonstrate brain activity in adults diagnosed with synesthesia. Investigate the distribution and localization of brain activity following an auditory or visual (A&V) stimulus. Investigate the effects of hallucinogens on the A&V responses of the same subjects. Functional MR imaging of the brain can provide...
1 Page 703 Words
Did you know that there are syndromes that can cause you to think things are real when actually they are not? Dr. Ramachandran’s presentation in his ted talk video reviews three types of brain syndromes what they do to a person and research on what might help the people suffering from these illnesses. One is Capgras syndrome, two is phantom...
1 Page 553 Words
Growing up, I believed the common conception of what consciousness pertains to what is done with your thoughts and your mind depending on your body to analyze what is occurring in the world. However, when taking an in-depth examination of this specific topic, there is an immense amount of information and components to it. Consciousness is a familiar concept to...
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