The Amendment Process of the Indian Constitution

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We have our constitution which we also call as the highest authority of the land in India. It was proclaimed on 26 November 1949 and adopted on 26 January 1950. The Law should be a diverse document. It should be able to adapt itself to the dynamic desires of society. Generally below the influence of the most recent powerful socioeconomic forces, the pattern of the administration would require major adjustments. With this in mind, the draftsmen of the Indian Constitution inserted Article 368 of the Constitution that dealt with the amendment process. Pursuant to Article 368, the Indian Constitution will not be linked to as rigid or versatile, although its part is actually rigid and solely agile.

The establishment of fathers of the Indian constitution who granted a lot of leverage to entities, while not equalizing them with their responsibilities, may have failed to anticipate the emergence of a gifted political atmosphere, wherever the political actors of different segments throughout the country are very curious about the fulfillment of their internal aspirations rather than the aspirations of individuals. Throughout that critique, there's a partial truth. The truth is that the strength of the amendment process of the Indian Constitution is due to the one-party hegemony of the Center and also of the Government. Nevertheless, it can be seen from a closed review that there are already compelling instances that render the constitutional amendments crystal clear. Although some of the amendments was a natural product of the final evolution of the new ideology established under the Constitution in 1950, there have been several amendments which have led to serious difficulties. The primary change! Eventuated in 1950.

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The problem whether or not the basic rights were changed under Article 368 was posed by the Supreme Court in Shankari Prasad v. Union of India. This disputed the legitimacy of the first amendment to the Constitution. In this case, it was decided that a reform to the constitution should also be considered valid, even if it abridges or excludes no basic privileges. The same appeal was made to my esteemed Supreme Court in Sajjan Singh v. State of Rajasthan, which questioned the legality of the seventeenth amendment. In Golaknath v. State of the Geographical Region, the legality of the 1964 Constitution Act (17th Amendment) was further challenged, which inserted linked State Acts in the Ninth Schedule. In its landmark ruling, the Supreme Court overridden the choice made in the case of Shankari Prasads and Sajjan Singhs. This stipulates that, from the date of this call, the Parliament had no authority to amend basic of the Constitution, thus removing or shortening elementary privileges. Eleven judges engaged in this call, with a numerical partnership of six: five. The judges were disturbed concerning the many amendments created to foreshorten the elemental rights since 1950. It understood that if the courts were to carry that the Parliament had power to require away basic rights, a time would possibly return once these rights are fully scoured. The court applied the discursive system of Potential new Overruling and ordered that this call could only have a prospective process and that, therefore, the first, fourth and seventeenth changes could still be valid. This ensures that all cases settled before the Golaknaths case remain valid. In order to get rid of the problems created by the Golaknaths, Parliament passed the twenty-fourth amendment.

The process of reform has been introduced into the Constitution by the draftsmen of the Constitution to assist India in responding to changing situations. The society is not stagnant. It's always different. Thus the amending process was made part flexible so as to make it simple for the national assembly. Nevertheless, the Parliament has begun to think that it has unlimited power to change. It's been believed to be the supreme law when the Constitution was the highest law. Parliament has begun to create amendments that have destroyed the fundamental premise of the Constitution. Nevertheless, when the decision of Keshavnand Bharati and Minerva Mills to the Court, by virtue of its right of scrutiny, reduced the power of alteration of the Parliament.

But, looking at the benefits of the amendments, we can reckon on the whims and desires of the ruling government and even the political issues within politics of India, we strive not to be able to say how lengthy the liberties of the electors are safe and transparent.

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The Amendment Process of the Indian Constitution. (2022, September 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 2, 2025, from
“The Amendment Process of the Indian Constitution.” Edubirdie, 01 Sept. 2022,
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The Amendment Process of the Indian Constitution [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 01 [cited 2025 Feb 2]. Available from:

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